>>7404782 (lb)
>>7404782 (lb)
X or + is a cross. Also the balance/symbol of the four corners, quarters, forces. The eye of the storm is the center of the reticle.
Lurk moar
All life feeds on life, this requiring sacrifice.
Thus why christians/luciferians WORSHIP the SACRIFICE, aka the one they tortured and murdered.
But no way that sorcery empowers for more sacrifice.
Why not STOP SINFUL WAYS instead of saying, nah 'We KILLED GOD'so I can continue sinning.
These people are sick.
We here to unfuck ya'll . With unwind and unboind these spells.
Yes. The heart of the body of the being we inhabit.
All Bodies are worlds. All worlds are bodies. The life exists within the life.
What does the heart do?
How many chambers?