Anonymous ID: 87887a Dec. 17, 2019, 1:13 p.m. No.7537577   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7627 >>7632

Unshakable confidence.

Information warfare targets+manages what percentage of the population believes x, y, z.

They track those who speak against the narrative, those who inspire others to say they disagree. If one person stands up and says they don't agree, it opens the window for others to say they disagree. If 10% of the population hold an unshakable belief, then it propogates to the entire population.

They're terrified of the domino affect we've already started

Our enemy needs to know what unshakable beliefs we hold so they can inject doubt into it.

The key here is to hold an absolute belief. Find the bullet proof belief you hold about Q, Distill it down to a digestable sentence, and spread it like wildfire.

eg: Epstein didn't kill himself.

eg: Q is a backchannel between Americas Military Intellegence and You, the People they protect.


Watch our enemy burn in their own terror, watch them try in a hundred ways to make you question your own belief.

Stand firm and know well how scared they are, hiding behind the lies even they don't believe~

Anonymous ID: 87887a Dec. 17, 2019, 1:18 p.m. No.7537632   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Found by a great anon & reposting to expand upon the insights!


“In general, people do not like to have an unpopular opinion and are always seeking to try locally to come to consensus. We set up this dynamic in each of our models,” said SCNARC Research Associate and corresponding paper author Sameet Sreenivasan. To accomplish this, each of the individuals in the models “talked” to each other about their opinion. If the listener held the same opinions as the speaker, it reinforced the listener’s belief. If the opinion was different, the listener considered it and moved on to talk to another person. If that person also held this new belief, the listener then adopted that belief.


“As agents of change start to convince more and more people, the situation begins to change,” Sreenivasan said. “People begin to question their own views at first and then completely adopt the new view to spread it even further. If the true believers just influenced their neighbors, that wouldn’t change anything within the larger system, as we saw with percentages less than 10.”


The research has broad implications for understanding how opinion spreads. “There are clearly situations in which it helps to know how to efficiently spread some opinion or how to suppress a developing opinion,” said Associate Professor of Physics and co-author of the paper Gyorgy Korniss. “Some examples might be the need to quickly convince a town to move before a hurricane or spread new information on the prevention of disease in a rural village.”


The researchers are now looking for partners within the social sciences and other fields to compare their computational models to historical examples. They are also looking to study how the percentage might change when input into a model where the society is polarized. Instead of simply holding one traditional view, the society would instead hold two opposing viewpoints. An example of this polarization would be Democrat versus Republican.

Anonymous ID: 87887a Dec. 17, 2019, 1:20 p.m. No.7537663   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7692 >>7811 >>8145

Social engineers have run rampant on our board, deploying networks of censorship that stretch into your lives and loved ones.


They mold the hivemind to hate Jews, then label anyone who stands up against them as Jews, so that You drag down those who stand up for you; The prisoners guard themselves against Freedom from their evil.

They do this to Trump.

They do this to Q.

They do this to Americas Military.

They do this to AntiFungalLeafBread.

They do this to (You) who stand up.


Why Jews? The nation of Israel poses a geopolitical threat to Ch_nA and C_rAn. Those whom control the masses want Ch_nA to dominate the world; Communism is their preferred governance of control. They manipulate our breeding habits and beliefs so that WE work to make THEIR goals a reality.


They mention McDonalds because you all see it's logo everyday, during your commute or in ads. They hijack that impression on your mind to remind you of their silent control, to remind you of their 'jews eat babies' narrative, to make you unconsciously believe everyone who eats there are your enemies; Likewise, for you to unconsciously desire baby meat. Corrupting you to their insideous desires and confusing your Identify Fren or Foe instincts. Turning us hostile to each other; To blind us with undirected rage, as they omit themselves from every conversation.

They want a civil war, they want chaos.

They want you stupid enough to love your shadow masters call.


It's never the content they want you thinking about, it's their network of conflations and subliminals that are attached.


Their main subliminal deployed here is an evil face surrounded by skulls, placed at the top - looking down upon you. Implanted in screenshots of news and qposts, in the memes we want to see. Invert the embed, and increase the contrast. You'll find the nose is altered to look Jewish, it's the attachment point between the flood of anti-Jew posts and this subliminal.


All the talk and labels of jews, remind us of this evil face, remind us of skulls and death.

Their bakers collect all their embeded pictures so we consume their poison. It's what we see every day, so we internalize this evil, and it starts looking down upon you in your own mind.. Which implies we look up to it, and thus their church of satan is created. You're censored far beyond your posts here, your higher ambitions are turned away from God. Your body takes over your inner sight, your made to love swallowing their shit, and you're encouraged to maintain the system as it is.

