Anonymous ID: 8d8d9b Dec. 25, 2019, 9:44 p.m. No.7622545   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2666 >>2689



I'd like to point out that those two bits that look like eyes, are not. Instead they are the ball socket joints, where the feelers are, which carry the smelling organs on them. The bulgy bit in the middle is not a nose, there are no nostrils and as I mentioned, the smell organs are waved up in the air.


You have ball sockets in your hips and shoulders. The jaws have something like a ball socket but since the two jaw arms are now fused together into a single bone, they are no longer so much like a ball. You can see that the ant also has ball joints on the jaw.


And now on you your 4th ball joint, which is no longer a joint, and no longer bone. It has evolved into a kind of cartilaginous mass, almost like gelatin, but still shaped like a ball,and still movable like the ball joints. We call them eyeballs.


As you may recall insect eyes are on the side of the head, and you can see one of them partly visible on the right of the picture. They are kind of like an exposed retina. In us, the retina is hidden, tucked behind the eyeballs which are filled with transparent liquid allowing the light to shine through.


All of this shows that we have very, very similar DNA to ants, because we come from a common ancestor, some kind of trilobite like creature whose worm ancestors crawled out of their holes, developed limbs and a complex face structure used to scrape and shovel particles from he bottom of the sea into the digestive system entry hole.


Oh, I almost forgot. You may have the impression, that legs. arms, jaws and eyeballs are the remnants of our centipede like past. But there is another one, and it is actually a second vestigial jaw found in your throat. We call it a pharynx, but in some of our closer relative, like tilapia fish, you can see that it is actually another jaw. So those alien moves with a jaw inside the open mouth, are not so far fetched.


Some of the women on this board may already understand the pharynx by now, because it can actually be used as a jaw. For instance, you can shove a banana in there and bite off a piece, or use it when doing a blowjob. It's called deep throating.


So, now do you understand what Huma was writing about on those Wikileaks emails where she referred to a tilapia lunch, when they were going on a junket with an air force crew flying them somewhere? Symbolism will be their downfall, and you don't have to watch Under Silver Lake to learn how to read them.

Anonymous ID: 8d8d9b Dec. 25, 2019, 9:53 p.m. No.7622585   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2715



I hope by now Anons understand what is really going on with Russia. They have their own DeepState. It has been pruned and corralled in by Putin, but it is still there and many globalists still hold positions of power.


But, when they hide their crimes, they are hiding them from Putin,, and he is only interested in their crimes inside Russia. It stands to reason that if they have interests elsewhere, in Cyprus or Spain or on a Mediterranean yacht, they might be less careful about hiding their criminal activity.


They have now been warned by Trump.


Russia is still a competitor of the USA, but the right way to think about them, is like another sports team in the same league. It's a friendly competition because we are all in the same boat. When a storm hits, it will be all hands on deck, but in the meantime, the crew on the port side competes with the starboard side to see who can keep their side cleanest, and functioning most efficiently.


That's why Q said to Learn Russian.

The USA will need more Russian speaking people to maintain friendly and professional relations with Russia. Never again can the USA rely on the Ukrainian Nazi diaspora to be the translators for all comms between the USA and Russia. Because that is what happened.

Anonymous ID: 8d8d9b Dec. 25, 2019, 9:58 p.m. No.7622608   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The calling out works better when you have some factual information about one of their claims. They often paste in images that contain factual errors, or which give a tiny piece of a larger story and misrepresent the whole.


You can never refute everything they post, but when you see something where you have the correct info, then overwhelm them with facts.

Anonymous ID: 8d8d9b Dec. 25, 2019, 10:23 p.m. No.7622720   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2735 >>2768 >>2772 >>2782 >>2789



The original AntiFungalLeafBread was a Canuck, He was a Gay activist from Toronto. After getting thoroughly roasted by Anons he started spamming the board for a while, but faded away. I doubt he has been back since then but som Anons got creative with the name, and anytime other Anons posted stuff they didn't like, they would sling accusations at them. I was called AFLB more than once.


Funny thing is that AFLB kind of reminded me of Bob Allisat from Toronto, who was a similar kind of character in the mid 90s on Canadian USENET boards like can.infohighway.


Time goes on, but human character does not change. Whether it was the same person or not, he is long gone from QResearch. But we do have lots of newbies dropping in so…

Anonymous ID: 8d8d9b Dec. 25, 2019, 10:29 p.m. No.7622744   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2760 >>2773



There is more than one Dune book in the series. You really have to read to the end, because the last book explains why we have to build the Space Force. Of course it doesn't say that explicitly, but anyone who has seriously dug into the Cabal and their several thousand years of controlling human destiny for their own ends, will get the point in the last book.


And it may in fact be one of those warnings from the Cabal where they explain how we will be controlled forever unless we do this one thing, explained in the last Dune book.

Anonymous ID: 8d8d9b Dec. 25, 2019, 10:32 p.m. No.7622756   🗄️.is 🔗kun



It's pretty much summed up here…

Schelling's continuing importance today relates mainly to three aspects of his work. The first is his Naturphilosophie, which, although its empirical claims are largely indefensible, opens up the possibility of a modern hermeneutic view of nature that does not restrict nature's significance to what can be established about it in scientific terms. The second is his anti-Cartesian account of subjectivity, which prefigures some of the most influential ideas of thinkers like Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Jacques Lacan, in showing how the thinking subject cannot be fully transparent to itself. The third is his later critique of Hegelian Idealism, which influenced Kierkegaard, Marx, Nietzsche, Heidegger, and others, and aspects of which are echoed by thinkers like T.W. Adorno and Jacques Derrida.


All clear now? Understood?

Anonymous ID: 8d8d9b Dec. 25, 2019, 11:05 p.m. No.7622907   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The OA TV series

Reminds me that many people are now breaking up Latin letters

So that some of them look like Greek letters.

I think in some cases, there is meaning here.


In Tesla car's logo, the E has become a Xi (Ξ) and the A has become Pi with a horizontal I (ΠI)


Clearly the Xi might mean 3 and the Pi I means 6. Three 6's is 666.