Anonymous ID: 8286a7 Dec. 8, 2019, 6:28 a.m. No.7454979   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Rooted in the Frankfurt school’s marxist-centric “critical race theory,” the class will be “providing curricula that emphasize the role of race in every aspect of American society. Throughout the semester students examine the historical contexts that created the inequalities. Unit topics give voice to groups who have suffered from systemic oppression, and develop theoretical and practical ways for students to deconstruct the power structures.”


They start the discussion on this course at the 1:10:20 mark. Note the smug arrogance of the board members as they ram the proposal through. Around the 1:24:00 mark starts the public comments. One guy wants to see the course expanded. One of the board members brings up concerns that “critical race theory” can be construed as anti Semitic and racist against Asians. One woman wants to clarify that “critical race theory” opposes the Constitution. One guy points out that all of these guilty white liberals have chosen to live in an area that is 90% white instead of one of the more “diverse” towns. Another asks if books by Clarence Thomas and Thomas Sowell will be read in the class. Another woman seems to think that stirring up all the hate towards white people is somehow NOT going to get the kids angry at white kids.


Perhaps the most outspoken one pointed out the contradictions in the program compared to what Martin Luther King said in his speeches. We also had the perpetual victim student who just wanted to whine about everything. One black woman points out that when she was a kid, she never faced any racism from her mixed group of friends, but now suddenly racism seems to be everywhere. One woman says that the instructor of the class should be liberal. Another wants the course to be mandatory. One crazed leftist rambles on about how the whole school board is white. A young SJW took to the podium to rant about individualism and white people who have struggled and don’t feel privileged.


Notice the DIVISION in the discussion. This is what THEY want across our country.