Anonymous ID: 43ed4c Q Research General #9857: The "Winning" keeps coming! HNY DS!!! Edition Jan. 3, 2020, 7:49 a.m. No.7702335   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Sunday 12.29.19

>>7654139 —————————— 'DRAIN THE SWAMP' HAS 'REAL' MEANING.

>>7653873 —————————— Follow the guide. Q#436

>>7653791 rt >>7653597 ———–- The point being many (R)s are confused re: must go through additional 'hoops' in order to vote (re: (R) party registration).

>>7653595 —————————— The TRUTH will be told (Cap: >>7653617 vid)

>>7653478 —————————— [D] party election interference? (Cap: >>7653515)

>>7653342 rt >>7653316 ———–- [Pic_insert_retry]

>>7653316 —————————— Welcome to the [D] party con


Saturday 12.28.19

>>7645614 —————————— Easy to understand? (Cap: >>7645635)

>>7643985 rt >>7643939 ———–- DNC servers not hacked

>>7643917 rt >>7643883 ———–- Future will prove past

>>7643842 —————————— FISA is only the beginning (Cap: >>7643898, >>7643901 pdf)

>>7643289 rt >>7643247 ———–- Geo location 2015-2017?

>>7643247 —————————— The only way to restore faith is through transparency and accountability. (Cap: >>7643274, >>7643313, >>7643330)

>>7643055 —————————— PANIC mode (Cap: >>7643092, >>7643173)

>>7640038 —————————— AG Barr talks Durham & #FISA (Cap: >>7640060)

>>7639247 rt >>7639202 ———–- Post drop? 5:5?


Friday 12.27.19

>>7638553 —————————— They are FIGHTING for their LIVES (Cap: >>7638592)

>>7638205 rt >>7637777 ———–- God Wins

>>7638149 rt >>7637926 ———–- Something BIG is coming.

>>7634563 —————————— Do you believe in coincidences? (Cap: >>7634583)

>>7634396 —————————— Follow the money. (Cap: >>7634421)


Monday 12.23.19

>>7600322 —————————— Americas News room is us. (Cap: >>7600335)

>>7600194 rt >>7600180 ———–- Keep up the good fight, Anons

>>7600081 —————————— Nunes says anon research has aided their investigation (Caps: >>7600111)

>>7599466 —————————— Why are [D]s blocking the counting of 'illegal' immigrants? (Caps: Article >>7599591, >>7599508 )

>>7599338 —————————— Who really controls the [D] Party? [GS] (Caps: YT Vid >>7599388)

>>7599136 —————————— POWER & CONROL (Caps: Article >>7599208, >>7599265)


Previous Recent Q Posts

Sunday 12.22.19 >>7653372, Thursday 12.19.19 >>7635172, Wednesday 12.18.19 >>7602453


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>>7683307, >>7683973 How To Quickly Spot A Clown!

Anonymous ID: 43ed4c Jan. 3, 2020, 7:54 a.m. No.7702367   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2585

Global Announcements

>>7701882 per BO: The archive hasn't been updated, header links as well as other hyperlinks are having issues, CM aware of issues!


Anons, plz no jpegs, tx



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>>7702150, >>7702272 Eyes in the Sky!

>>7702278 Earthquake detected southeast of Atlanta Thursday night

>>7702269 @DineshDSouza reponse to Chuckie!

>>7702250 Potus twats for new book "Restoring Our Republic"

>>7702191 1 yr delta, Potus "Sanctions are Coming"

>>7702148 Pompeo twat, Countering the Iranian regime's malign activity is a shared priority with our European allies

>>7702135 Turkish State Banks Sell $1 Billion to Spare Lira From Rout

>>7702120 Angela Ducey diggs

>>7702116 Potus twat re Iraq!

>>7702101 Pelosi chimes in after coming out from under her bottle!

>>7702093 Iranian weapons positions inside Bukamai!?

>>7702075 German government spokeswoman Ulrike Demmer, “The American action was a reaction to a series of military provocations for which Iran is responsible."

>>7701909 Cruz response to Ben Rhodes about Embassy strike!

>>7701794 The "Decapitation Strike" That Shook The World

>>7701868 twats of Morning Joe show against Trump, then defense of! Gonna be a fun day gang! Keep em coming!

>>7701781 Reagan's EO 12333 which Anons should be very familiar with banned assassinations.

>>7701775 Asian governments on alert over mysterious virus outbreak in China

>>7701690, >>7702076, >>7702164 twat accts in celebrating deaths, thanking Potus, just a taste!




Ghost grab

>>7701604 New DJT twat w/CAP: General Qassem Soleimani has killed or badly wounded thousands of Americans over an extended period of time, and was plotting to kill many more...

>>7701539 Breaking Report: Before U.S. Drone Strike, Fears Soleimani Was in Iraq to Lead Coup, Arrest President Salih and Takeover U.S. Embassy

>>7701501 1 year delta on this DJT Twat: Such respect for the people of Iran as they try to take back their corrupt government. You will see great support from the United States at the appropriate time!

>>7701464 Haberman: WH press pool being kept in the dark on Iran.

>>7701452 Samples of headlines from Breitbart, Dems in response to the President taking down a terrorist that vowed to destroy America

>>7701429 Mike Pompeo twat w/CAP: God bless the USA

>>7701355 Quds Force Leader Qassem Soleimani’s Death Marks Huge Blow to Iranian Regime

>>7701345 Lindsey Graham twat: ...This was a preemptive, defensive strike planned to take out the organizer of attacks yet to come.

>>7701289, >>7701301, >>7701324 planefag update

>>7701276 New DJT twat w/CAP: Iran never won a war, but never lost a negotiation!

>>7701225 Rose McGowan twats Iran apology on behalf of USA. Getting hammered on twatter.

>>7701182 Jake Tapper twat: "Former CIA dir/GEN David Petraeus (ret): “This is an enormous development. No one perpetrated more evil in the region than he did..."

>>7701151 Sec Pompeo live NOW

>>7700961, >>7700967 Some tweet caps from an insider on that side, very interdasting. Note calling out the CNN spin!!

>>7700951 archiveanon update

>>7700906, >>7700918 17 hours dark: "1/3 10:00 UTC – We are back to normal operations after the data blackout which lasted approximately 17 hours. The first available data show a calm situation"

>>7700900 The New Resistance Economy: Iran and Allies Move to Leave US ‘Dollar System’

>>7701548 #9855


Previously Collected Notables

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>>7690905 #9841, >>7691628 #9842, >>7692415 #9843, >>7693185 #9844

>>7687836 #9837, >>7688603 #9838, >>7689361 #9839, >>7690121 #9840


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Anonymous ID: 43ed4c Jan. 3, 2020, 7:54 a.m. No.7702369   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2542

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Anonymous ID: 43ed4c Jan. 3, 2020, 7:55 a.m. No.7702373   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: 000000 Jan. 3, 2020, 8:04 a.m. No.7702431   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2575



Soleimani tied to Benghazi attacks



Anonymous ID: e902e7 Jan. 3, 2020, 8:04 a.m. No.7702432   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2438 >>2458 >>2752 >>2903

>>7702398 lb

>The Shadowy Iranian spy chief who helped plan Benghazi

notable in light of POTUS tweets about Benghazi

but, I thought Benghazi wasn't planned


If salami planned Benghazi, then POTUS is telling us that his is who Hussein and Hillary were protecting..among others.

Anonymous ID: 7bd08e Jan. 3, 2020, 8:04 a.m. No.7702433   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We can add Afghanistan and Pakistan to the list of who we know Pompeo has been in contact with.

(France and Germany. through Grenell)

Anonymous ID: e3820e Jan. 3, 2020, 8:06 a.m. No.7702444   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2492 >>2582


synthetic ruby. no Bishop would be caught dead with a fake ruby ring.


"An accessory for the boldest of men, this ring is a piece that demands the attention of all and lends itself perfectly to red carpet events."

Anonymous ID: 3abd5c Jan. 3, 2020, 8:09 a.m. No.7702454   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2503 >>2539


Esmail Qaani, the new leader of Iran's Quds Force, is a familiar foe to the US

Anonymous ID: ec585a Jan. 3, 2020, 8:11 a.m. No.7702467   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2494 >>3011

The Association of LGBTQ Journalists

aka the CIA operation mockingbird degeneracy recruiting and collaboration station.


Anonymous ID: 8228c5 Jan. 3, 2020, 8:11 a.m. No.7702468   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2668

Trump orders more troops to Middle East as Iran prepares its response


President Trump has authorized the deployment of additional troops to the Middle East as tensions with Iran are sky-high following the targeted killing of Major General Qassem Soleimani, the commanding officer of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ (IRGC) Quds Force.


In addition to the paratrooper battalion of the 82nd Airborne Division’s Immediate Response Force (IRF), the Pentagon has deployed to the theater the 1st Ranger Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment. The 82nd paratroopers are to conduct presence patrols in the streets of Baghdad.


Marines from the Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force-Crisis Response-Central (SPMAGTFCRC) have also been deployed to enhance the security of the U.S. embassy in Baghdad. The Crisis Response Force (CRF), A Company, 1st Battalion, of the 5th Special Forces Group is also on standby. Additionally, Patriot surface-to-air missile batteries have been put on high alert in Bahrain.


Several C-17 cargo aircraft have scrambled from the U.S. and headed toward the Central Command’s (CENTCOM) area of operations. In addition, four MC-130J Commando Solo IIs of the 67th Special Operations Squadron (67th SOS) took off from RAF Mildenhall heading toward Iraq.


The United Kingdom and Israel have also raised their alert status. Meanwhile, Foreign oil companies have been evacuating their employees from the country.

Anonymous ID: d624f5 Jan. 3, 2020, 8:11 a.m. No.7702473   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2514


Just going over Bart to the future because of the twitter post of trump in coffin. one of the first scenes "hey hey my class ring, the bugs takes his flesh but returns the ring"

Anonymous ID: 71814b Jan. 3, 2020, 8:13 a.m. No.7702487   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7702383 ty baker!!


>>7702425 still waiting, better be super saucy, cause we've seen most of the shit (Israeli security firm placed tactical nuke, offshore nuke used to generate tsunami, stuxnet - later used to ramp up NSA, etc.). If you've got it, drop it, or get off the fucking pot.

Anonymous ID: 847c32 Jan. 3, 2020, 8:14 a.m. No.7702495   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ho Ree Cow. Media been freaking out since yesterday afternoon. Soleimani is dead. Killed in Iraq. Could this be 'the shot heard around the world'? Media been telling the globalist leaders around the world: don't worry, wait him (President Trump) out.


Media telling the world's globalist leaders (Merkel, Macron, Trudeau et al.), we will take President Trump out or we will weaken him so much that he will be ineffective, will not be able to lead. Then in one fell swoop, Commander in Chief Trump put the hammer down.


Globalist leaders of the world in complete confusion and disarray. They know media can no longer help them. What to do, what to do they cry. The great media has fallen. .

