Anonymous ID: 62b543 Dec. 10, 2019, 10:36 a.m. No.7473694   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"The light will show who is truly on our side"


"You have the chance to stand up and do what is right"


'The Light' is the phase of the game where if you are a player, your turn on the decission button will come, and it will be in clear view of the public or behind the scenes but in view of Potus and the Military team running tihs show. When you are placed in the light, your choice is either play ball and do what is right by the American people and the U.S. Constitution, which in and of itself would be evident to all not utterly fucking brainwashed into thinking the inane shit like 2A abolishment, cow farts, etc., OR, you can chose to play Mockingbird Media and attempt to spin everything so as to debase and defame the current administration, likely because you were blackmailed into doing so, BUT, as you were told, if you stood up and did the right thing, your families would be safe.


Staying in the light means actually doing your fucking job as a public servant d anmaking sure the best interests of the general public which you serve are at heart in EVERY decission you make. If you leave the light, you are obviously not on our side, regardless of whatever blackmail scheme is against you. The irony…Potus and Mil STILL got your family's back so long as they themselves are not in on it. If they are, they too will eventually be in the light until it is verified they chose knowingly to leave the light.


My take on it all.