Anonymous ID: ee72b9 July 28, 2019, 9:23 a.m. No.7229533   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9560 >>9575 >>9781



Would you jews stop handing the bread off to each other?? I see you didnt use your cutesy bugs bunny picture this time. Trying to be a little more stealth now that anons know what you faggots are doing.


beware the namefag bakers


RGB (baker who shilled up the kitchen the day notables got deleted by fastjack) is grabbing the dough after the ghost night bread ends early in the AM, and the faggots are passing it off to each other in a chain, so they can keep the breads kosher during the more visible morning hours.


See his little "is that you Doc?" Shit??


You can read that as " is that you rabbi?? I dont want to pass the bread off to someone we dont control"