Anonymous ID: ccffd7 July 28, 2019, 9:14 a.m. No.7229454   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9490

>>7228680 (pb)


Re Notable about AI detecting "deep fakes"


Great. Now who is developing the AI to detect the "Deep Fake AI" which allegedly detects the alleged "Deep Fakes"??


People have to wake to the fact that the entire "Deep Fake" phenomenon is just an elaborate psyop developed in an attempt to convince people that their own senses cannot be trusted. This psyop has been underway ever since the NYPD discovered the contents of Anthony Weiner's laptop. Hillary was one of the first to discuss "deep fakes" during a one-on-one friendly interview (after Weiner laptop seized) when responding to a question about the Steele Dossier. Rather than addressing the veracity of the entire Dossier (which she paid for), she indirectly referred to the pee-pee video saying (words to the effect) "I've been told that the Russians have even made some sort of video of me" [cackling demonically].


And truthfully, anons, other than endless conjecture about alleged technological breakthroughs regarding deep fakes, where are actual examples of them? I remember one being made of Hussein. It was a one angle, frontal video and an obvious fake which just looked like 2018 version of Max Headroom. Now imagine trying to convince people that a video of three people, two adult females and one adolescent female for instance, all moving around and interacting and shouting/crying with great emotion, is completely fake. Can't be done. (((They))) are trying mightily that it IS possible and I think that they are trying too hard.