Anonymous ID: 145b7e Nov. 27, 2019, 11:56 a.m. No.7384541   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4556 >>4698

I’ve been puzzling over DJT’s calling Baghdadi a dog and, more recently, Schifft-face a “sick puppy.”

Anyone desirous of winning friends and influencing people isn’t going to use man’s best friend to describe evil schiffts like these. There is a risk of alienating every dog lover across the world. So why does DJT use dog language to describe the most despicable examples of humanity?

It could be that Muslims consider dogs to be unclean and therefore to describe Baghdadi as a dog was a message to MB.

But why does DJT call Adam Schifft-face a “sick puppy?”

I recalled a Q drop that said along the lines of: when Soros calls, Ds answer. Made me wonder whether there could be two meanings for Ds – Democrats and dogs. So who are dogs?

So I searched for any connection between Soros and dogs and came up with this:

“BUCHAREST, Romania — Last winter, in the middle of anti-corruption demonstrations, a television broadcaster accused George Soros — the Hungarian-born, Jewish-American billionaire philanthropist — of paying dogs to protest.

The protests in Bucharest, sparked by dead-of-night legislation aimed at decriminalizing corruption, were the largest the country had seen since the fall of communism in 1989. Romania TV — a channel associated with, if not officially owned by, the government — alleged the protesters were paid.

“Adults were paid 100 lei [$24], children earned 50 lei [$12.30], and dogs were paid 30 lei [$7.20],” one broadcaster said.”

Okay, it’s dismissed as “conspiracy theory” but so are most truths.

But it got me thinking; are “dogs” a cabal hierarchical reference to Soros-paid agitators? DJT called Baghdadi a ”dog” and Shifft-face a “sick puppy.” In other words, when DJT refers to dogs and puppies he is talking about Soros-paid operatives. Not sufficiently senior in the cabal hierarchy to qualify as puppets like Obama and HRC, just paid operatives.