Anonymous ID: 0139f0 Dec. 8, 2019, 10:25 a.m. No.7456427   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6444 >>6473 >>6588

Varying Expectations For IG Horowitz Report – The Convenient Application of “intent”……


If Senator Lindsey Graham is correct – tomorrow the DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz will release a much anticipated review, looking into how the FBI and DOJ used an application to the FISA court to investigate the Trump campaign. There are wide-ranging opinions about what exactly this report may, or may not, outline.


The IG review has been ongoing for 21 months. This report is anticipated to be a culmination of that investigative effort. The ‘tick-tock club’ of Sean Hannity, Sara Carter, John Solomon and various Fox pundits have promised the report will be the most devastating outline of gross FBI and DOJ misconduct in the history of IG review.


Additionally, a network of financially dependent social media voices, book writers, podcast pundits and Q-theorists collectively known as the ‘trusty plan group’, have predicted criminal indictments, wide-scale arrests and a shock to the DC system that will fracture the foundation of the administrative state and simultaneously drain the swamp.


Meanwhile the Lawfare group has been the most visible advocacy network for the current and former DOJ and FBI officials who participated in setting up and using the FISA surveillance system now under IG review. The Lawfare group has stated the IG report will exonerate all of their pre and post election activity; validate the justification for their predicate efforts; and leave the ‘tick-tockers’ and ‘trusty planners’ having to reconcile to their stunned audiences how they interpreted all the data so incredibly wrong.


A review of the last three IG reports which brush up against the same DOJ and FBI network: (1) IG review Clinton email/FBI conduct; (2) IG review of McCabe/media leaks; and (3) IG review of James Comey conduct; shows the IG report on FISA is likely to come down somewhere in the middle. ie. mistakes were made; poor judgements were evident; some unprofessional conduct was found; some lack of candor was identified; department policies were not followed; but no direct evidence of intentional wrongdoing was attributable to a coordinated political effort.

Anonymous ID: 0139f0 Dec. 8, 2019, 10:26 a.m. No.7456439   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6531

As Winter Comes Pipeline Wars Heat Up


For all of 2019 December has been a magnet. A number of major geopolitical issues come to head this month and many of them have everything to do with energy. This is the month that Russian gas giant Gazprom was due to finish production on three major pipeline projects – Nordstream 2, Turkstream and Power of Siberia.


Power of Siberia is here. It’s finished. Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese Premier Xi Jinping christened the pipeline to begin the month. Next month Putin will travel to Turkey to join President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to open the first of four potential trains of the Turkstream pipeline.


It is only Nordstream 2 that continues to lag behind because of insane levels of pressure from the United States that is dead set against this pipeline coming online.


And the reason for that is the last of the major energy issues surrounding Gazprom needing resolution this month, the gas transit contract between it and Ukraine’s Naftogaz.


The two gas companies have been locked in legal disputes for years, some of which center on Crimea’s decision to break away from Ukraine and rejoin Russia in 2014. Most of them, however, involve disputes over costs incurred during the previous and expiring gas transit contract.


The particulars today are ultimately irrelevant as these lawsuits have been used as nothing more than blackmail to keep a new contract from getting signed. Ukraine has sued Gazprom in courts, like in Sweden, that rule not by the tenets of contract law but rather through the lens of social justice.


These have been political decisions that allowed Naftogaz to seize Gazprom’s European assets, further complicating any resolution to the conflict. These policies were pursued aggressively by former Ukrainian President and long-time US State Department asset Petro Poroshenko and they have done nothing to help Ukraine.


All they have done is strip-mine the country of its assets while keeping a war to prevent the secession of the Donbass alive.


This dovetails with the external pressure applied to EU member states, like Denmark, to delay if not outright thwart completion of Nordstream 2.


Opposition to Nordstream 2 in the US is all about leveraging influence in Ukraine and turn it into a client state hostile to Russia sharing a border with Russia. If there’s no gas transit contract and there’s no Nordstream 2 then US LNG suppliers can sell gas there and deprive Russia of the revenues and the business.

Anonymous ID: 0139f0 Dec. 8, 2019, 10:29 a.m. No.7456463   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6508 >>6531

Weinstein accused of misusing ankle monitor; $5M bail sought


NEW YORK (AP) — Harvey Weinstein violated his bail conditions by mishandling his electronic ankle monitor, which left his whereabouts unrecorded for hours at a time, a New York prosecutor argued Friday.


Prosecutor Joan Illuzzi made the claim at a pretrial hearing for Weinstein after he hobbled into court with what his lawyer later described as a back ailment. Illuzi told a judge he had repeatedly violated his bail conditions by leaving home a piece of the monitoring technology that keeps the ankle bracelet activated.


“None of these violations were accidental,” Illuzzi said while arguing that Weinstein’s bail should be raised from $1 million to $5 million while he awaits trial next month on rape and assault charges.


