Anonymous ID: c2eea1 Dec. 3, 2019, 1:47 p.m. No.7421016   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1026 >>1053 >>1222

The [DS] Fighting Back → Spin: Trump Damaging Professional [Foreign Service Corp]

→ [Clown Assets] moar like it. ←


Trump Is Waging War on America’s Diplomats


( Dec 3, 2019)



And the impeachment inquiry is only making things worse. With new figures and fresh horror stories, Julia Ioffe reports on how the president is politicizing our embassies, alienating our allies, and decimating the ranks of the foreign service.


Lewis Lukens

  • Gives a speech in UK last year.

  • Fired shortly after. (boo friggin hoo)


(partial bio - [DS] pedigree)

Lukens joined the United States Foreign Service circa 1989.


From 2008 to 2011, Lukens was Executive Director of the U.S. Department of State’s Executive Secretariat, directing management support and overseas travel for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Lukens testified under oath in a legal case related to the Hillary Clinton email controversy.


From 2011 to 2014, Lukens was U.S. Ambassador to Senegal and Guinea-Bissau, after postings to Canada, Ivory Coast and China.

→ (notably close to HRC)


(article continued)

After nearly 30 years as a foreign service officer, his State Department career was over. The reason? Lukens says he had unwittingly committed a fatal error in his speech: He had mentioned former president Barack Obama.

→ (he says he was fired for mentioning [Hussein])


This incident, which has not been previously reported, offers a stark example of the politicization of the foreign service under Trump. It’s also a grim illustration of how the administration—through three years of attempted budget cuts, hiring freezes, and grotesquely personal attacks—has eviscerated the country's diplomatic corps and put highly sensitive matters of national security in the hands of politically appointed novices. They are people like Gordon Sondland, the Trump donor who became America's ambassador to the European Union, who is now playing a starring role in the Ukrainian imbroglio that imperils the Trump presidency. It is no accident that impeachment hangs on a matter of diplomacy—and a stand-off between the country's top foreign policy professionals and the president's political allies, national security amateurs installed to do Trump’s bidding rather than the country’s.


Now that my fellow anons, is a carefully crafted [Clown Intel Propaganda] carefully scripted subversive screed to smear POTUS as a dangerous, incompetent, irresponsible "Interloper"/Outsider as POTUS. Who is "Damaging" our "Precious" little [subversive] career Foreign Service Officers.

Anonymous ID: c2eea1 Dec. 3, 2019, 1:52 p.m. No.7421053   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1222


Trouble posting in one drop.


From GQ article:

(Lewis Lukens)

(partial bio - [DS] pedigree)

Lukens joined the United States Foreign Service circa 1989.


(looks like → HRC Lackey)

Anonymous ID: c2eea1 Dec. 3, 2019, 2:33 p.m. No.7421240   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>>/projectdcomms/26 —————————— People awake = greatest fear


Google co-founders Larry Page, Sergey Brin step down as execs of parent Alphabet


Q Post: 12/02/19 (Mon) 14:29:13 No.26

Sergey Brin steps down: (Tue) 12/03/19

Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin said Tuesday they will step down from their roles at the tech firm’s parent company, Alphabet.