Anonymous ID: 8228c5 Jan. 3, 2020, 8:15 a.m. No.7702504   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2521 >>2525 >>2528 >>2631 >>2822 >>2829 >>2840 >>2885 >>3082 >>3114 >>3176

Why Is The UN Hiring English-Speaking Disarmament Officers In New York?


As the Second Amendment conflict heats up across the United States, here’s another “crazy conspiracy theory” that has turned out to be true.

The United Nations is hiring in New York. What positions are they trying to fill?




This job was posted the day after Christmas. So for all the folks who have been saying “nobody is trying to take your guns” you might want to read this job listing and reconsider your opinion.


Is this in response to the Virginia crisis?

Anonymous ID: a20e39 Jan. 3, 2020, 8:19 a.m. No.7702545   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2554 >>2653 >>2852 >>3136

U.S. Not Eyeing Immediate Oil Release in Response to Iran Crisis


The Trump administration isn’t actively considering an immediate release of oil from the national petroleum reserve in response to the Iran crisis that has sent oil prices higher, according to a person familiar with deliberations within the White House.


Oil prices jumped almost 5% in New York and London after a U.S. airstrike killed General Qassem Soleimani, one of Iran’s most powerful generals. Although President Donald Trump has the Strategic Petroleum Reserve at his disposal to offset potential supply disruptions, no talks have taken place within the administration about selling some of the stockpiled crude, said the person who spoke on the condition of anonymity.


“A persistent spike in oil prices will likely trigger verbal assurances that the SPR is available and may be tapped, but President Trump has had a high hurdle for actually drawing down strategic stocks,” said Bob McNally, a former energy adviser to President George W. Bush and president of the consulting firm Rapidan Energy Group. “Hence an actual drawdown is unlikely unless there was a real risk of disruption.”


The Department of Energy, which operates the reserve, didn’t respond to an emailed request for comment.


Trump authorized the release of oil from the reserve in September after a series of drone attacks in Saudi Arabia knocked out half of the kingdom’s crude output, or about 5% of world supplies, and sent prices surging. In the end, no oil was released as prices came down and the kingdom was gradually able to restore output.


Set up after the Arab oil embargo in the 1970s sent prices skyrocketing, the stockpile has previously been tapped in response to Operation Desert Storm in 1991, Hurricane Katrina in 2005, and Libyan supply disruptions in 2011.

Anonymous ID: c40de3 Jan. 3, 2020, 8:20 a.m. No.7702556   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Should read $400 million, the rest was interest.

$800 million in interest..


Who is the religion of USURY?

Anonymous ID: 259865 Jan. 3, 2020, 8:21 a.m. No.7702563   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2589





The unrest in Iraqi cities coincides with an assassination attempt against Iran’s Soleimani. Sources believe that the “assassination attempt against the commander of the Iranian IRGC-Quds Brigade Qassem Soleimani is not a pure coincidence but related to events in Iraq”.


“Soleimani was in Iraq during the selection of the key leaders of the country. He has a lot of influence, like the Americans who have their own people. If Soleimani is removed, those who may have been behind the recent unrest may think it will create enough confusion in Iraq and Iran, allowing room for a possible coup d’état carried out by military or encouraged by foreign forces, Saudi Arabia and the US in this case. Killing Soleimani, in the minds of foreign actors, could lead to chaos, leading to a reduction of Iranian influence in Iraq”, said the sources.

Anonymous ID: b87cd4 Jan. 3, 2020, 8:21 a.m. No.7702565   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7701882 per BO: The archive hasn't been updated, header links as well as other hyperlinks are having issues, CM aware of issues!



Thank you BO


if you ever need a hand or extra help you know where to find me

Anonymous ID: 71814b Jan. 3, 2020, 8:22 a.m. No.7702575   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2647

>>7702431 anon, can you repost in entirety here, so the notable, if included by baker, is clean and not crossing breads for the phonefags?

Also, suggest you include this in your bun:

>>7702398 (PB)

Anonymous ID: 8228c5 Jan. 3, 2020, 8:23 a.m. No.7702578   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2822


Just think if Hillary won there would be U.N troops on American streets …She wasn't suppose to lose …. REMEMBER


Did the US just agree to allow UN Foreign Troops to police the streets of the USA?


In May 2016, the USA approved a set of principles that give the green light for UN peacekeeping troops AND POLICE to use force to “protect” citizens in armed conflicts, but the agreement does not specify exactly where. The Blue Helmets are coming, and the American police force could now be a part of a global police force.


These principles are illegal according to the Constitution, but somehow the US has agreed to them. The Obama administration has corrupted the entire American way of life and is preparing the way for the dictator Hitlary to use any force necessary to remove the second amendment from citizens.


It has long been discussed that the people of America would win a war against the police and military, and it has also long been considered that the UN would embed themselves within our borders for when the day of conflict comes to reinforce the police and military. Now, that day is in view; and the government of the United States is making dangerous plans which will begin the ugliest war in US history.

Anonymous ID: 21ffce Jan. 3, 2020, 8:24 a.m. No.7702585   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2591 >>2613 >>3177


>>7702075 German government spokeswoman Ulrike Demmer, “The American action was a reaction to a series of military provocations for which Iran is responsible


As German anon I should say that this does not well show what German politicians (except patriot afd), the state television (yup, we do have that...) and most media say.

It's rather

<Soleimani was a military general (rather than a terrorist)

<Iranian people just love him and protest against USA agression now

<no word of Soleimani killing peacful protesters few weeks back

<claiming that Trump only did that bc of Impeachment or his personal taxes, to deflect

<fearmongering that this will lead to war (ww3)



Pretty much same as US deep state & media.


Also, many woke people attacking ridiculous "So sad that Trump killed a highly respected general" tweets.

Leading to even more ridiculous replies by leftist / secret society traitors.


(This comes at a time when leftist politicians get much critizism by woke people anyway. New head of spd party is openly a socialist. On new years eve there were huge violence by antifa. A policeofficer got his helmet ripped of and was beaten, he got saved his live by doctors in an urgend surgery, prosecutes investigate this as murder - yes socialist spd head Esken said that police did something wrong in even trying to control the leftist mob....much much much woke people critizising)


Happy new year all!

and fuck the muh jew shills!

Anonymous ID: 8228c5 Jan. 3, 2020, 8:27 a.m. No.7702597   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2609

Students, workers, nurses protest in several Iranian cities


Iran, January 2, 2020—Protests continued in several Iranian cities over economic woes and government corruption despite heavy security measures by the regime to avoid the eruption of further uprisings.


On Tuesday, a group of bakers from Qazvin held a demonstration in front of the governor’s office, protesting the current price of bread. One of the bakers said, “While the price of all goods, including gasoline, have increased, the price of bread hasn’t changed. This is causing problems for the livelihoods of bakers.”


The regime increased the price of gasoline by 300 percent in November, after which mass anti-regime protests erupted across the country. While Iranian officials have promised not to raise the price of other goods, they have presented no plans as to how they will solve the problems of thousands of businesses that will see a sudden rise in their operations costs due to the gasoline price hike.

Anonymous ID: e25d01 Jan. 3, 2020, 8:27 a.m. No.7702601   🗄️.is 🔗kun



styles of these are trendy among the rich, but do seem to be a real symbol among the much more elite, evil and powerful. maybe dont overthink it for rappers and pretend designers.

Anonymous ID: c40de3 Jan. 3, 2020, 8:27 a.m. No.7702602   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump is eliminating all the enemies the Jews have created.

North Korea




Saving Israel for last

Anonymous ID: 1f8178 Jan. 3, 2020, 8:28 a.m. No.7702608   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What I Wasn't Told About Donald Trump


Good for redpilling…

Anonymous ID: 0f099f Jan. 3, 2020, 8:28 a.m. No.7702612   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2623 >>2638 >>2714 >>2761 >>2788 >>2851 >>2887

Dayshift Anons




Check out digs from last night (bread #9852)


>>7698605 (pb-notes)

>>7698988 (pb-notes)

Look at the replies for much moar info.



=Steven Simon

=Quincy Institute


NYT article:


From paragraph 11, direct quote:


"What if the former commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, Qassim Suleimani, visits Baghdad for a meeting and you know the address? "


This was posted the same day of the Attack (earlier).

This can't be coincidence!


Author is CFR, Institute is Soros funded. look at leadership / donors Simon bio, check out others


This needs additional digs.

Thanks for your attention, anons.


(ps. article says it is a corrected one, but unclear if original was posted same day)

Anonymous ID: 21ffce Jan. 3, 2020, 8:28 a.m. No.7702613   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Should add:


Not every paper says it's not a terrorist that directly, some just claim killing him was illegal/bad/stupid. And they all frame it in a way that Trump looks bad and Soleimani and Iran look good.

Anonymous ID: 8c3862 Jan. 3, 2020, 8:28 a.m. No.7702615   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2618 >>2628 >>2648

Mornin' anons…I just remembered something from back in the day that is kinda interesting in light of recent events. Remember the Colin Powell email dump? Where he described Killary's unbridled ambition and greed, and Bill as "still dicking bimbos". That leak also confirmed that HRC was badly injured in a plane crash during a secret trip to Iran. A SEAL was killed in the crash.

I don't know where those files are accessible now, because DCLeaks was shut down. Just thought I would throw that out there.

Anonymous ID: c40ebf Jan. 3, 2020, 8:30 a.m. No.7702621   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2642

This next random item is infuriating: So remember back to the discussions on Disney Cruise lines doing off ship excursion to scuba dive near Little St. James Island and other locations? This came in the mail from COSTCO This morning and could be a message to clean up loose ends?

Anonymous ID: 71814b Jan. 3, 2020, 8:30 a.m. No.7702625   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2663 >>2812

>>7702450 research it anon, super easy. first link for 'stuxnet fukushima'. 2-minute dig here…

article only 6 days after event. Pretty quick, eh?

"The Japanese nuclear crisis, though still unfolding, may, in a way, already be yesterday’s news. For a peek at tomorrow’s, review the testimony of General Keith Alexander, head of U.S. Cyber Command. Testifying before Congress this week and seeking support to pump up his agency budget, the general argued that all future conflicts would involve cyber warfare tactics and that the U.S. was ill-equipped to defend itself against them.


Alexander said, "We are finding that we do not have the capacity to do everything we need to accomplish. To put it bluntly, we are very thin, and a crisis would quickly stress our cyber forces. … This is not a hypothetical danger."


Then, look at what that was used for…

Inside Fort Meade, Maryland, a top-secret city bustles. Tens of thousands of people move through more than 50 buildings—the city has its own post office, fire department, and police force. But as if designed by Kafka, it sits among a forest of trees, surrounded by electrified fences and heavily armed guards, protected by antitank barriers, monitored by sensitive motion detectors, and watched by rotating cameras. To block any telltale electromagnetic signals from escaping, the inner walls of the buildings are wrapped in protective copper shielding and the one-way windows are embedded with a fine copper mesh.


