This is just another ad by puhlousy to show she is a full-on socialist/globalist pig. This tact is used often. For example, the final physical manifestation of britain's illegal dictatorship in Hong Kong did the same thing. All the time the british were in dictatorial ownership of HK and HK people, there wasn't even a nod towards anything like a "real" democracy, not any of the 21 or so different types of democracy. What voting was allowed was restricted to those over 21. Once it was inevitable that britain was going to have to return HK to the nation it was originally stolen from, one of the first things the now "former" governor of HK did was lower the voting age to 18, touting the need to ensure "democracy" would extend past britain being forced to leave so that something never given to HK people before was suddenly not only important but should be given to children to decide. Another aspect this corrupt "governor" instituted related to education. Before he had to scurry away with millions of corrupt gain (which is why his scurrying back to britain actually ended up in france where the taxation on ill-gotten gains is less onerous) he also began the attendant and necessary aspect of informing the children how valuable their ideas were and how important it is that they stand up to authority figures that don't agree with them. Never mind that for decades the only thing many generations of HK children learned in the british-run school system learned was "britain good…China bad, so we don't like China and never will, so there…pffft!
I know many young people in HK who have never even been across the border who yet have an absolute opinion based on what the british told them. HK has a lot of gretas who know absolutely nothing but who firmly believe that they know everything.
puhlousy thinks that by pandering to children even younger than 18 her globalist/socialist/circle-jerk/clit-flip will thus succeed in 2020 when the chance that she and many others will even be in the public eye by summer, is laughable in the extreme.
But careful what you wish for nancy. Remember, 16-year-olds don't watch cnn, msnbc, cbs, abc or any of the other globalist propaganda media fronts. They are not as easily duped by the intellectually-bankrupt meat puppets on those organizations fronts as are illegal immigrants, junkies or the homeless nor are they around for pandering clowns doing focus polls and such.
16-year-olds are on yt and instagram and other social media hubs and they see the actual real-time videos of President Trump rallys, they hear truths that never filter into your little puhlousy-bubble and so…hoping for what you are cynically suggesting are unaware children and who will easily be swayed by your garbage and thus vote for your garbage socialist, self/family-protecting-from-prosecution agenda in 2020 fails - both in successful pandering and keeping you, your family and your associates from being prosecuted and likely - at least in the case of your stupid kid - from going to jail.
You were given the talk. You were given the offer. You refused because you thought your owners would protect you and your criminal family. You didn't want to take the quiet way of just retiring and getting your stupid kid to divest of all connections with the corruption he is involved in so you could at least remain free even though not working anymore and having to live off your 150+ corrupt millions.
No, nancy, it wont work and soon you will no longer be working…at least not working for a payday although you might get a canteen card for folding laundry.