Defense attorney Donna Rotunno denied it was anything deliberate, blaming “technical glitches” like dead batteries.


“It has nothing to do with any manipulation of the bracelet,” Rotunno told reporters after leaving court. She acknowledged that on at least one occasion, he’d forgotten part of the device when he left the house. “The minute he realized he forgot it, he made a phone call.”

Anonymous ID: 0139f0 Dec. 8, 2019, 10:39 a.m. No.7456533   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Media Smears Trump as Anti-Semite Over ‘Not Nice People’ Joke to Wealthy Developers He Competed With at Israeli-American Summit


President Trump spoke to the Israeli-American Council National Summit in Hollywood, Florida Saturday night. He was received with chants of four more years and closed the evening being hugged on stage by the Shalva Band after a moving performance of God Bless America.


Trump has been the most pro-Israel president in recent years and the liberal media cannot stand it, so what do they do about an event where Trump is given a hero’s welcome by Jewish-Americans? They lie and misreport a joke he made to friends and competitors in the real estate business.


Here’s is what Trump said to laughter from those in attendance: “A lot of you are in the real estate business because I know you very well, you’re brutal killers. You’re not nice people at all, but you have to vote for me. You have no choice. You’re not gonna vote for Pocahontas, I can tell you that. You’re not going to vote for the wealth tax! Yeah, let’s take a hundred percent of your wealth away! No, no, even if you don’t like me – some of you don’t, some of you I don’t like at all, actually. And you’re going to be my biggest supporters because you’ll be out of business in about 15 minutes if they get in.”


And here is how it was reported. Vox’s Aaron Rupar set the table by his deliberately misleading caption of a clip of Trump’s comments, “Trump, speaking to the Israeli American Council: “You’re not nice people at all, but you have to vote for me. You have no choice. You’re not going to vote for Pocahontas, I can tell you that. You’re not going to vote for the wealth tax!”


And the lie was off and running with Rupar’s video receiving over 1 million views:


Yahoo News republished a hit job by the Independent headlined : “Trump says pro-Israel group will vote for him to protect their money: ‘You’re not nice people at all. You’re not going to vote for the wealth tax’”


Rolling Stone also reported based on Rupar’s misleading tweet, “Trump Uses ‘Pocahontas’ Slur While Telling Jewish Voters That Warren Will Take ‘Your Wealth Away’“

Anonymous ID: 0139f0 Dec. 8, 2019, 10:43 a.m. No.7456559   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6564 >>6580 >>6602 >>6686

Prince William holds climate change talks with two very special advisers… Bill Gates and Hillary Clinton


Duke of Cambridge talks to former US Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton

Prince William met with Ms Clinton and Bill Gates to discuss climate change

The Mail on Sunday understands Prince William will launch a project next year


The Duke of Cambridge has held talks with influential figures including Bill Gates and Hillary Clinton as he plans a major ‘global environment initiative’.


The Mail on Sunday understands that Prince William will launch the project next year and has been canvassing opinion on what can be done to combat climate change.


A source said: ‘He has been chatting to a lot of people about the environment and what needs to happen with a view to work out how best he can bring about change. These are the type of people to talk with to help on a global scale because if you want to evoke change in this area, you have to do it globally.


‘Next year is going to be a big year for the environment. There are lots of things happening and he wants to be part of it.’


Former US Secretary of State Mrs Clinton is a vocal supporter of initiatives to fight climate change, some of which she championed during her unsuccessful presidential campaign in 2016.


Mr Gates, the billionaire founder of Microsoft, and his wife Melissa recently pledged £236 million towards an initiative to help small farmers around the world adapt to climate change.


Jody Allen, chief executive of the Wild Lives Foundation and sister of the late Paul Allen, who co-founded Microsoft, has also talked with William on the topic.


Dr Andy Clements, chief executive of the British Trust for Ornithology and a board member of Natural England, said he had discussed the environment at length with the Prince.

Anonymous ID: 0139f0 Dec. 8, 2019, 10:52 a.m. No.7456607   🗄️.is 🔗kun

NSA Robert O’Brien on Florida Shooting: ‘It Appears to Be a Terrorist Attack’


On Sunday’s broadcast of CBS’s “Face the Nation,” National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien said that Friday’s shooting by Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani at a naval base in Florida “appears to be a terrorist attack.”


O’Brien said, “To me, it appears to be a terrorist attack. The FBI will have to get into — I don’t want to prejudge the investigation. But it appears that this may be someone that was radicalized, whether it was here or it’s unclear if he’s got any other ties to other organizations, but it doesn’t look good.”


He continued, “This is a guy who may very well have had said some things on Twitter that suggest he was radicalized. He went out and killed a number of Americans, so my point is it looks like terrorism. We will have to see what the FBI investigation shows.”


He added, “This looks like something that’s terrorism, or akin to terrorism.”