How was Napoleon Bonaparte connected to the Rothschilds?
Where were the majority of Parisian bankers' origins in the 19th century?
What was Napoleon's relationship with the church?
The Rothschilds?
Where do we stand now?
Is the church corrupt?
Are governments corrupt?
Are NFP and NGOs corrupt?
How was the international red cross formed?
Presided over by who?
Why is this important?
Think belligerents in Sonderbundskrieg.
Think 'how does this fit in the greater geopolitics of that time?"
What occurred shortly after the formation of the modern swiss state?
World … Congress
Plans being set.
Where does this fit in the greater timeline?
Who were the participants?
What were the views of many important figures involved?
Who did they study under?
"The bureaucrat has the world as a mere object of his action."
What happened after?
Think at a 'decades' scale of resolution.
What happened after?
What was the plan?
What was the result?
Where do we find ourselves today?
Work backwards:
Who is Epstein?
'Who' is Epstein really?
What is MOS's role in the world?
Who do they serve?
History is an important tool.