Anonymous ID: 0e8b89 Dec. 25, 2019, 11:38 p.m. No.7623033   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3056 >>3185

>>7622776 pb



Right, you Jews never care that almost everyone hates you, has always hated you for 2000 years and you're never going to correct your terrible behavior. You're just going to keep screaming "muhjoo" at decent American Patriots. We hate you. Stop what you're doing.


If you like, you might want to refute any of the Anti Jew Spam that I think is some of the best stuff on the board.


This Q stuff might end up being total bull shit, something to keep us occupied while Trump and Israel work together to increase censorship and increase the censorship of Anti Jew viewpoints.


But the guy posting the spam is posting truth. Not wishes and hopes and a whole bunch of TBA. Weren't Huma and Podesta supposed to be in jail 2 years ago? Q said so.


But the Anti Jew spam is TRUE. And it's something that Jew owned MSM never tells you.


If "we're the media now" or some crazy blather that we seem to like so much, we'll I'd be glad to put "terrible things the Jews have done and are doing" at 8:00 primetime. And "more talk about Comey" on the overnights.

Anonymous ID: 0e8b89 Dec. 25, 2019, 11:49 p.m. No.7623080   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3101



Well, I'm here because I want him to fuck up ZOG. And whether I honestly believe he's actually trying to do that, I'll be voting for him.


The choices of decent Americans have always been shit and shittier. And the Dems are the shittier. If Trump does something good, or, more good than bad, I'll revise my opinion. The alternative would be worse is the best we've ever had. Maybe before we were born there was a good choice, but not in my lifetime.

Anonymous ID: 0e8b89 Dec. 26, 2019, 12:32 a.m. No.7623189   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3255


But the hospital wouldn't be the answer for 99% of the people.


It just wouldn't be.


They can't cure learning bad things.


Are we all going to the hospital - all 99% of us? No.


What are we - the most informed of us going to learn?


If we haven't been in the hospital already, are we going to be going to go to the hospital when we learn we were right all along. No, we'll be running around saying "HEY I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG - SCOREBOARD"


And notice that I'm not suggesting that some people won't be shaken up. I object to 1) 99% and 2) Hospital.


Up to 10% might be dehabilitated enough to miss a day of work? That sounds about right.


When Q pushed out ridiculous numbers like 99% in the hospital, it just made him seem stupid/clueless.


America is pretty diverse. For every top 1% IQ person who pays a lot of attention to politics, there is a bottom 1% IQ person who doesn't. And who doesn't have some unshakable faith in what the Jews who own the media tell them, because they're stupid and they don't understand much.


And ask this, 99% has to include babies and small children. Do they all know what's going on the in world so much that learning that Jews have been fucking with everything for centuries is going to send them to the hospital? No obviously not. 99% of nobody ever actively does anything. That's why 99% and hospital just seems stupid. Way over 1% already knows this shit, and they might go to the hospital from partying too hard, but most of the time they'd be saying "IN YOUR FACE" to the people they've been arguing about on the internet about Mossad and 9/11 for close to 2 decades now.


By suggesting that a lot of people aren't familiar with conspiracy theories, Q is intentionally understating our size. Q really has only been giving us conspiracy theories greatest hits. Some of us have been telling the Rothschild stories for over a decade before Trump and others have been doing it for a lot longer. And the people that didn't believe it, have certainly heard it.


It's just ridiculous that hearing something that contradicts a deeply held belief is going to send any big number of people to the hospital.


Little kids really really believe in Santa.


But then they don't. Deeply held belief. And then they learn the truth. Do those kids go to the hospital? I haven't heard about that happening.


If everyone was injected with a mini time bomb, and it was set to go off at a certain time, and that time was rapidly approaching, and they told you that you had 24 hours to deactivate the mini time bomb, else it would go off and kill you, and the only way you could deactiveate the mini time bomb would be to go to the hospital, and this procedure was free, then you'd get 99% to the hospital. But not "no Santa, huh?"

Anonymous ID: 0e8b89 Dec. 26, 2019, 12:43 a.m. No.7623220   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3233



But our side doesn't trust the hospitals. And we're much bigger than 1%.


"You've been injected with a mini time bomb. It is set to go off at 6pm. The following hospitals have devices to deactivate this time bomb. This procedure is free."


