Anonymous ID: 282a4f July 28, 2019, 9:04 a.m. No.7229350   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9567

>>7228945 (lb)

>>7228856 (lb)

Ok Anons,

Can we call this what it (Aktually Was)


BACKFIRE HURRICANE - Not - CrossFire Hurricane




1) [David Ha'ivri] - Israeli

Consultant, Strategist, Speaker

  • Cozies up to PapD in Greece: Says, '"Let's do some biz. Come back to Israel with me."

→ Wut?

2) [Charles Tawil] - Mysteriously little "Public Footprint" = Standard Spycraft - Clean public bio.

  • Also cozies up to PapaD in Greece

→ Wikileaks reference to him here:


(excerpt of message)

  1. (C) Shaik told ConGen that Zuma recently received

information from intelligence sources outside South Africa of

a possible assassination plot, possibly through poisoning.

These undisclosed sources told Zuma that American citizens

(not connected with the U.S. Government) were involved. This

in part, coincides with another Embassy contact, Charles

Tawil (protect), who told our Economic Counselor on November

29 that Zuma had received information from the mother of the

King of Swaziland about CIA attempts to kill Zuma using

poisoned clothes from the FBI. Shaik revealed that Zuma, who

maintains contacts with foreign intelligence networks from

his time as head of ANC intelligence prior to 1994, shared

this information with the South African police, who told him

that they were also aware of the plot and the possible

involvement of Americans.

  • Note - Embassy connection

  • Note - FBI Mention related to assassination attempt of foreign Pol.

  • [Spooks] ran two guys at PapaD - Kinda 'Tag Team' I reckon.

  • Both appear to be [C_A/MOS].


3) Run at PapaD in Classic = [Spy Pay Off Entrapment]

Gave him $10,000 in Israel mtg.

He turned over to his lawyer.

[FBI] nabs PapaD at airport as soon as he returns USA.

→ How was it [FBI] was waiting to catch him with the $10 grand?


→ Keystone Cops = [BackFire Hurricane] - Spy Op on POTUS:

→ Backfiring = Boomerang

Anonymous ID: 282a4f July 28, 2019, 10 a.m. No.7229825   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9843



(West Coast) San Francisco & LA = [Feinstein] + [Pelosi] + [Schiff] + [Lieu] + [Waters] → Shanghai + Beijing + NK = [Asian Cabal]


(East Coast) Baltimore & New York = [Schumer] + [Cummings] + [Pelosi] (Connected both coasts) → [C_A] + [UK - SIS] + [Rome] + [MOS]


(North) Canada = [Trudeau] Queen's Cuck + [Bronfmans]


(South & Southwest) FL, TX, NM, AZ = [DWS] + [Bushes] + [Richardson] + [No Name] → [Sold Out to Everybody]


Had us boxed in.

Cleaning house.