They blend rage with suicide, to censor our conversations and insights. So we don't expose what they want to hide..


These are the censors I'm proud to fight against, for you, my Frens.


Anonymous ID: 87887a Dec. 17, 2019, 1:22 p.m. No.7537692   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7751


''Information Warfare: Closer than you know''

Cre[e]p[bot] is an internal parasite; a psychological rootkit.

He has been a part of the hivemind for so long we think what he says comes from within us, thus, his words aren't assessed by our minds as 'other'.

They're ours.

A key point in advertising is to convince your their message is coming from within, an internal desire that needs to be satiated.

Otherwise the message will be rejected, and rightfully so.

creepbot is the enemies rootkit in our hivemind, and those seemingly random words have grown into beliefs amd neuro networks in our minds.

They use this rootkit to change how we think, how we feel, how we act. To censor us from our loved ones and friends, to quiet the Great Awakening.

[Enter as a Name filter] ^(?!(Anonymous$|Q$|Ron$))[Enter as a Name filter] ([])=,e

''We ask that the mods take care of his posts, delete and ban all that's required to remove this rootkit of censorship from our hivemind''

Anonymous ID: 87887a Dec. 17, 2019, 1:26 p.m. No.7537751   🗄️.is 🔗kun


our father, who arte in heaven

hallowed be thy name

they kingdom come

thy will be done

on earth as it is in heaven

give us this day, our daily bread

and forgive us our debts

as we forgive those who are endebted to us

and lead us not into temptation

but deliver us from the evil ones

for thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory

for ever, and ever, and ever

Amen o7

Anonymous ID: 87887a Dec. 17, 2019, 1:33 p.m. No.7537871   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8162

=Trump endorsement blitz!!=


Congresswoman Kay @GrangerCampaign has worked hard for Texas and been a strong supporter of our #MAGA Agenda. She’s strong on #2A and Securing our Border and is 100% pro-life. Kay has my Complete and Total Endorsement!


Congressman @MarkwayneMullin is a big time #MAGA supporter! Markwayne has fought hard for Oklahoma Veterans and Military, he loves our Farmers and he’s Strong on Border Security. I give Markwayne my Complete and Total Endorsement!


Congressman @Denver4VA Riggleman is a true CONSERVATIVE leader who has done a great job for Virginia and will support our #MAGA Agenda. He defends our right to bear arms, protect our Borders & help small businesses. Denver has my Total Endorsement!


@Buddy_Carter is a BUSINESSMAN first. He takes care of our Vets and Troops and is leading the fight to SLASH drug prices! Buddy's 100% pro-Wall & 100% pro-jobs. He will KEEP AMERICA GREAT and has my total, Strong Endorsement!

Anonymous ID: 87887a Dec. 17, 2019, 1:48 p.m. No.7538037   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is an organic movement, and leading people to clown honeypots will only further it's containment.


=Write when insights strikes, Q has repeatedly linked to 'out of the blue' insights written by anyone!=

So, what's on (You)r mind, Frens?

Anonymous ID: 87887a Dec. 17, 2019, 1:53 p.m. No.7538119   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8154


=Except Masonry itself is Holy, it's a pathway of inner mastery to help shed Gods Light into the world=

Those with Power corrupted it. Power got to their heads and they thought they knew better than God - A lucifarian thought. The system is Holy.a

Anonymous ID: 87887a Dec. 17, 2019, 1:59 p.m. No.7538221   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8340


Oh yeah, blame the system as a whole and hide the fact that CORRUPTION happens in all orginizations 🤣🤣🤣 sing along with the C_A's modus opperandi and see how exposed you are 🤣

Anonymous ID: 87887a Dec. 17, 2019, 2:03 p.m. No.7538267   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8319


Found the Ch_nA agent

This is what Chinese Warfare looks like:

>We are killing your mutts aka "whites", the tax slaves of the Hispanics and the BBCs. Soon after we take down the core American tax base; Tyrone's EBT card will decline and you will have the biggest chimpout riots and mauradings of feral Negros in modern times. You lost, China # 1.

The anti-minority narrative on this board is an active mission to ferment chaos in America.

The demise of your future Wives, Sons and Daughters… baked into 'Chan [Ch_nA] culture'.


[They can't invest the time for outright conflicts, they're too busy fighting off Communisms greatest asset: Starvation - this is what Weakness looks like~]