This is the undisputed domain of General Keith Alexander, a man few even in Washington would likely recognize. Never before has anyone in America’s intelligence sphere come close to his degree of power, the number of people under his command, the expanse of his rule, the length of his reign, or the depth of his secrecy. A four-star Army general, his authority extends across three domains: He is director of the world’s largest intelligence service, the National Security Agency; chief of the Central Security Service; and commander of the US Cyber Command. As such, he has his own secret military, presiding over the Navy’s 10th Fleet, the 24th Air Force, and the Second Army.


Alexander runs the nation’s cyberwar efforts, an empire he has built over the past eight years by insisting that the US’s inherent vulnerability to digital attacks requires him to amass more and more authority over the data zipping around the globe. In his telling, the threat is so mind-bogglingly huge that the nation has little option but to eventually put the entire civilian Internet under his protection, requiring tweets and emails to pass through his filters, and putting the kill switch under the government’s forefinger. “What we see is an increasing level of activity on the networks,” he said at a recent security conference in Canada. “I am concerned that this is going to break a threshold where the private sector can no longer handle it and the government is going to have to step in.”


In its tightly controlled public relations, the NSA has focused attention on the threat of cyberattack against the US—the vulnerability of critical infrastructure like power plants and water systems, the susceptibility of the military’s command and control structure, the dependence of the economy on the Internet’s smooth functioning. Defense against these threats was the paramount mission trumpeted by NSA brass at congressional hearings and hashed over at security conferences.


But there is a flip side to this equation that is rarely mentioned: The military has for years been developing offensive capabilities, giving it the power not just to defend the US but to assail its foes. Using so-called cyber-kinetic attacks, Alexander and his forces now have the capability to physically destroy an adversary’s equipment and infrastructure, and potentially even to kill. Alexander—who declined to be interviewed for this article—has concluded that such cyberweapons are as crucial to 21st-century warfare as nuclear arms were in the 20th.

Anonymous ID: 3db1a9 Jan. 3, 2020, 8:31 a.m. No.7702629   🗄️.is 🔗kun


…Well, of course. Color coordinated by hierarchy, multi generational. Goes hand in hand with the ritual abuse programming. "Family jewels" takes on it's true meaning.

Anonymous ID: 000000 Jan. 3, 2020, 8:33 a.m. No.7702647   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2852 >>3136


>>7702364 pb

Not the OP but here you are;


See also

>>7702398 (PB)





Soleimani tied to Benghazi attacks


The Distraction


I learned what actually happened from two former Iranian intelligence officers. Each has his own active network of contacts inside Iran, some of whom continue to work in senior positions in the Iranian regime.


I corroborated their initial information with multiple Western intelligence sources that are not in contact with them.


The CIA chief of base was correct that the Red Crescent team included undercover Quds Force officers who had been sent to carry out a terrorist attack against the United States.


In fact, my Iranian sources said, their orders were to kidnap or kill the US ambassador to Libya, to send a message to the United States that they could act against them at will anywhere and at any time in the Middle East.


But, as they were getting ready to set the plan in motion, the resident Quds Force team in Benghazi learned from its own intercepts of the Annex tactical coms that the Red Crescent cover had been blown and the CIA was onto them.


So they decided to take the entire group off the streets — stage a kidnapping — in order to convince the chief of base that the danger was over.


“The team in operational command in Benghazi were Qassem Suleymani’s people,” the former Baghdad deputy chief of station, John Maguire, told me. “They were a mature, experienced, operational element from Iran. These guys are the first-string varsity squad.” And they were playing for keeps.


Maguire had matched wits with Suleymani, the Quds Force commander, for two years in Iraq and came away with a healthy respect for his capabilities. “He is talented, charismatic. His people are competent and well trained. They have all the operational traits we used to value. And they are committed to this fight for the long haul.”


Suleymani and his Quds Force operators were so successful at killing Americans in Iraq because they had penetrated US operations.


They didn’t just randomly place an IED on a roadside, Maguire said. They placed the IED where and when they knew an American convoy was going to pass.


“They were into our coms. They were into our operational planning. That’s how they were able to kill so many Americans,” Maguire said.


The faked kidnapping in Benghazi was a typical Quds Force op. They used a local militia that on the surface detested Shias, just as they used the Taliban in Afghanistan and manipulated al Qaeda.


“They are very good at deception operations,” Maguire told me.


And our side didn’t have a clue. The CIA chief of base and his deputy fell for it hook, line and sinker.



Anonymous ID: 8228c5 Jan. 3, 2020, 8:34 a.m. No.7702657   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2672 >>2852 >>3136

Central Bank of Iceland completes merger with regulator


The Central Bank of Iceland completed its merger with Iceland’s financial regulator on January 2. The central bank now has responsibility for supervision and macro-prudential policy, as well as its previous monetary policy mandate. “The merger gives rise to a strong and independent institution whose objective is to enhance trust, transparency and efficiency in the administration of economic affairs and financial supervision in Iceland,” the central bank said in a statement.

[m4xr3sdEfault]*******,=,e \_ヾ(ᐖ◞ ) ID: e9e55f Jan. 3, 2020, 8:34 a.m. No.7702658   🗄️.is 🔗kun






Anonymous ID: 90f86f Jan. 3, 2020, 8:34 a.m. No.7702659   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2704 >>2852 >>3136


August 20, 2019: "U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo pushed the international community on Tuesday to work out how to stop Iran from being “unshackled to create new turmoil” when a United Nations arms embargo on the country and a travel ban on the head of Iran’s elite Quds Force expire in October 2020.

Under the Iran nuclear deal, a U.N. arms embargo on the country and a travel ban on Quds Force commander Qasem Soleimani are due to expire next year. The Quds Force is the overseas arm of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC). "

Anonymous ID: 71814b Jan. 3, 2020, 8:35 a.m. No.7702668   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Trump orders more troops to Middle East

Been thinking that we need a quick, big troop buildup, then, we bring them home at just the right time, coordinated to support the National Guard as full disclosure is unleashed within US to ensure coverage is ready immediately.

Anonymous ID: f15696 Jan. 3, 2020, 8:35 a.m. No.7702670   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Fren, we don't need to know when you fart and (they) don't care. Just do it if it makes you comfy and keep it to yourself. A friendly please. ;-)

Anonymous ID: 8228c5 Jan. 3, 2020, 8:35 a.m. No.7702672   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2674


Special Report: Iceland: Bankers Behind Bars


Iceland is the only country which sent bankers to prison after the financial crisis 10 years ago. Sky's Adam Parsons speaks to one of the most senior imprisoned bankers and the man responsible for putting him there, among others, in this special report.

Anonymous ID: e60ffa Jan. 3, 2020, 8:36 a.m. No.7702673   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2688 >>2700

Concerning the possible warning in Simon's NYT article -

the title of that article had been changed.

The twitter account Editing TheGrayLady@nyt_diff is a bot account that highlights changes to NYT main page.

This tweet passed my twitter feed yesterday. I noticed it without knowing anything about the impending strike that took place later.

We know POTUS uses edits in his tweets as messaging.

Does the NYT edit their headlines as a signal for important information in articles?

I don't have info about where this edit fits in the timeline, or access to NYT archives. Time stamps in articles usually are not posted in screen shots.

The headline change raised a flag to me because of the notables regarding this article and I wanted to put it out for anons to consider.

Revisiting the account I see that it has been suspended for suspicious activity, which raises another flag.

Anonymous ID: 75024b Jan. 3, 2020, 8:37 a.m. No.7702680   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Red Liver Aqeeq stone is very important for Muslims. It is significent stone in Islam and sunnah for all Muslims. Our Prophet Mohammad Rasool Allah (S.A.V.) used red liver aqeeq stone ring. Today worldwide Muslims wearing red aqeeq stone rings to follow our Prophet. Not only for men also for women it is very important to wear or carry that kind of stone jewelry. Since it is very popular of course there are lots of fake selles on internet for this stone. Please be awake.

Anonymous ID: 3abd5c Jan. 3, 2020, 8:37 a.m. No.7702684   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2694


Could Roe v. Wade be overturned? Hundreds of members of Congress sign amicus brief ahead of key SCOTUS case


Several hundred members of Congress filed "amicus," or supporting, briefs in a closely watched upcoming Supreme Court case that could decide the future of abortion access.


The brief from 207 mostly GOPers included signatures from Sens. Mitt Romney, John Cornyn, Marco Rubio and Reps Steve Scalise and Liz Cheney. The opposing brief was signed by 197 members of Congress – a mostly Democratic group that included Sens. Chuck Schumer and Dianne Feinstein, as well as Reps. Nancy Pelosi and Jerry Nadler.


The mostly Republican signatories – 39 senators and 168 representatives – argued that Louisiana clinics are rife with safety violations – and that the time is ripe to reconsider the legal underpinnings of Roe v. Wade, the seminal 1973 Supreme Court case that established a constitutional right to an abortion. All were Republicans except Democratic Reps. Dan Lipinski and Collin Peterson.


"Roe's jurisprudence has been characterized by Delphic confusion and protean change," the members wrote.


They argued that Roe claimed to establish a fundamental right to abortion – only for the 1992 Supreme Court case Planned Parenthood v. Casey to establish a new standard, which required that the government not impose an "undue burden" on abortion rights. Multiple incoherent exceptions and balancing tests have since been employed by the courts, according to the amicus brief.


For example, one Supreme Court case post-Casey defined a law as an "undue burden" on abortion rights if in a "large fraction of the cases in which [the law] is relevant, it will operate as a substantial obstacle" – a test later abandoned. then revived by the high court.


Meanwhile, the Democrats primarily argued that stare decisis, the principle through which existing Supreme Court cases are given deference, dictated that Roe should remain good law.


The high court will hear arguments in March on the case, which involves a Louisiana law that requires doctors who perform abortions to have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital. The Louisiana statute is virtually identical to a Texas law that the Supreme Court struck down in 2016.


That decision came when Justice Anthony Kennedy was on the bench and before President Donald Trump’s two high court picks, Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, joined the court.


At least one justice is likely to find the amicus brief agreeable. Last summer, in a concurring opinion in a Supreme Court case, Justice Clarence Thomas issued a lengthy call for his colleagues to overturn "demonstrably erroneous decisions" even if they have been upheld for decades – prompting legal observers to say Thomas was laying the groundwork to overturn Roe.


The 5th Circuit Court of appeals recently lifted an injunction issued by a lower court against the Louisiana law, but the Supreme Court quickly restored the injunction.


The Supreme Court's upcoming decision comes as abortion has taken center stage in legal battles across the United States, with numerous states passing stricter limits on abortion.


Last August, Planned Parenthood announced that it was pulling out of the Title X federal family planning program rather than abide by a new Trump administration rule prohibiting participants from referring patients for abortions.

Anonymous ID: 035efe Jan. 3, 2020, 8:38 a.m. No.7702685   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Early December he was on Biden's campaign trail.

Kerry will join Biden on campaign trail in Iowa on Friday, where the former vice president is currently in the midst of his week-long “No Malarkey” bus tour. Kerry also vowed to stump for Biden in the months ahead, including another stop on Sunday in New Hampshire.

