Where's the sauce on the FBI openly naming QAnon.
I don't think the FBI did anything wrong here. They are correct. Fringe Conspiracy theories CAN fuel violent behavior!
Look at AntiFa. Look at the nonsensical and irrational, bad logic they use to justify beating innocent people like Mr. Ngo.
Just because the MSM hasn't called AntiFa's ideas 'Conspiracy Theories' doesn't mean that isn't exactly what they are. Their fringe conspiracy theory is the White Cis-Male Heterosexual Christian Patriarchy, and they use that conspiracy theory to beat the shit out of people.
QAnon doesn't beat people up. QAnon is relying on Congress and the Rule of Law. Qanon isn't fringe conspiracy theorists just because the media says they are - They also say president Trump is Racist, and you don't believe that.
I don't understand how you can be so suspicious of the MSM labeling people as a This-Or-That, but you blindly accept the MSM calling you conspiracy theorists. At least QAnon has facts and dates to back up their theories!
What does AntiFa have but MSM falsehoods and Bike Locks? Wake up, wake up! The FBI was referring to AntiFa!