Anonymous ID: ef8de0 July 28, 2019, 8:42 a.m. No.7229153   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9174 >>9176 >>9183 >>9194 >>9201 >>9273 >>9287 >>9309 >>9314 >>9334 >>9385 >>9474 >>9527 >>9592 >>9647 >>9666 >>9707 >>9740 >>9782

OK, I watched the PapaD interview this morn..


The $10,000. I think that is key..

PapaD was being set up by Israeli Intel (Mossad)


A Jewish "businessman" named Charles Tawil gave PapaD $10,000 US cash in Israel…


Tawil was introduced to PapaD by another Israeli Jew, named David Ha'ivri


His twat account:


Ha'ivri is super Jew, who's parents moved from the US to Israel when he was young. Huge advocate of Jewish settlements in Palestine. Total goon helper of Christian Zionist. He's out in the open about it. But I don't think he expect any attention….


Charles Tawil, apparenty does biness in South Africa (possibly connected to Dan Gertler)


Tawil says PapaD invited him to Greece to meet his girlfriend. Tawil says he found a "cheap" charter flight to go to Greece (huge red flag) A charter flight? and he made sure to mention it was cheap.

Here I am suspecting state run aircraft…


Then Tawil invited PapaD to Israel, and says he has lots of cash laying around his house due to his biness ties in SA. Another red flag…..


Then gives PapaD the money. PapaD in now suspicious, gives the money to a lawyer in Greece, and heads back to the US, where the FBI is waiting to arrest him.


This is where it seems Israeli intel was working with FBI to frame PapaD, whom now it seems was the instigation of the whole FBI set up in the first place…


One other thing


David Ha'ivri was born with the name Jason David Axelrod.'ivri

Anonymous ID: ef8de0 July 28, 2019, 8:52 a.m. No.7229236   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9255 >>9278


I think the $10,000 was marked, and is the Keystone to bringing down the entire Mossad/MI6/CIA/FBI Deep State operation to bring down Trump…


According to PapaD, he still has the money…is Barr looking into this?

Anonymous ID: ef8de0 July 28, 2019, 9:31 a.m. No.7229599   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Was just reading.

Involved in think tanks with the like of Kissinger and Brzezinski?


His previous policy and political analysis experience includes serving as the Scholl Chair in International Business at the Center for Strategic and\ International Studies (“CSIS” is a nonpartisan think tank whose bipartisan board includes former officials such as Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski) where he led work on the economic, political and security dynamics surrounding the global financial crisis.