Anonymous ID: 1c079a Dec. 13, 2019, 6:29 p.m. No.7501525   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1550 >>1572

That notable in LB about the Awans is big, ya'll, really big

Two words: Grand Jury


Think about it:

– would explain insane amount of hush-hush around everything related to the Awans

– would explain Noodlehair keeping her mouth closed for so long– gag order!

Anonymous ID: 1c079a Dec. 13, 2019, 6:42 p.m. No.7501622   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1679 >>1681 >>1734 >>1739 >>1843 >>1854


That utterly evil look she gave the DC Chief of Police is seared into my brain.

He knew that laptop was already promised to the feds.

Remember when the military guy (can't remember if he was Navy or Marine) had rented a house from Awan, then during the process of moving, military guy discovered a ton of computer hardware still in the house (in a garage or shed, and some still plugged into power, iirc) and realized it was way too hot to handle, called military intel people and before Awan could get there, they swooped in and seized it all. The military guy's wife was military too.


Then after that happened, Awan's first hearing or trial or whatever was rushed in & out of court like somebody wanted to get it out of the way.


I haven't looked at any of that in detail since 2016, so forgive my hazy memory. At the time it struck me that this could be the biggest espionage case in US history if it was as big as it looked with the spoonful of facts we knew about. Imagine what we DON'T know about that case. Will probably end up laying waste to Tom Clancy, John LeCarre, Robert Ludlum, every spy novel ever written (not spy movies, they're watered down, choppy, and terrible– read a book)

Anonymous ID: 1c079a Dec. 13, 2019, 7:02 p.m. No.7501753   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1765 >>1771 >>1779 >>1780 >>1820 >>1841 >>1876 >>1893 >>2047 >>2069


This stuff is all coming back to me now. Remember, Debbie Wasserman Schultz was running Broward County Florida like her own personal empire. First, she put her own dirty sheriff's department in charge of security (ha) at both the Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood airport AND at Port Everglades. Know how much contraband you can expedite when your own goons have control of security?


No, Debbie was MUCH more than a U.S. Representative. She was in it all the way up to that mouthful of wonky teeth. In particular, Port Everglades would have been of VERY strategic interest to anyone wanting to move drugs/weapons/people in and out of the USA. Once DWS was in place, she was the Goodfella in charge of all that, and she got crowned chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee.


She's one of the worst of the worst. Foreign enemies having free reign of our ports should scare the living daylights out of every anon. Remember when Diane Feinstein & hubby Richard Blum had their claws dug into the Port of Long Beach? People these are CRITICAL GEOGRAPHIC POINTS. Look at a map. Freaked out yet?

Anonymous ID: 1c079a Dec. 13, 2019, 7:09 p.m. No.7501824   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1887


This stuff is all coming back to me now. Remember, Debbie Wasserman Schultz was running Broward County Florida like her own personal empire. First, she put her own dirty sheriff's department in charge of security (ha) at both the Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood airport AND at Port Everglades. Know how much contraband you can expedite when your own goons have control of security?


No, Debbie was MUCH more than a U.S. Representative. She was in it all the way up to that mouthful of wonky teeth. In particular, Port Everglades would have been of VERY strategic interest to anyone wanting to move drugs/weapons/people in and out of the USA. Once DWS was in place, she was the Goodfella in charge of all that, and she got crowned chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee.


She's one of the worst of the worst. Foreign enemies having free reign of our ports should scare the living daylights out of every anon. Remember when Diane Feinstein & hubby Richard Blum had their claws dug into the Port of Long Beach? People these are CRITICAL GEOGRAPHIC POINTS. Look at a map. Freaked out yet?

Anonymous ID: 1c079a Dec. 13, 2019, 7:16 p.m. No.7501872   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anons, just because people in Atlanta gossip about business, I can tell you that Jane Fonda has multiple nonprofits incorporated in the State of Georgia. One of them is "Preventing Adolescent Pregnancy".

Anonymous ID: 1c079a Dec. 13, 2019, 7:25 p.m. No.7501928   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thanks mang, I should have put all the DWS/Awan stuff in a folder back then.

So many digs ago

I don't remember life before digging now

It never feels like work, it's been fascinating and kinda fun