Anonymous ID: f2cbe2 Dec. 8, 2019, 9:33 a.m. No.7456087   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6099

>>7455851 pb notables


As I understand it, the Scientology org was a useful middleman for cabal shenanigans.


  1. in 1986 GHB had full control over Reagan after the assassination attempt.


  1. The plan was to start the de-funding of NASA (to de-fund, one must "prove" that NASA isn't worth the money), with the money being funneled to the "war on drugs" slush scheme.


  1. the drugs were prepared via the Mediin cartel and flown to the US, with planes landing in the MN23 airstrip close to the Trementina Scientological facility.


  1. The drugs were stored in the underground facilities on the base.


  1. Epstein used the same stuff with human trafficking. "Storing" the victims in the scientology center, and smuggling them via the airstrip or by foot through the open border, with NXIVM being the possible couriers and middlemen.

Anonymous ID: f2cbe2 Dec. 8, 2019, 9:53 a.m. No.7456240   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6263 >>6339 >>6531




more info from israeli social networks:


Netanyahu is experiencing a coup similar to what potus is experiencing. The israeli DS are perpetrating this, since they cant elect their puppets in his place. The Israeli judicial system is corrupt to the core, especially the supreme court and AG.


The fake news msm were blaming Netanyahu as being a traitor for buying german submarines, and allowing the Egyptians to buy their own german subs, without approval from the ministry of defense.


At the end of the day, just like Mueller turned out to be a nothing burger, so was this fake bs.

His lawyer, whom the fake news msm blamed as being the one who headed the submarine corruption, was indicted on a technical bureaucratic issue. He listed profits under a wrong bulletin, something that has nothing to do with the submarines.


in summary, Netanyahu and his lawyer came out clean, the fake news narrative turned oout to be 100% fake, the israeli fake news msm are taking heavy fire as well as the DS who perpetrated this bs.

The only crime waas the representative of the german company ThiessenKrupp, Mickey Ganor, was indicted on corruption charges, along with other lower level officials that opened the doors for him to lobby for the company in the department of defense.


A big nothingburger

Anonymous ID: f2cbe2 Dec. 8, 2019, 10:16 a.m. No.7456380   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6409





He saved israel from annihilation via the Oslo Accord by the "knight of the round table group" cabal ideologue Shimon Peres, the puppet Rabin, and the cabal puppet Arafat. all 3 btw got a nobel peace prize, and you don't get it for nothingโ€ฆ


I can go on and write an essay on why these accords were a disaster, and how they benefited personal economic interests of several oligarchs (martin schlaff included), and how it helped bring forward the globalist agenda, but to make a long story short, Netanyahu had the guts to stand up to Clinton and effectively kill the accord, with minimal casualties.


Why? because as a strategist, instead of entering a confrontation with Clinton and his machine, backed by the Israeli deep state that

were waiting for his mistake to pounce on him, he chose to remove the poison of the accord without a single shot.




he went forward with the "y accord" aka the division of the city of Hevron between a PLO territory and an Israeli territory. He used these mostly semantic gestures to kill all criticism that "israel isn't doing a thing in the accords", while at the same time exposing that the PLO didn't do even semantic gestures, they simply did nothing. He wanted to kill the accords, and remove their poison peacefully, unlike what the cabal wanted, which is war and profits.

Anonymous ID: f2cbe2 Dec. 8, 2019, 10:20 a.m. No.7456407   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6429 >>6531



here is more to dig:


the corrupt israeli deep state party aka "blue white party", is knee deep in corruption.

Their head Benny Gantz, was the CEO of a cyber company called the 5th dimention.

This company got a fraudulent deal with the Israeli police. The deal included israeli police data bases to be shared with this company.


The main financier of the company was the oligarch Victor Vekselberg. Yes, the one who donated to HRC and the foundation, and who allegedly was part of the intellectual property theft from the silicone valley companies to the Russian Skolkovo project.

The FBI ordered sanctions on Vekselberg.


This anon thinks that the 5th dimention company was involved with framing PapaD.

This is why they are doing everything in their power to oust Netanyahu and silence the corruption case with the 5th dimention and the israeli police.

Anonymous ID: f2cbe2 Dec. 8, 2019, 10:30 a.m. No.7456471   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6485 >>6630



"you" mean Obama, Bush, Payseur, Clinton, the royals, Saudis, Brennan, Clapper, Jarrett, Huma?



At the top it is the families. Out of which all but the Rothschild are of Gaellic descent, according to Fritz Springmaiers research.


Bin Laden had his book in the Abbotabad Compund, meaning he was researching the families himself.


John Todd aka Lance Collins, a troubled MKultra like individual of the Collins-Todd bloodline, said the same things as Springmaier in his lectures back in the 1970s!


Also Bill cooper, one of the greatest redpilling patriots ever, also understood this (attached).


So you can shut it, shill.