Anonymous ID: 9a37b4 Dec. 8, 2019, 6:15 a.m. No.7454923   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5030 >>5091

Opening of Japan?

Matthew Perry forced open the city of Yokohama for (((trade))).

The Port of Yokohama was officially opened on June 2, 1859

The first Jewish settler in Japan arrived in Yokohama in 1861.

What can you logically believe occurred over the next 80 years?

Did MOS exist before Israel? Where was the seat of Zionist power prior to Israel's formation?

Formation of ZO? 1897, First Zionist Congress.


What is the history of Switzerland prior to 1832? (Napoleonic control)

What is the history of Switzerland from 1832 until 1897? (Sonderbundskrieg)

What major Swiss event occurred? Who controlled it (Federalist)? (Guillaume Henri Dufour)

Who did Dufour work for? (N1)

What did Dufour reside over? (FGC)

What organization did he create? (IRC)

What do we know about the financial backers of Napoleon 1?

What do we know about the Napoleonic Wars? Who/What did they target? (Pope/Vatican)

Who donated financially to Vatican in 1932?

How does one gain control over a vast organization?

Where was the seat of the church in France? Napoleon an emperor? Where was the seat of the catholic church? (Notre Dame)


Ready to flip your head?

What event did the ARC see as their first major action? How did the media perceive them? (Very positive)

What is propaganda?

Who started the event? (Johnstown flood, South Fork Fishing and Hunting Club, Henry Frick)

Who else was members? (Andrew Carnegie (steel, Frick's client), Andrew W. Mellon (banker, Fricks financeer)

Who else did Mellon finance? (H. J. Heinz)

Heinz Memorial Chapel, modeled after?

Proposed Notre Dame renovations? Pic related, many versions, same symbol.

Modeled after?

What comes first? IRC or ARC?


What is global control? Control of things? or control of minds?

How would you, logically, control the minds of the people? (Church, MSM, politics (MOS) + distraction, crippling, and division (322))

Anonymous ID: 9a37b4 Dec. 8, 2019, 6:41 a.m. No.7455030   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Matthew C. Perry's daughter married August Belmont,

A known Rothschild agent, having worked for their banking firm in Frankfurt, and puit in charge of their Cuban interests in Havana.


So look at the relationship between Matthew Perry and the Rothschilds,

then consider his actions to open up Japan.

Do they have plans 100 years in advance?

Jewish settlers take hold in Japan after Perry's expeditions?

Anonymous ID: 9a37b4 Dec. 8, 2019, 6:54 a.m. No.7455091   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5101 >>5118 >>5123 >>5127 >>5146


the "Chair" serves the master.

Who is the master?

P = C

Payseur = Chair

Payseur = french nobility

Payseur = control of Napoleon

Payseur = old power system

Payseur = control over church via Napoleonic wars

Payseur = seat of power in Paris, Notre Dame

the Chair of the Church serves the master.

Who controls the Church now? (Rothschilds)

Who controls 322/Payseurian corporate interests in US, now? (Rothschilds)

Who controls the cult? (Rothschilds)

Who was the Devil? (Payseur)

Who used to work for the Devil? Rothschilds.

Who now controls the Devil? Rothschilds.

The Devil = The Cult.

Collectivization of Intent through ritual and covert means.

P = C

Who is the master?


Anonymous ID: 9a37b4 Dec. 8, 2019, 6:59 a.m. No.7455127   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5155 >>5157 >>5209 >>5223



What are the famous colors of the French nobility?

Where did Payseur supposedly land in the new world? Where was his seat of power? (NC)

Carolina Blue.

Blue and White.

Their symbol of control.

Think Epstein Temple,

Think corporate Symbols/logos

Think Israel!

It's their graffiti tag, their symbol of ownership.

What color was Air Force One prior to Trumps Presidency? Blue and White

Is he going to change the color scheme? Red White and Blue

Who designed the blue and white color of AF1?

Her best friend? (Bunny Mellon)

Connection to Heinz in op? (Mellon financed Heinz)

Connection to Clowns? (P. Mellon = OSS, but there's much much more).

Rothschilds are the new Payseurs.

Anonymous ID: 9a37b4 Dec. 8, 2019, 7:09 a.m. No.7455181   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5219


Soros DOES answer to R.

P is gone, theyre holdings folded into R.

Their family answers to R,

as does every family of the cult.

Soros is the bloodline that interfaces with the people, control over people, over organizations, over countries.

Also a member of the cult = Evil.

Roths control the cult which controls most CEOs, Chairmen, Clergy, Pols (through MOS), Media (Through MOS).

Look at the OP post, the case is made that International Red Cross was formed in Switzerland under the command of a Napoleon agent.

Napoleon = Roths, and Payseurs.

Continue that line of thinking into the US control system we've threshed out over the past year and it begins to make a lot of sense.

P = Chair of the Church in France.

The seat of power for Payseurs.

P = Payseurs.

Therefore if the Chair serves the Master,

and the Master controls the church,

that means Roths = Master.

Is this not logical? Is this not obvious considering who we're to be focusing on?

Anonymous ID: 9a37b4 Dec. 8, 2019, 7:12 a.m. No.7455210   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5229


Interesting speculation,

however I lay out a rather pointed line of logical thinking that draws a more informed conclusion about what P is.

In fact I didn't seek to define P until the line of reason was determined and it became clearer.

P = Payseur, and Payseur = Chair (notre dame is the seat of power for French Catholic church, which controlled the vatican during Napleon's time)

So if Payseur = Chair then Chair answers to the master, the master is the Roths who control the church, now, through epstein style blackmail, who control the media through MOS, who control pols through MOS, who control 322 through MOS, who control CF and all related tax-exempt foundationsโ€ฆ