` ID: ec573d Dec. 19, 2019, 1:39 p.m. No.7563702   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3926 >>4412

>>7563545 lb


There are other jobs that need doing, outside of the legislature. No surprise there. He is not the first person to step aside like this.


Also, you better get used to this. If we end the lifelong career of catering to lobbyists, and implement term limits for all elected officials, you will see lots more of this.


Who knows maybe Mark is going to lead a team to write the Federal bills for the House of Representatives and the Senate. And then there is the question of 50 states.


Does the Federal govt have the prerogative to legislate term limits at the state level? Or does it have to settle with providing sample legislation, and campaigning for state voters to follow the Federal lead.


These things are never as simple as saying


Term limits


There is always lots of work to make sure it is consistent with the Constitution and won't be overturned by the Supreme Court.


And what if it is not done with a law, but with a Constitutional Amendment? Again, lots of work to organize that kind of thing.


And think about this…


Are there any OTHER THINGS that would require a Constitutional amendment to do? Wouldn't it make sense to organize all of them in a single MAGA campaign to simplify the process of ratification. No point in making the whole nation focus on a stream of amendments for years and years.

` ID: ec573d Dec. 19, 2019, 2:07 p.m. No.7564002   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4041



What does this Swedish looking guy know about Jews?


And if you think he really is Jewish, then ask yourself why SHILLS have to hammer home that point.


Think for yourself. Go look at photos of Swedish men of roughly the same age, especially those in the nobility or in the Swedish royal family.


Remember what Q said in drop 938?


N does not refer to Nazi.

The continued Nazi ideology is relevant.

Events will clarify.

Think subgroup.



Well, Nordic people were a subgroup of the Nazis. In fact, they were the ones who felt that Nordic people were superior to others. Note that the Nazi definition of Aryan was the tall blond blue-eyed look of Nordic people and Hitler didn't even fit the profile.


One characteristic of Nordic people that they cannot hide, is their height. Anyone who has visited Sweden knows this. Look at the pope photo. Even though he is clearly standing closer to the camera than the others, and the WJC guys all lean their heads to reduce their apparent height, you can see they are all tall.


Some like Edgar Bronfman look more Danish than Swedish.


But the secret of the men behind the curtain, who hatched a plan for a Middle East war that will kill all the Jews and Muslims, is that they are not Jews at all. The power in Israel, as elsewhere, is held by the


Nordic World Order


The Germanic languages originated as a Creole spoken by tall blond and red-haired Turkic warriors who needed to communicate with bonded warriors (Mongols, Magyars, Huns, Finns) and with merchants (Arabs, Persians). So in the heart of the Khazar empire, the Gothic language was born. They carried on the Turkic tradition of the Dastan, now called a Saga, telling the history of heroes. They converted to Judaism for a while, and accepted many diaspora Jews from the Persian empire into their midst. They subjugated the Rus capital of Kiev, and were well on there way to subjugating all of the Rus lands, when the Rus (allied Persians, Turks, Finns, Balts) managed to destroy the Khazar capital of Atil, disperse the remaining Atilar (men of Atil in Turkic) or Adlers (nobles in Gothic) away from the trade routes.


Of course, some Goths still knew the secret of the Midgard serpent, and traveled along her back to lands in the north, on the edge of the ocean sea, where the locals were easy to subdue and enslave.


This serpent, pictured here, tells the secret. If you travel up the Volga, portage into other waterways, and end up in a siwash (Turkic word for muddy place but Gothic for sea), then you can continue in the ocean sea and come around where you began, by sailing up the Don river, and taking the traders portage to the Volga.


I think this is why 8chan, 8kun, Ghidra and others use this symbol. Perhaps the Cabal have forgotten its old meaning, but those who dig, have not!

` ID: ec573d Dec. 19, 2019, 2:34 p.m. No.7564241   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4276



We know that Q likes to put multiple meanings in just about every crumb

Spellings matter



So what did he mean by

Godfather III

Vatican is corrupt? check

Evil men control Cardinals? check


Why did Michael Corleone say that in 5 years the Corleone family business is going to be completely legitimate?

Was this a sign that some scions of bloodline families were doing exactly that?


Do we know of any organized criminals who have done that?