At least 1% wouldn't hear about it, at least 1% wouldn't understand it, at least 1% would say "now's as good a time as any to die, if they're not lying to me, and if it actually does happen, my heirs have a good lawsuit"


You can't get 99% of anybody to do anything. Less than half the people vote. Hillary and Trump got about the same number of votes. Each got less than 20% of the people, including babies, to vote for them. And they talk about those elections pretty much non stop. They don't say "2 versions of shit yet again", they say "this one is the most important one ever" and still, 40% of the people are voting.


Hearing that everything is based on an elaborate, centuries old bribery blackmail scheme by Jews like Rothschild, just isn't going to make people go to the hospital. It just isn't. Kids live after hearing Santa is all made up. They don't go to the hospital.

Anonymous ID: 0e8b89 Dec. 26, 2019, 12:53 a.m. No.7623249   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3264


Every few years some group is kicking Jews out of town, or burning down their villages, or etc. This has been happening for at least 1000 years, and it's because of the bad behavior of Jews. Most people know this, and they aren't responding to the Jew media as readily as they used to. Most here are Jew haters, and they're right to be.

Anonymous ID: 0e8b89 Dec. 26, 2019, 12:56 a.m. No.7623254   🗄️.is 🔗kun



It's not 1% that think like you. It's much more than 1%. Which is why Q is wrong about his 99% and hospital. Way over 1% don't trust hospitals, but would probably go there if they had a serious wound that required fixing.


Trust us, we're the hospital, is something way over 1% don't believe.

Anonymous ID: 0e8b89 Dec. 26, 2019, 1:09 a.m. No.7623295   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3310 >>3320


It's the Jews.


I'm not saying that every Jew is bad. There are many who aren't eating babies and controlling the media. Some are rock stars and others wanted to be rock stars but didn't really succeed. And a whole bunch of others who are just regular.


But, when you look at who the bad guys are, it's typically Jews.


Jews are 100 to 1000 times more likely to be awful than non Jews. But that's not the same thing as saying all Jews are bad. You can pretty much tell from job titles which are the worst of the worst. There are some Jews who work in retail as cashiers, and they're not trannys. They're not the worst. Jews who are VP or higher at TV networks, we can say they're in the category of worst.


There was a local rock singer Jewish female. She wasn't great or popular but pretty ok. Her Jewish dad was able to get her on local TV multiple times, doing things that were not really noteworthy. And she's not one of the bad ones.


One of the things Jews really like to do is hire or otherwise give work to other Jews.

Anonymous ID: 0e8b89 Dec. 26, 2019, 1:13 a.m. No.7623309   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We have a 1964 Civil Rights Act. Prohibits all kinds of discrimination. We should look at the hiring practices of largely Jew companies. Like media, banking, law, etc etc etc. Do Jews tend to hire more Jews than you would think, given that Jews are less than 2% of the population.


If Jews are 10-50% of some workplace category, wouldn't that be a clear open and shut case of Jews discriminating against Non Jews?

Anonymous ID: 0e8b89 Dec. 26, 2019, 1:29 a.m. No.7623346   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3352 >>3360



Jew is the BEST property to divide bad and good. But it's nowhere near 100%.


Some think that Muslim = terrorist. Nope. Jew = bad is much closer to being right.


The problem that arises with all this "so who is it really?" talk that we have is that we're inventing groups that don't have membership lists that we can see. Maybe we're discovering groups and we know so little about them. Either way, mystery groups are hard to identify. Jews are easier to identify. If we were going to only include groups where we can identify people, Jew = Bad is the best we got.


And what we really should be working on is to collectively hitting the Jews hard. They're rich enough and influential enough. Take all that away.


Is there any evidence of discriminatory hiring at Disney /ABC - run by Jew Iger? Are the VPs at ABC more than 2% Jewish? How much more than 2% Jewish? If it's much more than 2% Jewish, that seems like discriminatory hiring practices in violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Non Jews who didn't get to be VP should be suing.


How about Jew Brian Roberts - Comcast / NBC? Over 2% Jew at the VP spot?


How about Jew Sumner Redstone - CBS? Have they been hiring too many Jews, discriminating against Non Jews?

Anonymous ID: 0e8b89 Dec. 26, 2019, 1:44 a.m. No.7623378   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3388 >>3394


Who is this "history" that judges?


Here's real life. We invaded Iraq for no reason. Millions died. Iraq didn't do anything to us. You worried about history there?


