>>7262326 pb
>>7262341 pb
With that tecnology they could track and follow children who appeal to them throughout the park.
( maybe finding the perfect time to get to them, or kidnap) not that many children go missing from disney land.)
Or they could moniter the children they want, and continue to moniter them after they leave park( with help from their big tech buddies) and then take the child at a later date.
Use footage of them at the park, and then if an elite is interested in that child, ( they then arrange for child to be kidnapped) or have an accident befall the family like a house fire( use their people in police and local government) Example, a house fire kills a family of 3. In reality, it killed only 3 people, and 2 kids were taken( free and clear, everyone else(extended family) thinks the 2 kids died) so no one would ever suspect child was still alive)
They can then use other cremated remains and say those are of the 2 kids that died.
Or they could use a car accident, or natural disasters as a cover.
With red cross and others working for them, they had all the access.