Anonymous ID: 494c6f Dec. 8, 2019, 4:26 a.m. No.7454599   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4603 >>4651



an "anon" just declared it fake?

but where's the sauce

All I see for sauce is "Of Course"

"Of Course " is the number one Fake News / shill "argument"

We'll find out soon enough.

But they sneak in the middle of the night

Just like the "FED" legislation is sneaked through when everyone is on vacation.

The Bakers seemed to have be hijacked yesterday by the Mossad?

No connection, of course.

I'm calling it Muh Hebes , But seriously they highjacked like three breads in a row, or at the same time yesterday, named each the same, Gave each the same number.

Pretty slick. Yep Mossad is a slick operation.

Wasserman Schultz MOS ,? Schifty MOS?

So naturally they want to bury this?


If it's correct it will be out tomorrow anyway?

Why not just put a caveat to it?

The fact it was sneaked out like that ?

Where was the consensus or discussion?

Seems to lend credence to the doc?

Anonymous ID: 494c6f Dec. 8, 2019, 4:47 a.m. No.7454651   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4662





There was doubts but no actual evidence.

I thought removing something from Notables was verboten?


Thank you Anon.

Gaslit by the Muh hebe bakers?

Memories of old times.

I liked what what Watkins implied in his first YT

~ "Let's hang together now, while we can before we "graduate"

We won't see each other much after that."

or somesuch.

It's just proved by shill.

"Nothing is too wonderful to happen"

Keep an open mind. It was passed likely in preparation for tomorrow?

Or a fake-out? You decide.

But it shouldn't be wiped from Notables once its in there.

That it was wiped kinda proves that it triggered a "debbie downer" type - to give the benefit of the doubt.


1 of 22 did show up in Q Coms connected to SR notes? Right?



Anonymous ID: 494c6f Dec. 8, 2019, 5:01 a.m. No.7454696   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4701 >>4708


"pull it" was a misdirection by the Cabal front man.Silverstein

They picked a Jew because they always like to hide behind and blame Jews. For centuries

But no it was dustified.

Likely Tesla style weapon. Or perhaps ? "repulsine" ?


That was the best guess by top researchers and that was the one speculation that hit upon most to make fun of and discredit intensely

Proof by shill

by the 9/11 government controlled fake "truth" movement.

Muh Hebe, Muh Jew types will always attack you and insist it was the Gelatin Art student who set explosives.

Except no known explosives could have resulted in what we see - i.e. forensic evidence in the dustification of the whole Towers.

Also they did not work on every floor

There were definitley explosives also set in the basement region? For misdirection. For opening safes before the place blew? Whatever. But those explosions which were ignored by the Press were not capable to effect what was witnessed, either.

It was not a gravity collapse.

The floor the "Gelitin" crew worked upon. ?

Was llikley to create the "plane shaped hole"

You know like the roadrunner through a wall. Or Casper the Ghost through a wall, TV Fakery effect.


Anonymous ID: 494c6f Dec. 8, 2019, 5:22 a.m. No.7454748   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5249

I stood at the bottom and looked up the side, believing it would be there after I was long gone




I forget which "ancient" declare it. But two things can't take up the same space at the same time



What do you think would really fuck the News Orgs FOR GOOD. Finish them?

Anonymous ID: 494c6f Dec. 8, 2019, 5:34 a.m. No.7454786   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Leaders of the "youth movement" were also "crisis actors"

The wives of the News Producer executives called in that day to claim "eye witness" status & say "Oh I just saw it fly by my window". et/c

cf "September Clues.

I don't vouch for everything "shack" the alleged creator of SC promotes. But there's good info there, if you can sift it.

There's a lot of guilty people.

Lots of work has been done on this already and then buried & erased.

Nice to hear that "nothing disappears from the Internets. Ultimately.

The erasing of 9/11 research is how come I've known for ~15 years that Youtube is comped.

, Also there's tons of hang out artists. Who lead you on and then mis-direct at the end - to take you off the scent. Feed you false info.

The fake leaders have to get rid of the real ones. Like we're being attacked here.

Think "Jones" vs. Cooper.

Anonymous ID: 494c6f Dec. 8, 2019, 6:18 a.m. No.7454935   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Funny. Buzz.. he's a trump hater.

I wonder why?

Seems to me once the public know for sure one big lie, they all will come easy?

Especially for the young.

9/11 truth would make some ex-mil men violent

So there would have to be executions that are known, if it was ever exposed.

Anonymous ID: 494c6f Dec. 8, 2019, 6:41 a.m. No.7455038   🗄️.is 🔗kun



After much contemplation and study…

What is the LYNCH pin KEYSTONE of their entire edifice of Control ?




Once anons have control of the "News" it's all over? Citizen journalism?


Once TV FAKERY 9/11 becomes well known? Then the whole ARCH of their control will no longer hold.


And the reality of it is fairly easy to point out - if they look. And if they are conversant with crisis actors - which could all come out with the exposure of the ffs.

People dismiss the notion out of hand because its too outlandish?


Pedo Nobility? If they can accept that TV Fakery is not that outlandish anymore?


Cabal thinks their ace in the hole is the alleged "eyewitnesses" Yet none of these pan out. If you ask a person who honestly believes they saw it, to check their memory - exactly what they saw - they will realize they did not see it.

Many people claim to have seen it who were not located in a place where it would be visible, in any case. So it's another mass delusion, like Russian Collusion.


This was a CON, A confidence trick.

Once the impossibility is pointed out, the confidence in the Media plummets to Zero




News shows who do not hold the faith of the viewers? Which have no credit to call upon?

In which people lack confidence?


What is their coin then?

News / info services are the Keystone.

If they go, the archon/ anchors fall.


It could happen in 24 hours. (It was done in Mexico. Military had to be brought to bull doze the TV station and Radio station. Mothers just walked in and took over the stations Oaxaca)


Great Awakening.