Anonymous ID: 3d51a4 Dec. 3, 2019, 2:13 p.m. No.7421157   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1203 >>1214


o7 Memefarmer - I'm trying to do it programatically, which is where my issue is.


…at the risk of namefagging…

Not Not Not That should narrow it down for ya. My problem is that I can't try to make a clearnet HTTP GET request to a JSON file or an image because the Vanwanet DDOS always intercepts the request and tries to set a cookie via javascript. I can get around it by using a clearnet TOR proxy page, but it's slow as balls. All my image requests are timing out.


I can read thru the code on and try to figure out what he's doing but I figured it would be easier to just ask. Qmap isn't using javascript in the same way, it's more like my site, done on the server. I can only assume that their hosts allow them to install TOR on the server itself (or they are self hosting) - mine does not.


My secondary option is to try and hack something together to replicate the Vanwanet cookie, but it's a fair bit to do, especially if I'm not sure it will work. I was really more hoping they could just tell me how they were doing it.