Anonymous ID: 17b433 Jan. 3, 2020, 8:38 a.m. No.7702686   🗄️.is 🔗kun

His Comms to Soleimeni?


And a "Go" oda?

Anonymous ID: 8228c5 Jan. 3, 2020, 8:38 a.m. No.7702692   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2694 >>2710 >>2852 >>2868 >>3136

BREAKING: Over 207 Lawmakers (Including 2 Democrats) Sign Amicus Brief Asking Supreme Court To Reconsider “Roe Vs. Wade”…Here’s The List


Liberals did everything they could to stop Justice Bret Kavanaugh’s nomination. Now, their biggest fear may be coming true. Today, 39 Republican senators and 168 representatives (including 2 Democrats) signed an amicus brief asking the Supreme Court to revisit and potentially overturn the landmark Roe v. Wade case.


The Hill reports – Led by Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.), 166 House Republicans and 39 Senate Republicans signed an amicus brief calling the right to an abortion “unworkable.”

Anonymous ID: 70e6c2 Jan. 3, 2020, 8:40 a.m. No.7702695   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2702


Long story from 5 years ago but PACKED with relevant info.

Anonymous ID: 8228c5 Jan. 3, 2020, 8:43 a.m. No.7702712   🗄️.is 🔗kun

President Trump On Death of Soleimani: He Was ‘Hated and Feared’ by Iranians, ‘Should Have Been Taken Out Many Years Ago!


President Trump spoke out on Twitter Friday morning about the targeted killing in a U.S. drone strike late Thursday (U.S. time) of Iran Quds Force leader Major General Qassem Soleimani as he arrived at the Baghdad airport.


Meme posted by Iranians after Trump-authorized killing of Soleimani.


They were the first comments by Trump since he posted an image without comment of the American flag Thursday night.

Anonymous ID: 59e787 Jan. 3, 2020, 8:43 a.m. No.7702714   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Fuck the Quincy Institute. It's the worst lobbying org in DC.

Fuckers (Soros, Koch) appropriated the name of the best president in the history of the US to oppose Trump (who styles himself after Jackson, the man who Quincy ran against in 1832). They have no right to use that name! Quincy would be infuriated at how far their stupid Illuminati scheme got: the man died an Antimason on the House of Representatives floor! And now these declaration of interdependence loving fucks are scandalizing his name to attack our duly elected POTUS.

This is 100% a publicized, weaponized use of the press against our republic.

Anonymous ID: ad0d58 Jan. 3, 2020, 8:43 a.m. No.7702716   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2736


Why is it we would give a shit what this chick says, again? Having trouble remembering. Is she a government leader? Patriot? Does she even do any kind of meaningful work to make the world a better place? No? Then who cares what she thinks/says? She is nobody

Anonymous ID: 90f86f Jan. 3, 2020, 8:44 a.m. No.7702719   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2746 >>2848

"The private jets utilised by former Nissan chairman Carlos Ghosn to escape Japan were illegally deployed and official documentation for the flights was falsified, the Turkish operator of the planes, MNG Jet, said on Friday.

Ghosn, 65, made his dramatic escape earlier this week, explaining after he arrived in Lebanon that he would not be "held hostage" for an upcoming trial in a "rigged Japanese justice system". He faces four charges, including hiding income and enriching himself through payments to car dealerships in the Middle East. He has denied the charges.

Istanbul police detained seven individuals on Thursday, among them four pilots, a manager for a cargo firm, and two workers for a ground servicing company at Ataturk Airport where Ghosn landed before heading to Beirut."

Anonymous ID: 1130e5 Jan. 3, 2020, 8:44 a.m. No.7702720   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2750


OMG the hashtag is threatening me. I feel #triggered.


Does Khamenei know how hilarious his response sounds. How the internal logic of alleged martyrdom falls apart? Yes, yes he does, which is why he threatened his enemies with a hashtag.

Anonymous ID: c60a46 Jan. 3, 2020, 8:44 a.m. No.7702724   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Hollywood and the DNC are coming down on the side of Iran, even while saying they're not coming down on the side of Iran.


This couldn't be going better… America is watching. The World is watching.

Anonymous ID: eca99d Jan. 3, 2020, 8:44 a.m. No.7702725   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2731

No more war, just find the bad guys who want to start war, and kill them.

Kill [them] ALL.

[m4xr3sdEfault]*******,=,e \_ヾ(ᐖ◞ ) ID: e9e55f Jan. 3, 2020, 8:45 a.m. No.7702735   🗄️.is 🔗kun


























Anonymous ID: 90531e Jan. 3, 2020, 8:46 a.m. No.7702743   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Legacy Media shills


are not just covering up for common criminals, they are covering up decades of crimes against children.

Legacy media shills had ample reason and repeated opportunities to investigate Pizzagate and a half dozen similar previous scandals.

Legacy media shills not only failed to investigate but actively covered up, campaigned extensively to suppress and to discredit the evidence others uncovered, defaming honest researchers, making them objects of scorn, ridicule and contempt.


Legacy media shills did this in both dramatic entertainment and in news content across multiple platforms; all while knowing the stories about the traffic and ritual sexual abuse of children were and are true.

“I didn’t know,” is not a valid or feasible defense for legacy media shills. Our enemies have exposed themselves and the contemptible kayfabe of legacy media.


We the People are awake.


Justice is coming

>National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (front)

>Children's Defense Fund (Front)

>Podesta/Alefatis Pizzagate

>Dan Schneider/Pedowood

>Epstein Sex Island/Blackbook

>Pentagon Child Porn Servers

>Peter Scully Dark Web Child Torturer Live Streamer

>The Franklin Coverup/BoysTown Ring

>Drasius Kedys Pedo Ring

>Chilean Senator Pedo Ring

>North Fox Island Child Killing Ring

>Madeline McCann Disappearance

>Brooke Shields Child Actor

>Cardinal George Pell Vatican Ring

>Colonel Michael Aquino Pedo Cult

>G4S Security Human Trafficking

>Dyncorp Human Trafficking

>Dolphin Square Ring

>Planned Parenthood Organ Trafficking

>Jersey Island Child Killings

>Elm Guest House Ring

>UK Grooming Gang Police Cover up

>Clinton Hitlist

>Clinton Haiti Child Trafficking

>Joe Biden Child Groper

>McMartin Pre-schoolRing

>Presidio Military Daycare Ring

>Dutroux Affair Coverup

>Israeli Resort in Colombia tied to sex trafficking

>NXIVM Sex Cult

>Pennsylvania 300+ Priests Pedo Ring

>Sandusky Pedo Ring

>Roman Polanski Scandal

>Jared Fogle "Subway" Pedo Ring

>MJ Scandal

>Savile Scandal

>Oprah's School For Girls Abuse

>JonBenet Photographer Child Abuse Arrest

>The Finders Cult

>Tuam Church Child Mass Grave

>Lanarkshire Orphanage Child Mass Grave

>Dozier School for Boys Child Mass Grave

>Nancy Schaefer CPS Assassination

>Andrew Breitbart Podesta Assassination

>FBI Ted Gunderson exposes child trafficking

>Muslim Child Training Camp Cover up

>Portugal Elite Sex Ring

>Brazil Celebrity Spirit Healer Pedo Ring

>Tucson/Pemex Trafficking Camp

>Italy Foster Care Pedo Ring

>Norway Pedo Ring Bust

Anonymous ID: 3abd5c Jan. 3, 2020, 8:47 a.m. No.7702745   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2845 >>2852 >>2855 >>3136

POTUS retweet


Donald J. Trump Retweeted

Liz Wheeler

‏Verified account @Liz_Wheeler

33m33 minutes ago


Soleimani killed 603 American servicemembers.


Soleimani maimed thousands more with IEDs.


Soleimani approved the attack on the U.S. Embassy.


He was plotting to kill more Americans.


Yes he deserves to be dead. If you’re lamenting his death, you hate Trump more than a terrorist.

Anonymous ID: e60ffa Jan. 3, 2020, 8:47 a.m. No.7702749   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2777


The bot timed the headline change at 8:09 am Thursday morning. There might be some lag error.

So the article was up before that. Headline change at 8:09 am, consistent with "before 11am" in your panel.

My thoughts are that headline change acts as a notice for people to look in the article for info. The twitter bot account would be a helpful "heads up" to point out what articles contained communication.

Anonymous ID: faea30 Jan. 3, 2020, 8:47 a.m. No.7702751   🗄️.is 🔗kun

1 dead, 3 hurt in ‘stabbing incident’ in downtown Austin

Anonymous ID: 90531e Jan. 3, 2020, 8:48 a.m. No.7702754   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Legacy Media shills


are not just covering up for common criminals, they are covering up decades of crimes against children.

Legacy media shills had ample reason and repeated opportunities to investigate Pizzagate and a half dozen similar previous scandals.

Legacy media shills not only failed to investigate but actively covered up, campaigned extensively to suppress and to discredit the evidence others uncovered, defaming honest researchers, making them objects of scorn, ridicule and contempt.


Legacy media shills did this in both dramatic entertainment and in news content across multiple platforms; all while knowing the stories about the traffic and ritual sexual abuse of children were and are true.


“I didn’t know,” is not a valid or feasible defense for cultist legacy media shills. Our enemies have exposed themselves and the contemptible kayfabe of legacy media.


We the People are awake.


Justice is coming


>National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (front)

>Children's Defense Fund (Front)

>Podesta/Alefatis Pizzagate

>Dan Schneider/Pedowood

>Epstein Sex Island/Blackbook

>Pentagon Child Porn Servers

>Peter Scully Dark Web Child Torturer Live Streamer

>The Franklin Coverup/BoysTown Ring

>Drasius Kedys Pedo Ring

>Chilean Senator Pedo Ring

>North Fox Island Child Killing Ring

>Madeline McCann Disappearance

>Brooke Shields Child Actor

>Cardinal George Pell Vatican Ring

>Colonel Michael Aquino Pedo Cult

>G4S Security Human Trafficking

>Dyncorp Human Trafficking

>Dolphin Square Ring

>Planned Parenthood Organ Trafficking

>Jersey Island Child Killings

>Elm Guest House Ring

>UK Grooming Gang Police Cover up

>Clinton Hitlist

>Clinton Haiti Child Trafficking

>Joe Biden Child Groper

>McMartin Pre-schoolRing

>Presidio Military Daycare Ring

>Dutroux Affair Coverup

>Israeli Resort in Colombia tied to sex trafficking

>NXIVM Sex Cult

>Pennsylvania 300+ Priests Pedo Ring

>Sandusky Pedo Ring

>Roman Polanski Scandal

>Jared Fogle "Subway" Pedo Ring

>MJ Scandal

>Savile Scandal

>Oprah's School For Girls Abuse

>JonBenet Photographer Child Abuse Arrest

>The Finders Cult

>Tuam Church Child Mass Grave

>Lanarkshire Orphanage Child Mass Grave

>Dozier School for Boys Child Mass Grave

>Nancy Schaefer CPS Assassination

>Andrew Breitbart Podesta Assassination

>FBI Ted Gunderson exposes child trafficking

>Muslim Child Training Camp Cover up

>Portugal Elite Sex Ring

>Brazil Celebrity Spirit Healer Pedo Ring

>Tucson/Pemex Trafficking Camp

>Italy Foster Care Pedo Ring

>Norway Pedo Ring Bust

Anonymous ID: eadd71 Jan. 3, 2020, 8:49 a.m. No.7702761   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2773



> Steven Simon

> Quincy Institute

>This was posted the same day of the Attack (earlier).

