In about 2 years or so they will have you scan eyes for entry to your money credit card home car without it you will have no way to survive in the devil domain(and who will want to)…the mark of the beast 666 on your forehead ring a bell? We are close to the end but that only means God is coming!!!
So you have to be strong don't give in for convenient for a temporary comfort in this fake world…I know you don't want to give up your comfy bed or nice car home wife whatever….remember this is a drop in the ocean of your soul lifetimes…don't fall for the bowl of soup and give up the kingdom of God your not physical this meat suit we wearing is going to stay your are going back home free and your true essence your soul all this that you value here never made you really happy or fulfilled no true happiness come from those possession and the emptiness and separation grow. The only true love happiness it's beyond your wildest imagination we never experience such joy and it can only come from returning to your real home and be one again with God your faith will be tested because when you grow hungry and your kids crying they are hungry you might go stand in line for the mark
If you got to suffer then suffer if you got to starve Please do because if you stand in that line your soul is doomed forever with the demons and the devil himself no second chance to ever get out…this is it your final time to prove you worty remember nothing else really matters