Anonymous ID: b4e533 July 28, 2019, 8:55 a.m. No.7229265   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I woke up this morning with a smile on my face knowing POTUS, Q, Patriots, white hats, /OUR military/ and first responders, and my brother and sister ANONS - with GOD leading us all-, are saving the world AND WINNING BIGLY!

So I got myself some covfefe , got comfy, and decided to see what I've missed in the world of news ( WE ARE THE NEWS NOW!) while i slept.

And to add to my JOY, I see a story in our notables about Epstein- his cellmate- the night of the "almost" suicide - how Epsteins new bff saved his life ( thank you cellmatefag for not allowing this demon to suicide . i might add that /our guys/ put these 2 together for a reason!)

Anywho, i get to the CELL CONDITIONS and i can't help but to LAUGH that this faggot Epstein is suffering the most ….. He is not used to this shit. Billionaire sick fuck was used to being treated like a KING. With ALL of his needs met on a daily basis. Comforts you and i could only deam of… And now rats give him kisses and nibble on him at night… I mean, TOP MOTHERFUCKIN KEK.

HOW DOES IT FEEL, ASSHOLE? Being kept captive, dirty bed sheets , foods not yummy, no outside time, bugs, roaches, being kept in cages…I say turn on the heat a wee bit moar! He's not suffering nearly as much as his victims did…

But he's scared to death. Literally..And that gives me great joy!


Have a great day my warrior friends! You magnificent heroes, you. You're the smartest, most dedicated , compassionate, real, patriotic, brave motherfuckers out there. May God bless each and every one of you and your families!


I love you , anons (no homo)

Anonymous ID: b4e533 July 28, 2019, 9:10 a.m. No.7229407   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9427


Not much. Drinking covfefe, eating a bowl of cereal, hanging out. What's up with you? See you slept in today. You must be midshift at work today. Sucks, huh? Midshift that is. Even though you get to sleep in, you are at work all day and then it's time for sleep again. No time to do any chores. Day's ruined.