>This can't be coincidence!

>Author is CFR, Institute is Soros funded.


The op to kill Soleimani might have had several objectives, identifying leakers of classified information among them.


"Giving aid and comfort to your enemies" might go very badly for the NYT, Steve Simon, and Soros. Big fish. Time for a fish fry.

Anonymous ID: 8c3862 Jan. 3, 2020, 8:49 a.m. No.7702764   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2856


HOLY SHIT…I did not know this somehow. What a fucking travesty! And my next thought was the 22 SEALS killed in the helicopter crash.

Relevant links:

[m4xr3sdEfault]*******,=,e \_ヾ(ᐖ◞ ) ID: e9e55f Jan. 3, 2020, 8:50 a.m. No.7702768   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2807


























Anonymous ID: c60a46 Jan. 3, 2020, 8:51 a.m. No.7702777   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2802 >>2821


I can't believe it still, but sadly must learn to accept that the NYTimes is working squarely against American interests and that they tried to pass a top secret military operation on to the enemy…

Anonymous ID: 8228c5 Jan. 3, 2020, 8:51 a.m. No.7702782   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2869

Bloody Harvest—How Everyone Ignored the Crime of the Century


In June of this year the China Tribunal delivered its Final Judgement and Summary Report.1 An independent committee composed of lawyers, human rights experts, and a transplant surgeon, the Tribunal was established to investigate forced organ harvesting on the Chinese mainland. These rumours have haunted the country for years—lurid tales of the fate suffered by members of the banned Falun Gong religion after being taken into police custody. Their organs, so the rumours go, are cut from their bodies while they are still alive, and then transplanted into waiting patients.

Anonymous ID: 17b433 Jan. 3, 2020, 8:51 a.m. No.7702785   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Headline writers have separate editing staff, independent of copy.


Now a profit center at some publishers, like McClatchy. (In their 10-K/Qs, anal-ystfag here)

Anonymous ID: 3e7260 Jan. 3, 2020, 8:51 a.m. No.7702788   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Author is CFR, Institute is Soros funded.


> look at leadership / donors


> Simon bio, check out others


Pickle Factory related?


Ambassador Thomas R. Pickering served as the U.S. Ambassador and Representative to the United Nations in New York under President George H.W. Bush. He also was the U.S. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs under President Bill Clinton. Tom holds the personal rank of Career Ambassador, the highest in the U.S. Foreign Service. In a diplomatic career spanning five decades, he was U.S. ambassador to the Russian Federation, India, Israel, El Salvador, Nigeria, and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. He also served on assignments in Zanzibar and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. In Washington, he was Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of Oceans, Environmental and Scientific Affairs, Executive Secretary of the Department of State, and Special Assistant to Secretaries of State William P. Rogers and Henry A. Kissinger. In 1956, Tom entered into active duty in the U.S. Navy, and later served in the Naval Reserve to the grade of Lieutenant Commander. He was assigned to the Bureau of Intelligence and Research of the State Department, later to the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, and served in Geneva as political adviser to the U.S. Delegation to the 18-Nation Disarmament Conference.


Tom is a Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution. He is active in a number of not-for-profit boards. He has a bachelor's degree, cum laude, with high honors in history, from Bowdoin College. He received a master's degree from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University. He was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to the University of Melbourne in Australia, and received a second master's degree there. Tom received an honorary doctor-in-laws degree from Bowdoin College, and has received similar honors from 14 other universities. He received the Distinguished Presidential Award and the Department of State’s highest award, the Distinguished Service Award. He speaks French, Spanish, and Swahili and has some fluency in Arabic, Hebrew, and Russian.

Anonymous ID: 17061e Jan. 3, 2020, 8:53 a.m. No.7702806   🗄️.is 🔗kun



well….in the end, Muslims and "Christians" will unite. True Christians will be gone, dead, or killed.


Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of drunkenness to all the surrounding peoples. Judah will be besieged, as well as Jerusalem. On that day, when all the nations of the earth gather against her, I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples; all who would heave it away will be severely injured. On that day, declares the LORD, I will strike every horse with panic, and every rider with madness. I will keep a watchful eye on the house of Judah, but I will strike with blindness all the horses of the nations.…


That said, I expect all races, creeds, religions to unite against child trafficking/sexual abuse

Anonymous ID: 7803bf Jan. 3, 2020, 8:54 a.m. No.7702809   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2927

Iranian Bribe Threat Don’t Forget –Here are some under-reported stories to keep in mind when considering the news of the day, namely the untragic death of Gen. Qasem Soleimani, yesterday, Jan. 2, by American missiles.

Anonymous ID: a35208 Jan. 3, 2020, 8:55 a.m. No.7702815   🗄️.is 🔗kun


At the church I used to go to, a young somali man was baptized and accepted Christ. Because the church live-streamed the sermons about 10 min before and after the event the stream was stopped and everyone in the sanctuary was asked to put phones recording or pics. It was am amazing sight to see…with an undercurrent of danger at what he was doing.

Anonymous ID: a6c92c Jan. 3, 2020, 8:55 a.m. No.7702816   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2818 >>2973



Europe Doesn’t Have to Be Trump’s Doormat

May 10, 2018


Mr. Simon and Mr. Stevenson worked on Middle East policy in the administration of President Barack Obama.


After months of swaggering hesitation, President Trump finally announced the United States’ withdrawal from the nuclear deal with Iran, to which Britain, France, Russia, China, Germany and the European Union are also parties. This action tramples on European leaders, who urged Mr. Trump to exercise restraint in the interest of international security and multilateralism.


Federica Mogherini, the European Union’s high representative for foreign affairs and security policy, reacted to Mr. Trump’s announcement with a sharp statement. The European Union and the rest of the international community, she said, would “preserve this nuclear deal.” The question is how. Notwithstanding an abundance of kvetching, European powers have not yet shown Mr. Trump that he has anything to fear from ignoring their wishes.


To be sure, European leaders have expended plenty of verbiage, illuminating the broad consensus that Iran is abiding by the terms of the deal. President Emmanuel Macron of France implored the Trump administration not to scupper the agreement during a recent visit to Washington. Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany echoed his sentiments, as did Britain’s foreign minister, Boris Johnson, in these pages on Sunday.


But mere words aren’t going to dissuade this White House. Since taking office, Mr. Trump has treated Europe like a doormat, questioning the value of NATO, ridiculing the mission of the European Union and dismissing European exhortations on policy matters.


Given all this, the European Union in particular may feel compelled to acknowledge the harsh reality that it has yet to act like an organization with a G.D.P. roughly equal to that of the United States — and to change the situation by signaling to Washington that on certain matters it refuses to be ignored. The trouble the European Union has had uniting around highly sensitive issues — immigration, for example — is perhaps understandable. But the Iran deal does not appear to be divisive: From the pro-Brexit Mr. Johnson to the avowed internationalist Mr. Macron, European politicians understand its value.


What can Europe do to get Mr. Trump’s attention? President Hassan Rouhani of Iran has indicated that his country will continue to adhere to the terms of the deal for the time being and deal with other parties to it in hopes of securing its benefits. This confers on the European Union, Britain and France — all of which are parties — some leverage. Acknowledging Iran’s compliance and continuing to do business with Iran without imposing sanctions would mitigate the effect of the White House’s sanctions and make it easier for advocates of the deal in Tehran to make their case.

Anonymous ID: a6c92c Jan. 3, 2020, 8:55 a.m. No.7702818   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2973



The administration’s challenge — the American ambassador to Germany has already said that German companies doing business in Iran should wind down operations now — might prompt Europe to go further. The European Union could, for instance, announce the withdrawal of member-states’ ambassadors from the United States. Isn’t this what states do when diplomatic partners breach solemn agreements, expose them to security risks and threaten to wreak havoc on their economies? That is, after all, what the administration is threatening to do by courting the risk of a Middle Eastern war and applying secondary sanctions to European companies. Depending on the American response, European capitals might even follow up with expulsion of American ambassadors.


It would be hard to fault these moves as irresponsible, given that they would not impair vital security functions like intelligence-sharing and law enforcement coordination. They would, however, symbolize a stark diplomatic breach that could extend to other areas in which the Trump administration needs allied support. Thus, the White House would face the first hard choice in this whole process: a full-blown crisis in trans-Atlantic relations. If the administration’s next move were to impose secondary sanctions on Europe, the Europeans could slap its own penalties on American multinational corporations, which in turn would place additional pressure on the White House.


For the European Union to target the United States commercially for attempting to adversely affect legitimate trade relationships would be radical. But it would arise in response to correspondingly egregious American behavior. By virtue of the 1944 Bretton Woods Agreement, European allies conferred economic leadership on the United States. Now the United States, in breaching the Iran deal and reimposing sanctions, has turned the very weapon that those allies bestowed on it against them.


No matter what the European Union or its member states do, it’s unrealistic to think that Mr. Trump will change his mind on the Iran deal. But Europe’s objective would be to keep Iran in a deal that continues to block Iran’s path to a nuclear bomb irrespective of American policy. Iran wouldn’t stick with it unless they thought the European Union could deliver on sanctions relief. The moves suggested here would go a long way toward making this case.


There are few recent historical examples of effective European opposition to American foreign policy. Europe essentially opposed the United States’ involvement in the Vietnam War, but the United States’ military and substantial economic autonomy meant that it had no real leverage, and Cold War realities probably would have constrained the exercise of that leverage even if it had existed. And the Vietnam War, as vexing and tragic as it was, occurred off the beaten trans-Atlantic path and had geographically containable effects.


The Iran case is different. Europe is at odds with the United States on an agreement to which it is a party, concerning a matter of wide-ranging strategic and regional importance. If this doesn’t end the European Union’s doormat foreign policy, we might as well start referring to it as the 28 colonies ruled from across the ocean. This is not an outcome the United States should welcome. As Britain learned in 1939, it’s a lot better to have allies than colonies.

