Anonymous ID: 606db3 Jan. 3, 2020, 7:18 a.m. No.7702151   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2275




>>7702135 Turkish State Banks Sell $1 Billion to Spare Lira From Rout

>>7702120 Angela Ducey diggs

>>7702116 Potus twat re Iraq!

>>7702101 Pelosi chimes in after coming out from under her bottle!

>>7702093 Iranian weapons positions inside Bukamai!?

>>7702075 German government spokeswoman Ulrike Demmer, โ€œThe American action was a reaction to a series of military provocations for which Iran is responsible."

>>7701909 Cruz response to Ben Rhodes about Embassy strike!

>>7701794 The "Decapitation Strike" That Shook The World

>>7701868 twats of Morning Joe show against Trump, then defense of! Gonna be a fun day gang! Keep em coming!

>>7701781 Reagan's EO 12333 which Anons should be very familiar with banned assassinations.

>>7701775 Asian governments on alert over mysterious virus outbreak in China

>>7701690, >>7702076 twat accts in celebrating deaths, thanking Potus, just a taste!


Anonymous ID: 606db3 Jan. 3, 2020, 7:52 a.m. No.7702354   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>>7702150, >>7702272 Eyes in the Sky!

>>7702278 Earthquake detected southeast of Atlanta Thursday night

>>7702269 @DineshDSouza reponse to Chuckie!

>>7702250 Potus twats for new book "Restoring Our Republic"

>>7702191 1 yr delta, Potus "Sanctions are Coming"

>>7702148 Pompeo twat, Countering the Iranian regime's malign activity is a shared priority with our European allies

>>7702135 Turkish State Banks Sell $1 Billion to Spare Lira From Rout

>>7702120 Angela Ducey diggs

>>7702116 Potus twat re Iraq!

>>7702101 Pelosi chimes in after coming out from under her bottle!

>>7702093 Iranian weapons positions inside Bukamai!?

>>7702075 German government spokeswoman Ulrike Demmer, โ€œThe American action was a reaction to a series of military provocations for which Iran is responsible."

>>7701909 Cruz response to Ben Rhodes about Embassy strike!

>>7701794 The "Decapitation Strike" That Shook The World

>>7701868 twats of Morning Joe show against Trump, then defense of! Gonna be a fun day gang! Keep em coming!

>>7701781 Reagan's EO 12333 which Anons should be very familiar with banned assassinations.

>>7701775 Asian governments on alert over mysterious virus outbreak in China

>>7701690, >>7702076, >>7702164 twat accts in celebrating deaths, thanking Potus, just a taste!
