I think the vaccine dogma is one of the worst examples of what was mentioned in that Q post. People have heard about all the good supposedly done by vaccines and believe it ALL without even a shred of evidence. Actual historical records, scientific studies and testimony of parents show that vaccines are quite possibly the single most prevalent cause of chronic disease the world has ever known. Not to mention the out right deaths caused by those "safe and effective" poison vials. When a toddler is vaccinated they are restrained, assaulted by injections, and ritually poisoned. A vaccine resembles nothing so much as the bite of a venomous snake and the process of vaccination is like a form of ritual abuse.
>>7501484 It seems to me that giving a background check to an involved parent is in order to protect the "pedos" not the children or the parents. It is subtly intimidating and projects that you are already suspect simply by being a parent. They want child abusers in contact with children because such people serve the anti-human agenda.