Anonymous ID: 3c9880 Jan. 3, 2020, 8:57 a.m. No.7702829   🗄️.is 🔗kun


why are

"are" is used for plurals while

"is" is used for a singular entity or item.


why are there officers in NY


why is there an officer in NY

Anonymous ID: a6c92c Jan. 3, 2020, 8:57 a.m. No.7702830   🗄️.is 🔗kun



During the early days of the Iraq War, Staff Sergeant Witt was an Airborne Cryptologic Language Analyst deployed to the 95th Reconnaissance Squadron, stationed at Crete Naval Base. When war broke out on 20 March 2003, the following three weeks saw sustained, major combat operations, and Witt was an aircrew member of a Boeing RC-135V/W Rivet Joint. For this duty, Witt was awarded the Air Medal by US President George W. Bush:[10]


Staff Sergeant Monica E. Witt distinguished herself by meritorious achievement while participating in sustained aerial flight from March 29 to April 18. During this period, the airmanship and courage of Sergeant Witt in the successful accomplishment of these important reconnaissance missions in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM, under extremely hazardous conditions, demonstrated her outstanding proficiency and steadfast devotion to duty. The professional ability and outstanding aerial accomplishments of Sergeant Witt reflect great credit upon herself and the United States Air Force.

Anonymous ID: 4f62dc Jan. 3, 2020, 8:57 a.m. No.7702832   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2843

ChrisStirewalt has no idea if killing soiledmani and taking out a known terrorist was right or wrong. Just not his call to make.


Never passed his bowl of peach mints around either. Fat fakka

I don't know, is his favorite phrase this morning.


It's called waffling Chris, you're a fence sitter. Fuck off nigger and be an AMERICAN for once!

[m4xr3sdEfault]*******,=,e \_ヾ(ᐖ◞ ) ID: e9e55f Jan. 3, 2020, 8:58 a.m. No.7702839   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Milk your volcano for xenu milk with a bilbo anon

When the Jew wants to make hobbit babies with your Elon hole . It's best to wander in the old peckerwoods. Use Sorosanon colon blow on your journey. The baby diuretic is not tax homo yet. Danielfaggot has the ring and gets Clinton cocaine. If the old peckerwood haunts your jewhole and orcs want your Berliner.

trust bilbo

Bilbo knows the way to the volcano. Be weary of old alien corpses in the volcano. But keep milking and milking and milking. Sooner than later an avalanche of xenu milk will blast out a memo fisa declassed. Buttplugleakswiki new Harry's gapeing ASSANGEL says "jewholes are made for bilbos" so be proud that Anonymous has verified it all.


>Are your psychotic psychophant german buttseks fetishes getting the laundry done

>Make baby diuretics homo on the taxes again


>Yeshuah Gaylord Jew hams

>Larp drumpf

>Pairs well with cabbage and potatoes






















































Milk your volcano for xenu milk with a bilbo anon

Anonymous ID: 75cfcc Jan. 3, 2020, 8:58 a.m. No.7702841   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Shills are here in force to disrupt and mislead.


1 tactic is to flood the board with irrelevant information.

2 tactic is to sow division.

3 tactic is to post as many high resolution pics/memes as possible, to slow the board down.



… look at file sizes… how many pics posted

… whether a comment is actually helpful

… times it's been posted and by who… whether it's opinion or FACTS

… is there manufactured consensus going on???, Pretend Playfighting(3shills x 3 IP's = 9 characters)???

… be wary of clockfags/codefags(they rarely work or even make sense)

… is it a 4chan character shill or Ebot…minion loves his anime,cartoons, nasimfag…and more

… Is it 000000 spruking for consensus manufacture/gate keeping or Cauldron boi, "swordy"

… is it God bothering and preaching with tons of scripture quotes, hokus pocus new age bullshit

… Is it ancient history theory, waffling and dribbling, flat earth, constellations, anything older than 100 yrs

… Ignore muh Jews/joos/goy, muh Masons, muh whatever(facts prove guilt…not preconceived opinions)

… Is it board sliding with circumcision of any sort/gore/porn, shills imitating women

… Be wary of "frens" "fwens","fren"and ALL retard speak between shills(needed for manufactured consensus)

… Be wary of "they know someone/Heard rumour", can you guess who I am? posting

… is it "divide and conquer", male/female, old/young, religions, etc

… Be suspect if they feel the need to defend nudes and titty pic posts(open another browser and fap away retards)

… Ignore hennypenny's…Hopefully, Maybe, I sorta trust the plan… Q better do something…Q is a larp

… Are they just plain mean and nasty to anons(anons, not shills), Butting into conversations unwarrented

… Is it Red texting, posting opinionated misleading comments, random garble… nonsense memes/pics

… Totally disregard "Codemonkey, Jim, BO, Q is a shill"(whilst typing on the website provided by their dedication)

… Do they post the same shitty copy/paste memes about "beware of shills"

… Are they posting music/lyrics/dribbling/debating about music

… are they namefagging, oldfagging, ancientfagging(needed to manufacture consensus)

… Is it old planefag posts or some stupid trainer/crop duster irrelevant planefag post

… Are they posting old irrelevant digs.. racing/filling to 750 posts

… Are they adding comments that add little or no further credence to an argument

… Are they bullshitting about"Q replied to me and…"

… Are they twisting Q posts or misquoting Q, including outside comms

…. Enough to list for now, but you get the picture… Control-f search post history always







We are at war and the enemy is under the wire…. Filter ruthlessly and fast.

If you think the room is getting too retarded, then use filter +

If it helps for being ruthless, just remember this→ We are uncovering corruption and pedophilia etc.

shills are trying to stop that = shills ARE pedophiles….. Filter fucking ruthlessly!

With retards gone the room becomes comfy.


Scroll or Filter

Just an opinion… Take it or leave it…

Anonymous ID: 000000 Jan. 3, 2020, 8:59 a.m. No.7702848   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2852


I always hated that asshole what he did to Nissan and how he handled employees in Japan.


“Though the mills of God grind slowly, yet they grind exceeding small; Though with patience He stands waiting, with exactness grinds He all.”

Anonymous ID: 0f099f Jan. 3, 2020, 8:59 a.m. No.7702851   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2872



Some of the funders of Quincy Institute


Ploughshares Fund


Columbe Foundation (Proteus)


Open Society Foundations

Rockefeller Bros Foundation

The Arca Foundation



Look who's on the Board of Ploushares

Look at the funders of Columbe (Proteus)

(Pics related)

Anonymous ID: 43ed4c Jan. 3, 2020, 8:59 a.m. No.7702852   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2873




>>7702460, >>7702500, >>7702607, >>7702650, >>7702758, >>7702804 Eyes in the Sky!

>>7702745 POTUS retweet @Liz_Wheeler, Soleimani killed 603 American servicemembers and moar!

>>7702692 Over 207 Lawmakers (Including 2 Democrats) Sign Amicus Brief Asking Supreme Court To Reconsider “Roe Vs. Wade”…Here’s The List

>>7702624, >>7702659, >>7702723 "Soleimani was in violation the United Nations travel ban, actively planning, plotting…the operation was defensive." -Behnam Ben Taleblu on CBSN

>>7702657 Central Bank of Iceland completes merger with regulator

>>7702647, >>7702364, >>7702398 lb, Soleimani tied to Benghazi attacks

>>7702545, >>7702554 U.S. Not Eyeing Immediate Oil Release in Response to Iran Crisis

>>7702514 @mortezaanoei twat shows Trump in coffin!

>>7702485 Potus RT Posobiec twat, 2012 Libya attacks!

>>7702428 Happy B'day Parscale!


Anonymous ID: 8228c5 Jan. 3, 2020, 9 a.m. No.7702854   🗄️.is 🔗kun

GOP Congressman Phil Roe Announces He Won’t Seek Re-Election


Tennessee Republican Rep. Phil Roe announced Friday that he will not be seeking re-election, making him the nineteenth GOP Congressman to say they would no longer run for office.


“Serving East Tennesseans these past 11 years has been the honor of my life, and I will be forever grateful for the trust my friends and neighbors put in me to represent them. As someone who practiced medicine for over 30 years, I said I would serve five or six terms because I never intended this job to be a second career. After prayerful consideration, I have decided to retire at the end of the 116th Congress,” Roe said in a statement.

Anonymous ID: 70e6c2 Jan. 3, 2020, 9 a.m. No.7702856   🗄️.is 🔗kun



i read about this years ago. there is so much info, anon….so much out there that is buried. if the plane crash was real, it explains why hillary had to postpone testimony at that time. she had 'officially' fallen or something like that. started wearing the thick glasses at that time…the ones she was wearing when she said 'at this point what difference does it make'. i haven't dug on Price for a long time so I hope you find something good to refresh us with.

[m4xr3sdEfault]*******,=,e \_ヾ(ᐖ◞ ) ID: e9e55f Jan. 3, 2020, 9 a.m. No.7702858   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Real fake Jew devil image board


Get your own ducks quack ducked by tranny fucking while Jew swine watch

Look a danielfaggot pen

A piggie map

Voat buttfucking quackery

Silent bacon and miracle whip

Cause after we faggot your asshole

We are gonna stick turkey feathers up it

And call you a chicken

So Evelyn rothschild goebele faggot asshole feels its cabbage thetans

Flapping homo hooker sphincter is larping Berliner swampgas outside twats from oval backchannel Washington peanut butter

To mordor !

/cuckreaserch/ got Jew meme kikes

Graphic serial killer homoeroticism

Quasi queer shekels

Stupid people "who dun it" fabrications

Cocaine branding

Petty fascist glamour

Underwear gnomes

Stalker JavaScript

Lame duck sphincter flaps

Russian potatoes

Cheesy sympathyfagging

Chances of grey poupon

KYs and kys is kys of kys for kys and kys with kys to kys the kys when kys was kys at kys into kys over kys under kys on kys in kys by kys from kys up kys down kys above kys beyond kys near kys past kys after kys along kys against kys upon kys inside kys outside kys through kys between kys before kys like kys


▶Anonymous  ‪29 minutes ago‬896875 No.7621584>>7621606 >>7621626 >>7621659


‎ואז יהושע ודניאל ליקקו הרבה חמאת בוטנים לקוקאין לפני שנרצח בחור חד-קרן במנדליי ביי


‎ודניאל באמת אהב ללקק חמאת בוטנים מתוך התחת שלהם, ויהודי מזויף של יהושע הלך עם זה


‎וכך החל המסע של דניאל ויהושע מן הפלך עם חמאת בוטנים ומחייך, כי הם ליקק הרבה התחת ורבים התרשמו הבלבול שלהם


‎ודניאל באמת אהב ללקק חמאת בוטנים מתוך התחת שלהם, ויהודי מזויף של יהושע הלך עם זה


‎בקרוב הומוסקסואלים tavistock היה דחפים עבור דניאל וחמאת בוטנים, יהושע ו בולשיט


‎דניאל היה מבולבל על תינוקות ההוביטים אבל היה מוכן לרצות עם חמאת בוטנים


‎הושע ודניאל ייסעו עמוק לתוך היער בחמאת בוטנים ונדדו ויסעו בחיפוש אחר טבעת נישואים שקיבל סוחר הקוקאין מהם


‎דרך היער ומעלה הגבעות יהושע ודניאל עבדו חמאת בוטנים


‎יהושע ודניאל חשבו שהטביסטוק יעשה אותם עשירים עם הטריקים של חמאת בוטנים


‎ליקוק חזק יותר אמר שיהושע ודניאל ילקקו חזק יותר. לתוך היער הם היו מבלים זמן רב עם חורים וחמאת בוטנים


