Svetlana Lokhova - Breaks [IT] Down → [DS SpyGate Op Details]
British-Russian academic out of Cambridge UK, who was set-up by the [DS] [SpyGate/RussiaGate Op] to look like a Colluding "Honey Trap" who supposedly compromised Gen. Flynn and connected him to collusion w/ Russia.
Twitter thread from (Svetlana Lokhova) today (w/ sauce pics in her thread).
Svetlana Lokhova
The “FBI did not spy on the campaign” fix won’t work. I have the evidence. Halper was paid to spy and manufacture evidence against @GenFlynn from late 2015, from the moment Gen Flynn met Trump. @ChuckGrassley already identified the payments to Halper as “partisan political”. /1
5:11 AM - 29 Nov 2019
Halper gets first Spygate contract from DoD in Sept 2015, draws expenses in Dec 2015, incl. trip to London. He is claiming he’s going to speak with “former Russian intelligence officers”, likely to manufacture lies about Flynn who previously cooperated with Ru intel under Obama/2
5:24 AM - 29 Nov 2019
In Dec 2015, Halper gets Pentagon to pay for his trip from US to England. Within weeks, Halper attempts to arrange a dinner with me in England (I don’t attend). Halper arranges for other English academics to spy on me, tells them I am a Russian spy, having affair with Gen Flynn/3
5:33 AM - 29 Nov 2019
Halper did not just use informers to spy on @GenFlynn and me. He instigated electronic surveillance. How else a document I sent @GenFlynn in July 2016 was given to Harding of Guardian? (See his lawyers letter) Harding is under investigation by Grassley for receiving CIA leaks/4
6:07 AM - 29 Nov 2019
At the same time as being paid for spying and manufacturing “intelligence” on top Trump campaign advisor @GenFlynn, Halper was paid to entrap Trump campaign advisors Page and Papadopoulos. Good luck to the FBI proving Halper did not spy on the Trump campaign! /5
6:13 AM - 29 Nov 2019
“FBI source” using “cover to reach to out to Trump associates” is not spying on the Trump campaign! /6
6:17 AM - 29 Nov 2019
On top of entrapping Trump campaign advisors Gen Flynn, Page and Papadopoulos, Halper had a go at campaign co-chairman Sam Clovis. As Clovis’ lawyer @VicToensing said, “To be infiltrating a presidential campaign within 2 or 3 months of an election campaign is outrageous” /7
6:25 AM - 29 Nov 2019
Another campaign advisor CIA/FBI spy Halper targeted was Stephen Miller. The mysterious Steven Schrage, Halper’s “student” with deep CIA connections invited both Page and Miller to the Cambridge conference where Spygate started in July 2016. /8
6:36 AM - 29 Nov 2019
Nunes: “When did the FBI really start to run the investigation, what types of processes did they use…it appears they were spying on the Trump campaign. Maybe [Halper’s student Schrage] was a guy working for minimum wage sweeping the floors around Cambridge. I highly doubt it /9
6:45 AM - 29 Nov 2019
Then there is mysterious blonde bombshell FBI’s Azra Turk whom the “cloaked investigator” Halper unleashed on Trump campaign advisor Papadopoulos with a view of entrapping him. This was a Halper October surprise, a headline-grabbing potential arrest 1.5 months before election /10
6:53 AM - 29 Nov 2019
Her Summary
There is an avalanche of evidence that Halper spied, entrapped, fabricated “intelligence” against the Trump campaign. This is before you consider that every piece of his “work” ends up in front pages of newspapers. During a top secret counterintelligence investigation! /11
7:03 AM - 29 Nov 2019