>>7501301 (lb)
>wasn't video but it was BOSS
that's a soul BOOM
is that a dick fish?
paging Justice Roberts
If I exist, you exist. If I don't exist, you don't exist. Truth is, it's a little bit of both. Duality of our existence.
this tweet makes me think of
<How do you introduce evidence into an investigation (legally)?
Does it look anything like opening any .exe file in txt?
Can you do a AaBbCc… conversion for us, or is that asking too much?
wow … just wow
To many concern fags
twitter com/Incarcerated_ET/status/1205583073229889539?s=19
>H11rricane /11wstigation" (Repon ).
A graphic! It must be true. Thank goodness that canadian journalist and amateur historian blew the lid off the missing 1,000,000 soldiers 4 decades after the war. What a secret!
>>"The US casualty rate of German POWs was among the lowest (after Britain) in comparison to any other Allied Power, especially when we take the Soviets into account. You know how the missing 1,000,000 was debunked officially beyond just historical analysis? The German War Graves Commission discovered over 1,000,000 Dead German Soldiers since 1993! Imagine that. There's your missing 1,000,000 "other losses".