If we were just going to target Jews, and not be smart about it, like figuring out who the bad ones are, and getting them first, what you'll find is that the innocent guy to bad guy ratio is much much higher for the Iraqis than for the Jews. If 1 Million Iraqis are killed there wouldn't be too many bad guys killed, a whole lot of innocents and a whole lot of people who just don't want the USA invading their country for no reason. If 1 Million Jews are killed, and you looked at their resumes beforehand and started at the top of the list, you would find that so many bad guys are killed. Far more bad Jews than bad Iraqis with the same number killed.


I think those top baddy Jews are all TERRORISTS. Rothschild (Jew) and Soros (Jew) and Maxwell (Jew) are all top baddy Terrorist Jews.


Getting rid of the top ones should be the priority, I'm more into quality, not quantity.


Who owns the Federal Reserve? Who owns the other national central banks in other countries? Maybe them? Kill the terrorists and take their money. When we attacked Libya and killed their leader (not sure why, but we did it), he said "what did I do?" and it really wasn't anything.


How was it exactly that we could do that, but we can't target real terrorists like Soros and Rothschild?

Anonymous ID: 0e8b89 Dec. 26, 2019, 1:48 a.m. No.7623389   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3396


No matter how good that result was, President is a much better gig. Definitely raises the history book score. Definitely in 100 years the fame gap between Trump and Jenner will be wider than it is now.

Anonymous ID: 0e8b89 Dec. 26, 2019, 1:56 a.m. No.7623400   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3408





But they don't say that on TV.


So, when they have to explain why they did something they can't say "well, I had sex with a girl who was provided to me by Epstein and Maxwell, the daughter of Mossad agent Maxwell. They videotaped it and sent the tape to the Mossad, and the Mossad contacted me and told me I was to vote in favor of all US mass killing operations in the Middle East or they would release the videotape of the sex with the illegal teenie to the media and my political career would be ruined.


They don't say that. That's what it is, but they don't say that. What I'm saying that there isn't any official reason left. It's just Jewish blackmail and bribery, too.


They don't say "I was going to vote no, but AIPAC called and reminded me how much money their contributed to my campaign and will continue to contribute to my campaign if I voted yes, and they were right, it was a lot of money, so I voted yes."


Bribery and blackmail causes the US to do a whole lot of killing in the Middle East for no real reason besides Israel wants us to.

Anonymous ID: 0e8b89 Dec. 26, 2019, 2:06 a.m. No.7623412   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3422 >>3425



I don't know about court of law.


Soros is engaging in terrorism RIGHT NOW. So is Rothschild.


In Libya we killed the leader and took a lot of their gold.


Kill Soros, Kill Rothschild. Kill X,Y,Z. Kill their familes. Take their money.


Somewhere between the "couldn't avoid camps" Jews and the "give them a trial" Jews. We know who the bad guys are and they are more Terrorist than the "Terrorists" that we declare war on in the Middle East. We hit countries that we aren't at war with when we identify a terrorist on the ground and we hit them with drone strikes. No trial. We hit Terrorists with Drone Strikes. Soros, Rothschild, Terrorists, Drone Strikes. No Drone Strikes on US soil. Anywhere else, fail game. We know that Rothschild has been a Terrorist for 200 years. Terrorist. Rothschild. Drone Strike. And then take all their money. And be nice, spread that cash all around to all the good countries who aren't complaining.

Anonymous ID: 0e8b89 Dec. 26, 2019, 2:24 a.m. No.7623484   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Where can you find media talking about how much we all hate Jews?


You don't.


100 people can list their top 100 worst things the Jews have done, and 1 person will post an unflattering black stereotype, and the media won't talk about the Anti-Jews stuff, but the Anti-Black stuff.


They don't want to tell people where to go for full throttle Anti Jew stuff. So we can do it here without public criticism. I could be wrong here, you could point to a NYT or WashPA article where they go on and on about all the top level Anti Jew stuff you see here, and that article could be there, you'd think it would be, because 1) there's a lot of whining about Anti Semuhtism and 2) we have a lot of that here, but we don't hear a whole lot about that article.

Anonymous ID: 0e8b89 Dec. 26, 2019, 2:32 a.m. No.7623503   🗄️.is 🔗kun



We're fighting against a lot of oligopolies that could be broken up by Trump.


There is a lot of behavior that our enemies are doing that is illegal or could be made illegal. Trump should get on that.


Let's have fewer laws about what regular folks like us can do, and more laws about what companies like Cloudflare (who took down 8chan in the first place) can do.


A whole bunch of big tech companies are doing a whole lot of stuff that seems like it should be illegal to me. If it isn't, Trump should make it illegal.