Anonymous ID: de1ab0 Dec. 8, 2019, 3:28 a.m. No.7454491   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4494 >>4550 >>4566 >>4570 >>4578 >>4769 >>4772 >>4892 >>5066 >>5203


Anons, been looking over some posts from awhile back–"future proves past"


Today, a Newsweek reporter resigned because they wouldn't publish his story about the OPCW totally misrepresenting the results of their investigation of the alleged chemical weapons attack in Douma, Syria. Newsweek said "The writer pitched a conspiracy theory rather than an idea for objective reporting. Newsweek editors rejected the pitch."


The reporter believes it was covered up because it would embarrass the US, but we know better.


The actual attack happened around Q#1077-#1080. If you read through those posts, it sounds as if /ourguys were expecting some sort of attack (or false flag); in fact, it sounds as if we were in communication with Russian intelligence (sparrow red), who may have tipped us off.


Remember at this time, POTUS had recently announced he was planning to pull our troops out of Syria. Turns out that move was a lot more complex than we knew at the time. If you do a search on "Qatar-Turkey pipeline," and look at how that relates to Syria, you start to realize how this all fits together–Benghazi, the Syrian Civil War, the mass immigration of refugees into Europe, and more.


Remember that spontaneous uprising the "Arab Spring?" The one that ended with Ghaddafi's corpse being paraded around? It was anything but. Ghaddafi had plans to require the purchase of oil in a gold-backed African currency. That pissed off France and would have undermined the dollar, so he had to go.


Qatar had long wanted to run an oil pipeline to Turkey–this would have been good for Qatar, good for Turkey, good for Europe (it would reduce their dependency on Russian energy), and apparently good for others (Israel and Saudi Arabia) as well. In order to do that, they needed to go through Syria…and Assad wouldn't have it–he was allied with Russia, and didn't want to go against them. So he had to go.


Qatar donated a million dollars to the Clinton Foundation, and you know what that means–our people are going to die to say "thanks." It turns out that the US (and various EU countries) basically started training and arming what would become ISIS:

Anonymous ID: de1ab0 Dec. 8, 2019, 3:29 a.m. No.7454494   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4624 >>4772 >>4860



In fact, it appears that Ambassador Stevens was sent to Benghazi primarily to recover some of the weapons we'd sent to Libya to arm that spontaneous revolution:


We all knows what happens to people that know too much about the Clintons–at least the ones that don't have an "insurance" folder on their laptops.


So how does this all relate? POTUS knew all of this already (Q#1081); by announcing that he was pulling out our troops, he was basically ending Assad's overthrow, thereby killing that pipeline. That's why McCain went down there–to keep our troops embroiled in a war our country stood nothing to gain from.


Q#1079 sounds like an invitation to contact the White House via back channels–presumably meant for Russia.



>They are trying to start a war.


>Public interest shift.

>Pullout announcement.

>Chem attack.


>These people are sick.



Note that the leader of the White Helmets "died" about two weeks ago–Assad said that he, like many others, died because he knew too much. Also note Q's use of the word "Chem" here–it doesn't mean "Chemicals": Q#1113 states the comm for that is "BABY ON FLOOR-HANDS IN MOUTH." I believe he was referring to Chemonics–a dirty company that primarily funded the White Helmets.


The leaked OFCW documents basically prove that it was a false flag…but what the reporter doesn't realize is that Newsweek isn't squashing his story to protect the US–it's doing it to protect the deep state.


Q#1084 sounds like POTUS considering what he had been told. Q#1090 sounds like an admission that McCain had been tracked. Q#1091-1099 sound as if Q is laying out all of the evidence they gathered (McCain "died" a few weeks later). Q#1106 sounds like Q reassuring Syria, telling them that we needed to get our guys to the site to confirm a C_A report, and that the drawdawn would still occur.


Q#1145: (About one hour after we coordinated missile strikes on Syria)

>Trust POTUS.

>Sparrow Red.

>Missiles only.

>Intel good.



It turns out that it was purely a missile strike, and (if I remember correctly) there were zero casualties. How could Q have know that one hour after the fact? That in itself is a proof.


So why would POTUS carry out a strike even though he knew it was a false flag? Timing. All of the EU leaders, our traitor media, and our treasonous politicians were screaming "Russia!"–they were trying to get us into a war with them because they know Russia has every incentive to reveal how they fabricated a war that has killed thousands and displaced millions. Also, POTUS had already given a warning when chemical weapons were used a year prior (probably another false flag)–it would have looked strange.


The point is, as time goes on and more facts come to light, we can look back and understand everything in context. The reason the Syrian Civil War started was because of a goddamned pipeline for Europe that would keep money in the right hands. You don't even need to bring cults into it to figure it out–it's just plain old geopolitics and greed.