Anonymous ID: 2b0f11 Dec. 3, 2019, 12:47 p.m. No.7420628   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0653

SAME stock [Psy-Op Script] - Different Subjects & Themes

Known as → (Circular Peer Review)

  • It's ALWAYS the SAME BASIC "Script". Just different subjects.




CLIMATE CHANGE HOAX → Doctered Science/Evidence

NK NUCLEAR WAR - Contrived/Mfd Threat by [DS]

IRAN NUCLEAR WAR - Contrived/Mfd Threat by [DS]

MASS SHOOTINGS - Contrived/Mfd Threat by [DS]

SEX SCANDAL SMEAR - Mfd Witnesses & Evidence [Wrap-Up Smear]

9/11 → Patriot Act + Iraq War, Libya, Syria, Iran…

MAJOR WARS - Started w/ FF's



1: (Seed the Story) - [Plant] the false evidence or actually construct the circumstances of the "Target Threat".

2: (Expert Testimony) - [Appeal to Authority] with experts analyzing and pontificating on the urgent need for action. (using "trusted" sources)

3: (Mockingbird MSM Reporting) - The Corp controlled MSM reports all of this with all the "authority" they seemingly have. (Like Good ol "fatherly" Walter Cronkite reporting on Vietnam War every night in the 60's. I remember)

4: (Refer to the "Evidence") - Pols + "The Public" raise a fuss about the given situation. (Public not knowing they're being duped)

5: (Excuse & Reason for a Response) - Referring to the preponderance of the evidence = Public opinion is swayed, Pols & [DS] operators have their excuse, with (our) consent, to move forward with their devious scheme.


  • Circular Peer Review - Always the same [script]


Example I gave last year (2018) during NK - POTUS "Crisis" & talks.

(y'all might remember the NK satellite analysis stories. there were several)

1: Publication in Japan wrote stories about satellite analysis they did of NK continuing to build up nukes & missiles. Stories timed to contradict what POTUS was saying & doing close to the Singapore mtg time.

2: "Respected" Neo-Con Washington, DC Think Tank quoted the articles in that intelligence analysis Pub.

3: Mockingbird MSM quoted the articles as evidence POTUS was being ineffective at diplomacy with KJU & NK situation.



I did some digging.

Turned out, the Pub in Japan (and one in Australia too) was actually a subsidiary of the DC Think Tank - Thru corp ownership.


  • Sound Familiar?

1: DC NeverTrump Think Tank has a desired outcome → UNDERMINE TRUMP

2: Subsidiary Pub, of the Think Tank, in Japan writes the [Doom] analysis they want.

3: DC NeverTrump Think Tank refers to this "Expert" satellite intelligence analysis and presents their:

[Circular Peer Reviewed] evidence to undermine Trump + KJU peace talks.


Pretty Sneaky huh?

[They] Planted the flippin [Smear].


It's ALWAYS the SAME & easy to spot the script.

That's how (we) here → KNOW what the hell [they] are up too.


I know, Cpt Obvious.


Anonymous ID: 2b0f11 Dec. 3, 2019, 12:50 p.m. No.7420653   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0727 >>0796 >>0979 >>1222


>SAME stock [Psy-Op Script] - Different Subjects & Themes

>Known as → (Circular Peer Review)


Nervous Nancy - "Wrap Up Smear"

"Oh and btw, we talked about missile sales w' KJU in NK" "oops, did I just say that?" (sarc)

>* It's ALWAYS the SAME BASIC "Script". Just different subjects.