This seems to say that the USMC is supportive of Trump when taking into consideration Tito's win and Eric and POTUS' tweets yesterday.
Nadler: A ~~jury would convict Trump~~ man who could 10 Big Macs in 'three minutes flat'
Unacceptable. Rhode Island has sanctuary laws on the books. Take from the paying (rich) to give to the immigrants (poor).
This is POTUS EO's to
end corruption and hold people accountable
I think google can help you more than I can
Previous reports have all followed the same lifespan progression. First there was a mix like we have today (it'll blow it all up, or, it's nothing). When it was finally released, the "it's nothing" camp ramped up hard within MSM and piled on for a day. The next day after some analysis had been done, there were a few very damning bits found. Two days later the magnitude of the reports started to grow in intensity. All the while MSM was digging deeper to find more "meaningless" points that they tout loudly.
In this case, at the 2 day mark Horowitz will testify in the Senate before Graham and others. With all that we know, it seems to be a 75% chance this time will be much different.
The key point here is that this report has had zero leaks. None. Much like impeachment, if you read deeply enough into the articles today, you'll find the disclaimer that no one has actually seen the report. They've all just heard from a friend who heard from a friend that it's damaging - or that it means nothing - depending on the media's slant.
This is the one time so far that we can be sure there's enough in the report to force the left to call out shooters in rapid progression. That's a strong indication that the report is as bad, or worse, to Dems than we can imagine.
shootings happen every single day in the USA.
I was under the impression q was having us look at dates D1, D2, D,3, etc. as referenced in GWHB funeral on D5
Their parts, yes. The specific part that they were involved in - with redactions were others are involved significantly and overlap with them. Like most compatmentalized things, they get to see only their small bit. You'd have to get everyone that reviewed their parts together to try to reassemble the larger picture. That's just not going to happen in this case.
SPEED is today's "word of the day" for leftists. They badly need a high profile death. Maybe someone is about to be killed in a high speed crash today or tonight that will suck all the air out of impeachment so Nancy can get more time to figure a way out of it all.
Evil quads confirm!
And giving up locale or position could effect the entire operation.
Ah, the old "sabotage the chairman of the committee just before his damaging hearing" play.
I'd buy that "news" except for the timing. It's 2019, people really don't give a shit if someone is gay anymore, as long as they're not being an asshole about it or trying to molest kids. Nice try though.
the musical