Anonymous ID: 6fb4d6 Dec. 10, 2019, 11:10 a.m. No.7473936   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3992 >>4193 >>4267 >>4279 >>4343

>>7472880 pb


comey is not a good guy

I can't believe you idiots can't tell that

The same shit we had before with Mueller is good. RR is good.

Must be a team

Makes no sense. You guys are stooooopid

There is so much evidence against him we've collected over the past years.

Don't you guys keep up with shit?


So much on that fucking dude, since he was 17

How could anybody listen to that lying trap and think he's for real

You guys are fucked up

Go back to Obama

Could you tell Obama was lying. Or did you just disagree with hium

Maybe that's why you can't tell with Comey.

That stupid. "he 's working for us behind the scenes"

Think,, he FRAMED POTUS . He lied to POTUS.

That's an elaborate scheme , isn't it

You guys are freaks. Either that or a team of shill

They must've hired a football team here.

just wow.







He worked for hillary for 30 years.

In and out of trouble . Protects her from charges .

over and over and over.

Whitewater. Murder of Vince Foster,

He's their fix - it man at the very least.and gets paid well,

Learn a little history?

Anonymous ID: 6fb4d6 Dec. 10, 2019, 11:14 a.m. No.7473982   🗄️.is 🔗kun


cf "The Big Wedding" by Sander Hicks tells the same story but in greater detail

Sander's dad worked for the World Bank

It an old story for 9/11 "truthers"

That's something they can hand-out to try to show "Hey we're going clean"

What a joke.