Anonymous ID: 6c43d7 July 28, 2019, 9:02 a.m. No.7229329   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9339 >>9359 >>9386 >>9401 >>9444 >>9527 >>9573 >>9590 >>9623 >>9647 >>9728 >>9765 >>9781 >>9782

Notes below starts a little after 2:30min.


Devin Nunes on Maria Bartiromo: Who is Steven Schrage & what does he know?

Sunday July 28, 2019

(Schrage is pronounced "Shrae-gee")


MB: Why so important to mention Mifsud, Steven Schrage in Mueller hearing?


Nunes: Misfud at the heart to the investigation. He's the one who supposedly knew the Russians had Clinton emails and said so to PapaD. This is the excuse–the documented reason–why they opened the investigation on 7-31-16. But when did the FBI really start the investigation? That's what we're trying to figure out.


There was a Cambridge U event in early Julyorganized by Steven Schrage, who invited Carter Page, along with certain intel people. What does Schrage know about Steele dossier (etc)? Other Brits there were the ones who went public and said Genl Flynn had a Russian girlfriend (who along with Schrage, was never interviewed by the Mueller team). "Lots of qs and not many answers on Wed [hearing]."


MB asks more about Schrage. Nunes said he was involved in think tanks, has worked on past political campaigns (MB asked about Mitt Romney's campaign). "He could shed a lot of light."


MB: You've mentioned a lot of individuals…mostly intel aides from dif countries. Who coordinated all of that? Who was the mastermind behind the plan to insert Donald Trump into the Russian meddling story? [break, then:]


Nunes: In 2016, someone started setting up events to which all these people were invited. Somehow FBI uses PapaD to open the investigation and keep asking him about emails thru 2016. Downer also involved; claims he said nothing about emails. Who gave PapaD $10,000?


On Mueller report: "This is nothing more, nothing less, than a coverup."


MB: back to mastermind question:

Nunes: What we know for certain:

1 - Clinton campaign deeply involved in dossier

2 - FBI involved "to some degree" (but wouldn't answer House's questions)

3 - Cambridge team: Brits at these mtgs/events organized by Schrage; involved in Flynn take-down.

''" When did these all intersect?"''


MB: CIA or FBI coordinating?

Nunes: Has info from FBI but not CIA. But Brennan is the one who has questions to ask.


[next I'll post what we know about Schrage so far]