Anonymous ID: 8ceef8 Dec. 16, 2019, 4:40 p.m. No.7528772   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8902

I'm 100% convinced that Methodist, Wesleyan colleges and chapels were used by the Dutch as cultural expansive organizations.

Pic related is a Wesleyan Chapel in Nassau Bahamas, former dutch colony.


That puts Syracuse University's history as being a derivative of the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary in Lima, NY in a new light.


Even more interesting, Lima, NY was formed by early settlers in Lyme, Connecticut moving to the region.

Lyme, CT is where Lyme disease was first recorded, fun fact.

So the connection between Connecticut and western NY expansion of the Vanderbilt empire is starting to consolidate into a singular Idea.

The Dutch played a hidden hand in the NY Colony spreading westward through the actions of the likes of

Adriaen Block

Ezra Cornell

Cornelius Vanderbilt.

That also lays credence to the Seneca Oil Company being the first commercial oil well in PA being heavily influence by this Dutch cult.

Seneca Oil Company was originally the Pennsylvania Rock Oil Company and it was funded by "New Haven, CT investors."


Who are these investors, how are they connected to the Dutch, and can their influence be connected to Vanderbilt? Seneca?


This is huge because it would reveal the cult's influence in creating Rockefeller, deliberately.