Anonymous ID: 8b37d2 Dec. 8, 2019, 6:14 a.m. No.7454916   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4994


People are thinking in a flat way. What matters is the end state condition above all else. That is the victory condition. Whether we move to take an enemy piece or an enemy piece moves as sacrifice, it really doesn't matter as long as it contributes to furthering the victory condition.


We tend to think in terms of how to move our pieces and how to play our cards. However, the pieces of chess are not hidden. All is known and in the open. You can't hide your moves.

If we are playing against each other and you move how I would want you to in order to win the game, then I have effectively taken three turns at once.


Everyone Trump has appointed could be opfor - it doesn't matter. We know how they are going to have to play. As of right now, the democrats are going to be sacrificed. The intelligence agencies are getting damage mitigation directives. Of course, the problem that the intelligence agencies are all too aware of is that the financial records are known. If the democrats lose, and the investigations can't be shut down, then the end result is a full route back to the british royal intelligence services.


So, the financiers who were aboard for the easy skimming think they can cut their losses and are using their sway to try and control the outcome.

And they have to. They will roll the dice that they will be able to lawyer up and dodge. They were assured by the best that it would not come back on them.


The whole system will come crashing down. So, the only card left to play is to activate the republican side sleepers and push through a removal from office. Even though they can read this, they are going to bank on the fact they have operatives. They always assume they have control and it is a psychological need for them to believe they can't be caught. They can't function without that bias. So they either go comatose/spastic or play exactly as they must play to stay in the game.


Anyone ever play musical chairs? When the music stops, there aren't enough chairs (safety) for everyone. Someone gets left out.

Anonymous ID: 8b37d2 Dec. 8, 2019, 6:43 a.m. No.7455045   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Oh, they won't give up. But our opponent is not one person or interest. They are outlaws who have assumed the law. They each hopped a ride on the beast because it offered them an advantage. Now that it is becoming a liability, people are looking for a way off… And once one is a liability, one will be destroyed to try and tie up loose ends. These are not necessarily smart people. While there may be some intelligent criminals among them who were the architects for how this would all work, the problem is that once the plan starts falling apart, each group starts minimizing its exposure and risk.


There are double meanings. Trust the plan works for us as it does for them. Where we go one we go all works for them as much for us. Q is actually rather viscious and cynnical when you start getting into the multiple meanings. Most of our rallying points were originally assumed to be cues that we were being fooled… Then they turned into rather cryptic double meanings… And now they are full blown mockery of the deep state actors.