RE: Drop 3627, 11.24.19, “Anon interaction coming soon.”
So I noticed a few odd coincidences with our President’s meeting with the Bulgarian Prime Minister
We have reasons to believe our President pays some attention to what happens here, maybe even posting to let us know about it.
In his meeting with the Prime Minister of Bulgaria, President Trump talks about protecting his warfighters and lets them know he has their back, mentions the dog Conan, then mentions Bergdahl, Obama, Master Sargent Mark Allen, a grievously injured warfighter who sadly, recently passed away from his Obama-era, Bergdahl related injuries, and then reiterates that he will stick up for our warfighters- two more times, in fact, he says he will stick up for our warfighters. Three times in pretty quick succession he talks about standing up for our warfighters. This is in the immediate context of mentioning Obama and Obama’s man Bergdahl.
In a recent meme tranche, there was posted a picture of dogs that mentioned Bergdahl, Obama, and Captain Louis Avila, a grievously injured warfighter, who President Trump was recently seen supporting with his recovery.
Dog, Bergdahl, Obama, and contrasting President Trump standing up for a grievously injured American Hero Warfighter in stark contrast to Obama’s totally disgraceful behavior with the traitor Bergdahl. That seems like a lot of parallels. He also mentions Bergdahl six times in quick succession. Why would he do that?
I’m still learning to figure these things out, but what are the odds?
I don’t know, maybe there’s something more obvious here that I’m missing.