Did you know that Jewish organized criminals in the United States from the 1940s onward moved the family business into construction,real estate, shipping, waste hauling and beverage distribution? That is a historical fact.


Now I'm not saying anything about Jared because I have not really dug into him or his family. But given Trump's past as Batman, an undercover crimefighter for the FBI, I rather trust his judgement on these things.


Let's face it, the real world that we live in is literally Hell ruled by Satan. None of us are lily-white pure as the driven snow. We are all thieves and liars at best. We are the demons of hell, and going legit is the only way any of us is getting out of here. The mantra United Not Divided is a hint to us all, that there is only one way out of the deep pit of hell. Nobody is likely to be able to climb out of here alone, although at least one person has succeeded. That was Jesus son of Joseph. And he did advise us to follow him, but he also said Love thy neighbor which suggests that if we just…

Help each other out

We will get out of the pit faster. He als suggested praying silently in a quiet private place, to get in touch with God, because that is what Jesus did. He communicated directly to God, i.e. he was a Prophet, and he told us that each and every one of us can do the same. He scouted the path for us, now we should follow.

` ID: ec573d Dec. 19, 2019, 2:45 p.m. No.7564318   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4332



We know that Q likes to put multiple meanings in just about every crumb

Spellings matter



So what did he mean by

Godfather III

Vatican is corrupt? check

Evil men control Cardinals? check


Why did Michael Corleone say that in 5 years the Corleone family business is going to be completely legitimate?

Was this a sign that some scions of bloodline families were doing exactly that?


Do we know of any organized criminals who have done that?

Did you know that Jewish organized criminals in the United States from the 1940s onward moved the family business into construction,real estate, shipping, waste hauling and beverage distribution? That is a historical fact.


Now I'm not saying anything about Jared because I have not really dug into him or his family. But given Trump's past as Batman, an undercover crimefighter for the FBI, I rather trust his judgement on these things.


Let's face it, the real world that we live in is literally Hell ruled by Satan. None of us are lily-white pure as the driven snow. We are all thieves and liars at best. We are the demons of hell, and going legit is the only way any of us is getting out of here. The mantra United Not Divided is a hint to us all, that there is only one way out of the deep pit of hell. Nobody is likely to be able to climb out of here alone, although at least one person has succeeded. That was Jesus son of Joseph. And he did advise us to follow him, but he also said Love thy neighbor which suggests that if we just…

Help each other out

We will get out of the pit faster. He als suggested praying silently in a quiet private place, to get in touch with God, because that is what Jesus did. He communicated directly to God, i.e. he was a Prophet, and he told us that each and every one of us can do the same. He scouted the path for us, now we should follow.




People who craft ritual objects of GOLD are really inheritors of Ancient Egyptian beliefs and are really worshipping the Sun God Ra, although usually under another name like Lucifer, Christ or Satan.


Those who truly follow Jesus son of Joseph don't worship any gods, they bow down to nobody, they speak directly to the source from which our entire universe was created, whatever you want to call that source.

En Soph

I Am That I Am


Gitche Manitou



It doesn't really matter what name you use when you are in direct communication. Every human was created with Free Will and the ability to communicate back to the source from which we came.


Oh, and by the way, why do you lay down and close your eyes and zone out every night? What the heck is wrong with you?


I think you are just getting tired…

Of this dream, and so you wake up

Into reality, outside of Plato's cave

For a bit of refreshment before diving back into the cave

To play this little game with ourselves.

` ID: ec573d Dec. 19, 2019, 2:46 p.m. No.7564329   🗄️.is 🔗kun



People who craft ritual objects of GOLD are really inheritors of Ancient Egyptian beliefs and are really worshipping the Sun God Ra, although usually under another name like Lucifer, Christ or Satan.


Those who truly follow Jesus son of Joseph don't worship any gods, they bow down to nobody, they speak directly to the source from which our entire universe was created, whatever you want to call that source.

En Soph

I Am That I Am


Gitche Manitou



It doesn't really matter what name you use when you are in direct communication. Every human was created with Free Will and the ability to communicate back to the source from which we came.


Oh, and by the way, why do you lay down and close your eyes and zone out every night? What the heck is wrong with you?


I think you are just getting tired…

Of this dream, and so you wake up

Into reality, outside of Plato's cave

For a bit of refreshment before diving back into the cave

To play this little game with ourselves.