‎ככל שהם ליקקו עוד יותר את ליקקו עד שהם היו מתוך חמאת בוטנים ונמאס ללכת דרך היער מחפש סוחר קוקאין עם טבעת הנישואין שתפס אותם להכין תינוקות ההוביט


‎קשה היה להאמין שסיפוריהם גורמים לפניהם להיות מכוסים עדיין בחמאת בוטנים ובהומוסקסואליות


‎אז tavistock עשה קרם עבור דניאל


‎עד מהרה רצה צוואר ביד


‎ויהושע אמר שהוא זקוק לקוקאין כי דניאל עייף מלקק את כל חמאת הבוטנים


‎אז דיוויד וילקוק קיבל קצת קוקאין ולקח את העבודה של דניאל ויהושע וכולם קפצו לתוך ערימת חמאת בוטנים


‎את קרם היה חלקה יותר מאשר חמאת בוטנים חשב דניאל


‎ו דניאל קרא "אני עכשיו יהיה ידוע בשם Danalingus של pedovores tavistock, תן לי את החרב שלך כדי לשפשף חמאת בוטנים ללקק" ואת צווארון david הלך וקנה קוקאין יותר


‎דוד willcock קנה את קוקאין ממשפחת בוש אז זה היה חזק באמת מ laredo ואת חמאת בוטנים היה מועדון סמס אז הם הלכו על זה כל סוף השבוע


‎יהושע היה בגן עדן עם התחת ליקק וקוקאין


‎ודוד וילקוק ויהושע אמרו לדניאל שהוא יכול להיות יהודי כדי ללקק את כל החמאה


‎אפילו בונו לא יכול לעשות את זה הרבה חמאת בוטנים וקוקאין בסוף השבוע


‎אז דיוויד ווילקוק עשה את בונו הגרוע ביותר ואת דניאל פוני בצד עם בוש קוקאין


‎סטיב ג 'ובס היה שמח לגרום דוד ווילקוק היה כלבה מגעילה וכולם תפוח היה חרמן עבור jerry mcquire בכל מקרה


‎סורוס הוא אידיוט


‎עד מהרה הבין דניאל שזה לא תירס


‎דניאל הבין במהרה שזה לא ממתק שהוא אוכל בסוף


‎אבל דוד Wilcock נשבע שהוא לא לגנוב את טבעת הנישואין כאשר הם היו גבוהים על קוקאין חמאת בוטנים ביער


‎בקרוב פדופילים בממשלה יתקרב דניאל ו יהושע עם קוקאין


‎והרעב לחמאת בוטנים ימשיך במסעם דרך היער


‎יהושע אמר לדניאל לא לדאוג כי הם היו יהודים עכשיו וכי קרם tavistock יעשה אותם עשירים


‎וג'ושוע ודניאל בזזו את חור חמאת הבוטנים בשאר חלקי הרומן


‎המקדשים שלי בין האוזניים. המקדש השלישי שלי הוא הפין שלי. הרועים השקרנים ישלמו על מה שעשו לבני ולנביאי

‎הסוף הוא קרוב






‎……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)אצבע בתחת


……….”…\………. _.·´



[m4xr3sdEfault]*******,=,e \_ヾ(ᐖ◞ ) ID: e9e55f Jan. 3, 2020, 9:01 a.m. No.7702863   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Tldr; 75 year old Nazi subway system built in United States for trillions in tax dollars has new Elon gaytriotism campaign














Yuge gapenings



Jooooos pooo news butt tunnel Elon larps Trump for TIresia feltcher shekels

Anonymous ID: 4a8a58 Jan. 3, 2020, 9:01 a.m. No.7702866   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"…provocative and disproportionate." Those are mighty long, multi-syllable words for an evil, drunken old hag. I'm talking to you, Miss Lube Job.

Anonymous ID: 788e60 Jan. 3, 2020, 9:02 a.m. No.7702869   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They have been murdering Falun Gong followers for 25+ years. Chicoms are a scourge. This is circa 2004.

Von Hagens forced to return controversial corpses to China

The controversial German anatomist Gunther von Hagens last night agreed to return seven corpses to China after admitting that the bodies used in his exhibitions might have come from executed prisoners.

Professor Von Hagens, whose show Body Worlds provoked fascination and disgust when it opened in London two years ago, said the corpses would now be buried. His statement follows a damning exposé this week by the German magazine Der Spiegel.

It revealed that at least two corpses out of some 647 stored by the anatomist at his centre in China had bullet holes in their skulls. Splashing the story on its cover under the headline Dr Death, the magazine this week produced damning email correspondence from Prof Von Hagens' Chinese manager, Sui Hongjin.

In December 2001 Dr Hongjin boasted that he had obtained the bodies of a "young man and young woman" who had "died" that morning. The pair were "fresh examples" of the "highest quality", the doctor said - and had been killed by a shot to the head.

Speaking yesterday Prof Von Hagens, who earned the tabloid soubriquet Dr Frankenstein after performing a live televised autopsy on a German alcoholic in 2002, said: "I have told my Chinese employees that they can't accept bodies that were executed." …

Anonymous ID: a6c92c Jan. 3, 2020, 9:02 a.m. No.7702874   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Anonymous ID: e75da6 Jan. 3, 2020, 9:02 a.m. No.7702875   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2929



The DOJ sues California for failure to comply with it's own (California's) environmental Quality Act.


Newsome's response is to oppress the Californian people by threatening them with fines from $1,000 to $10,000 per incident if they go over his defined usage. Basically they won't be able to take a shower and do laundry on the same day.


The more Trump pressures the DS Getty/Pelosi/Newsome Family the more the Family oppresses Californians or maybe Newsome is just a hurt snowflake over the recall effort of Californians that want to throw him out of office so this is how he repays them.

Anonymous ID: b55ca9 Jan. 3, 2020, 9:02 a.m. No.7702877   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2891 >>2894 >>2897 >>2904 >>2906 >>2911 >>2916 >>2936 >>2974 >>3063

I will not vote for Trump this time.


Trump's Campaign official statement is that we are garbage, idiots, stupid, etc. And our votes are not wanted. Direct statements from Trump Campaign. STILL no apologies or explanation. And she's still in her position. That says all I need to know. I will NEVER turn my back on all we've done. So as it stands at this point … I cannot vote Trump this time around. If it's Q or Trump. I know where I stand.

[m4xr3sdEfault]*******,=,e \_ヾ(ᐖ◞ ) ID: e9e55f Jan. 3, 2020, 9:03 a.m. No.7702883   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2905



Anons figured out Scientology Jew gold (anus gold) is hidden at

19712 Gilman Springs Rd, San Jacinto in Riverside County, California


The Hole is the unofficial nickname of a facility operated by the Church of Scientology on Gold Base, its compound near the town of Hemet in Riverside County, California.[


in Petrolia, California (40°23'15.55"N 124°18'19.05"W), and Creston, California(35°27'12.29"N 120°29'59.20"W)


the San Miguel Ranch Airport (NM53).


We also learned that L Ron Hubbard likes to fuck goats and trannys and helped the goebele serial killers get into Apple iPhones for pseudo Jew gematria . We learned that a league of extraordinarily eager ass feltchers joined the Sorosanon gang for cocaine and that a gang of cannibal pedovores got into bush family tranny grease for butt fuck Greek tsipraism. We discovered Harry blew the challenger o-ring for cocaine legislation and that WW2 polland zombies flooded the states soon afterwards. We found out Salville's faggot asshole liked to kill children at Disneyland for U.K. Trannys. And that fart Vader took over the O.T.O. from aliester Crowley after the trinity dirty bomb. We also learned that fart Vader changed its name to trump for Scientology cocaine wash on fox infomercials. And that Hillary Clinton is a tranny.

Notice how Elon hole has to auto larp to escape its danielfaggot predatory disposition. Because it wants to claim seventy year old gestapi subway tunnels for tax evasion purposes.

Bush family leaked that the CIA has killed 900k domestically for its cocaine cult that drives the goebele necromancy.

PS. Pelosi tranny has a shitty facelift from all the shitty cult shit.

Anonymous ID: 3c9880 Jan. 3, 2020, 9:03 a.m. No.7702885   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2934



Picture of peace keeping troops from some other country than the USE. Picture from nov. 2018.

Stupid post

Anonymous ID: 3e7260 Jan. 3, 2020, 9:03 a.m. No.7702887   🗄️.is 🔗kun



re. Quincy Institute, BoD Pickering


Opinion: On the hostilities between Donald Trump and his U.S. foreign policy team

Nov 19, 2019


Very soon after Thomas Pickering and his two friends had settled in for an Inman Park lunch on Monday, the topic of Marie Yovanovitch jumped up.

“I know her. She worked for me,” he added.When and where? “Moscow. A very good officer.”Have you talked to her? “I’ve been in touch. I’ve talked to her, and I’ve been in touch by email.”

Pickering, 88, was in Atlanta for a lecture at the Commerce Club that evening, sponsored by the World Affairs Council of Atlanta. His topic was the September attack on the Aramco oil facilities in Saudi Arabia, and the new weaponry used by Iran – through surrogates – to pull it off.

Anonymous ID: dd4376 Jan. 3, 2020, 9:04 a.m. No.7702896   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2913



Add to those two lists a list of those [US politicians] that claimed the attack on the US embassy in Iraq was a 'protest'…


Need to make it into a meme/memes and drive the point WW.

Anonymous ID: 8228c5 Jan. 3, 2020, 9:04 a.m. No.7702899   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2910 >>2955 >>3050 >>3072

California Passes Insane New Law Limiting Personal Water Usage With Massive Fines (VIDEO)


The news coming out of California gets crazier every week.


Governor Gavin Newsom has signed a law which just went into effect that limits personal water usage. People can even be hit with massive fines if they exceed their limit by doing laundry and taking a shower on the same day.


This was recently discussed on KTLA News and the reporters seemed shocked to learn the details.

[m4xr3sdEfault]*******,=,e \_ヾ(ᐖ◞ ) ID: e9e55f Jan. 3, 2020, 9:06 a.m. No.7702905   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2912


Mystery solved

Goebele's booty joos

Is from thumbs in volcano

And Scientology larps




































Yuge xenu milking space bilbos shaped like 747 from outer space

The Scientology prophecized this


Anonymous ID: 71814b Jan. 3, 2020, 9:06 a.m. No.7702909   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Flaws in US General Electric Reactors: Japan Starts Up After Fukushima by John Robles

Japan has restarted its first nuclear reactor since the country shut down all of its reactors amid safety concerns after the Fukushima disaster. On Sunday the Kansai Electric Power Company restarted the no. 3 unit at the Ohi nuclear power plant. With the No.4 unit scheduled to go back on-line later in July.


The BWR was developed in the U.S. by the Idaho National Laboratory and General Electric in the mid-1950s.


