Anonymous ID: 84a5c0 Nov. 29, 2019, 1:27 p.m. No.7395588   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602




>>7395466, >>7395490 Kuhn and Loeb ==Harriman ==> Prescott Bush

>>7395450, >>7395456 ICIG Michael Atkinson Altered Whistleblower Forms to Allow for CIA Leaker – His Wife Connected to Russian Collusion Hoaxer – Fusion GPS

>>7395446 Gare du Nord in Paris evacuated due to suspected explosive device.

>>7395431 U.S. weighs new regulations to further restrict Huawei suppliers

>>7395396 2015 'Crisis' hit Zimbabwe wants white farmers back – report

>>7395392, >>7395407, >>7395415 Positive USMCA points, memes!

>>7395372 The Solidarity Of Democrats' Delusion Is About To Collapse


what else is guud

Anonymous ID: 84a5c0 Nov. 29, 2019, 1:49 p.m. No.7395723   🗄️.is 🔗kun

notes so far



>>7395466, >>7395490 Kuhn and Loeb ==Harriman ==> Prescott Bush

>>7395450, >>7395456 ICIG Michael Atkinson Altered Whistleblower Forms to Allow for CIA Leaker – His Wife Connected to Russian Collusion Hoaxer – Fusion GPS

>>7395446 Gare du Nord in Paris evacuated due to suspected explosive device.

>>7395431 U.S. weighs new regulations to further restrict Huawei suppliers

>>7395396 2015 'Crisis' hit Zimbabwe wants white farmers back – report

>>7395392, >>7395407, >>7395415 Positive USMCA points, memes!

>>7395372 The Solidarity Of Democrats' Delusion Is About To Collapse

>>7395602 Vid -President Trump Holds a Bilateral Meeting with President Ghani of Afghanistan

>>7395624 instruction is to dissolve the Monarchy? 3 Queen not wearing crown articles

Anonymous ID: 84a5c0 Nov. 29, 2019, 2:05 p.m. No.7395798   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>>7395466, >>7395490 Kuhn and Loeb ==Harriman ==> Prescott Bush

>>7395450, >>7395456 ICIG Michael Atkinson Altered Whistleblower Forms to Allow for CIA Leaker – His Wife Connected to Russian Collusion Hoaxer – Fusion GPS

>>7395446 Gare du Nord in Paris evacuated due to suspected explosive device.

>>7395431 U.S. weighs new regulations to further restrict Huawei suppliers

>>7395396 2015 'Crisis' hit Zimbabwe wants white farmers back – report

>>7395392, >>7395407, >>7395415 Positive USMCA points, memes!

>>7395372 The Solidarity Of Democrats' Delusion Is About To Collapse

>>7395602 Vid -President Trump Holds a Bilateral Meeting with President Ghani of Afghanistan

>>7395624 instruction is to dissolve the Monarchy? 3 Queen not wearing crown articles

>>7395767 The Strange Death of White Helmets Founder James Le Mesurier

>>7395735 17 warriors in the pic

Anonymous ID: 84a5c0 Nov. 29, 2019, 2:42 p.m. No.7396010   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6014



>>7395466, >>7395490 Kuhn and Loeb ==Harriman ==> Prescott Bush

>>7395450, >>7395456 ICIG Michael Atkinson Altered Whistleblower Forms to Allow for CIA Leaker – His Wife Connected to Russian Collusion Hoaxer – Fusion GPS

>>7395446 Gare du Nord in Paris evacuated due to suspected explosive device.

>>7395431 U.S. weighs new regulations to further restrict Huawei suppliers

>>7395396 2015 'Crisis' hit Zimbabwe wants white farmers back – report

>>7395392, >>7395407, >>7395415 Positive USMCA points, memes!

>>7395372 The Solidarity Of Democrats' Delusion Is About To Collapse

>>7395602 Vid -President Trump Holds a Bilateral Meeting with President Ghani of Afghanistan

>>7395624 instruction is to dissolve the Monarchy? 3 Queen not wearing crown articles

>>7395767 The Strange Death of White Helmets Founder James Le Mesurier

>>7395735, >>7395770 17 warriors in the pic

>>7395784 interesting new Rudy twat "the sawmp loves investigating correuption, except for their own"