The particular model used at Fukushima had inherent design flaws in the containment structure from the outset and engineers predicted the exact scenario that happened at Fukushima.


The General Electric Corporation began constructing the Mark-1 BWR reactors in the 1960s, claiming that they were cheaper and easier to build in part because they used a smaller and less expensive containment structure, and this is where the main problems lie.


A fact sheet published from the anti-nuclear advocacy group Nuclear Information and Resource Service, which is available on the internet, details problems with the design and states that in 1972 an Atomic Energy Commission member, Dr. Stephen Hanuaer, recommended that this type of system be discontinued.


More questions arose about the design in the mid-1980s, after Nuclear Regulatory Commission official Harold Denton stated that the Mark-1 reactors had; “…a 90 percent probability of bursting should the fuel rods overheat and melt in an accident.”


Thirty-five years ago, while reviewing the design for the Mark-1, Nuclear Engineers Dale G. Bridenbaugh and two of his colleagues at General Electric were pressured into okaying the designs for the Mark-1 and were forced to resign after becoming convinced that the Mark 1 was so flawed it could lead to a catastrophe.


The key issue in this piece is, and there is very little detailed information out there on the subject, how many of Japan’s nuclear power plants run the G-E BWR Mark-1 reactors. All of the Fukushima reactors used the Mark 1 containment system while the sixth had the upgraded to Mark 2 system.


Below is a list of all Japanese ВRW reactors.


Reactor Location Type Containment Rating Status Operator


Fukushima I-1 Futaba, Fukushima BWR 439 Meltdown/exploded March 2011 TEPCO


Fukushima I-2 BWR Mark I 760 Meltdown March 2011 TEPCO


Fukushima I-3 BWR Mark I 760 Meltdown/exploded March 2011 TEPCO


Fukushima I-4 BWR Mark I 760 Meltdown/exploded March 2011 TEPCO


Fukushima I-5 BWR Mark I 760 Operational April 18, 1978 TEPCO


Fukushima I-6 BWR Mark II 1067 Operational October 1979 TEPCO


Fukushima II-1 BWR Mark II 1067 Operational April 1982 TEPCO


Fukushima II-2 BWR Mark II A 1067 Operational February 1984 TEPCO


Fukushima II-3 BWR Mark II A 1067 Operational June 1985 TEPCO


Fukushima II-4 BWR Mark II A 1067 Operational August 1987 TEPCO


Genkai-1 PWR 529 Operational October 1975 Kyūshū Electric


Hamaoka-1 BWR 515 Operational March 1976 Chūbu Electric


Hamaoka-2 BWR 806 Operational November 1978 Chūbu Electric


Hamaoka-3 BWR-5 1056 Operational August 1987 Chūbu Electric


Hamaoka-4 BWR-5 1092 Operational September 1993 Chūbu Electric


Higashidōri-1 BWR 1067 Operational December 2005 Tōhoku Electric


Kashiwazaki-Kariwa-1 BWR 1067 Operational September 1985 TEPCO


Kashiwazaki-Kariwa-2 BWR 1067 Operational September 1990 TEPCO


Kashiwazaki-Kariwa-3 BWR 1067 Operational August 1993 TEPCO


Kashiwazaki-Kariwa-4 BWR 1067 Operational August 1994 TEPCO


Kashiwazaki-Kariwa-5 BWR 1067 Operational April 1990 TEPCO


Onagawa-1 BWR 498 Operational June 1984 Tōhoku Electric


Onagawa-2 BWR 796 Operational July 1995 Tōhoku Electric


Onagawa-3 BWR 798 Operational January 2002 Tōhoku Electric


Shika-1 BWR 505 Operational July 1993 RIKUDEN


Tōkai-2 BWR 1056 Operational November 1978 JAPC


Tsuruga-1 BWR 341 Operational March 1970 JAPC


JPDR-II BWR 13 1963–1982


Maybe it is time that all of these reactors were upgraded or shut down. Most have been on-line since the 1970s, and it is doubtful they become safer with time.

[m4xr3sdEfault]*******,=,e \_ヾ(ᐖ◞ ) ID: e9e55f Jan. 3, 2020, 9:06 a.m. No.7702912   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2921



😘 kissing cow 🐮 rectum and queer tapestries

It's L Ron Hubbard

Prol wants to fuck your goat



"Robotic serial killer pedo homo spam really drives the game of thrones feltchers in tsipraism economics" ~xenu












They seem to quack shit from their butthole lips for spurious egregious homosexual purse strings


Religiously quackery judas fehgel priests

How myopic

Prol all pedos chasing their fix with wiretaps

From dust to dust



Got any shitty Jew memes

Anonymous ID: bcbf81 Jan. 3, 2020, 9:07 a.m. No.7702915   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Love anons, who can sift through drops and remind us of all that has happened and how it all ties together….

Thank you for your truely brilliant autism anon…:)

Anonymous ID: e902e7 Jan. 3, 2020, 9:08 a.m. No.7702920   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>would killing Soliemani be considered a Quds Pro Quo?

Soliemani's first name is Qasem which starts with a Q.


I know Q was one of stockings in Trump Tower Chrismas video.

Q asked how many names beging with Q, hinting that it was for Q., but were those stockings a list of first names on a hit list?


Q = Qasem

[m4xr3sdEfault]*******,=,e \_ヾ(ᐖ◞ ) ID: e9e55f Jan. 3, 2020, 9:08 a.m. No.7702921   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Dear anons

There is a bilbo drive going on this board. Fill out the email line so we can save your inner tard. This is a free the bilbo campaign so it's a secret okay 👌, many of our cruise winners have already received multiple bilbos. These are usually prime bilbos from jootube.


We have our qanon larpers working overdrive to fill all the orders for these prime bilbos from jootube. We got them working in shifts 👋🏾


Just fill out email so we know who to send it to. Very discrete and totally free


We learned together the benefits and glee of a well milked volcano from the scientologists. It's for everyone's benefit.

Just fill out email address in the line so we can get it to you.


>>>6773048 (You)

>Just name yourself "Jesus Christ" in the name field for the really bigly free bilbos


We learned together the benefits and glee of a well milked volcano from the scientologists. It's for everyone's benefit.

Just fill out email address in the line so we can get it to you.



>>6781087 (You)


the process of sniffing a substance up into the nostrils

method of ingesting cocaine, or other ground powder substances

also known as snorting

"oh man, i insufflated so much stuff last weekend i was having serious nose abortions!"



Anonymous ID: 6b0ecc Jan. 3, 2020, 9:08 a.m. No.7702928   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Truth and love will win the day

Anons dig and Anons Pray

We have it all, we see you there

You’re panicking now, and we are aware


That the swamp has been drained,

And You have been exposed

All your schemes will fall flat,

cause we Anons all know


We know who you are

We know where you live

We’ve counted the bodies

That in the basement you hid


Did you really believe

All your lies would last?

That your tangled web

Would really hold fast?


The truth has dissolved

What illusions you made

The light is on you

And we see you’ve decayed


So go ahead and let

Your Mockingbirds squawk

And we’ll direct you to Gitmo

Cause it’s a pretty long walk


And we will all live

In truth, strength and love

Giving thanks to each other

And the lord up above


God bless POTUS, Q, Anons, and all Patriots who are fighting the good fight


Anonymous ID: 9df0a8 Jan. 3, 2020, 9:08 a.m. No.7702929   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Want until February anon. That is when SGMA

water requirements will be unveiled. Gonna be

Big once it's digested.


Lots of sauce but here is a little primer:

Anonymous ID: 8228c5 Jan. 3, 2020, 9:09 a.m. No.7702934   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2947


FKing idiot ..pretty sure everybody knew that pic was taken in the US… KEK Dummy


here's another stupid post for you …FKwit FOOL


Bring in the U.N. to solve Chicago 'genocide,' Boykin says



President Donald Trump’s implicit threat to put the National Guard on the streets of Chicago to tackle the city’s violence problem attracted widespread ridicule earlier this year.


But if the soldiers were instead wearing the sky blue helmets of United Nations peacekeepers there might not be such a problem, according to Cook County Commissioner Richard Boykin, who flew to New York on Thursday to discuss what he described as a “quiet genocide” in Chicago’s black community with the U.N.’s assistant secretary-general for peacebuilding support, Oscar Fernandez-Taranco.


“The United Nations has a track record of protecting minority populations,” Boykin told Inc. before his meeting. “There was tribal warfare between the Tutsis and the Hutus in Africa, and they deployed peacekeeping troops there to help save those populations and reduce the bloodshed. We have to do something — black people in Chicago make up 30 percent of the population but 80 percent of those who are killed by gun violence.”

[m4xr3sdEfault]*******,=,e \_ヾ(ᐖ◞ ) ID: e9e55f Jan. 3, 2020, 9:10 a.m. No.7702939   🗄️.is 🔗kun




















>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Milk your volcano for xenu milk with a bilbo anon

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Milk your volcano for xenu milk with a bilbo anon

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>When the Jew wants to make hobbit babies with your Elon hole . It's best to wander in the old peckerwoods. Use Sorosanon colon blow on your journey. The baby diuretic is not tax homo yet. Danielfaggot has the ring and gets Clinton cocaine. If the old peckerwood haunts your jewhole and orcs want your Berliner.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>trust bilbo

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Bilbo knows the way to the volcano. Be weary of old alien corpses in the volcano. But keep milking and milking and milking. Sooner than later an avalanche of xenu milk will blast out a memo fisa declassed. Buttplugleakswiki new Harry's gapeing ASSANGEL says "jewholes are made for bilbos" so be proud that Anonymous has verified it all.


>Yeshuah Gaylord Jew hams

>Larp drumpf

>Pairs well with cabbage and potatoes






















































Milk your volcano for xenu milk with a bilbo anon


Our Gaylord hams have a double gasketed feature designed for crisco, full of homo, low in trannys, has #electrolytes.

it's what your fags crave

Transistorized homo corn fed Jew porkbellies, has spam, cheesey smoothness, larps drumpf, swears in Jew nonsense. TAvistock finest foul herds. Prefers german buttseks and negro buttsneks. Have your tribesmen write the danielfaggot name on the wall in peanut butter

Anonymous ID: ce2f4e Jan. 3, 2020, 9:11 a.m. No.7702945   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3165

The First Lady has used her platform to encourage people to work together to change perceptions surrounding opioid addiction so that victims will be more willing to seek out help. In July, @FLOTUS held a roundtable at Cabell-Huntington Health Department in West Virginia.


8:51 AM - 3 Jan 2020

Anonymous ID: e902e7 Jan. 3, 2020, 9:12 a.m. No.7702948   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7701868 twats of Morning Joe show against Trump, then defense of! Gonna be a fun day gang! Keep em coming! (past bread and in notables)


here is a link to daily caller which has the video of Jeffrey SAchs embedded.

can an anon post the video here. don't know how.


A professor from Columbia University went uncontested on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” as he bashed America following the killing of top Iranian General Qasem Soleimani.

Jeffrey Sachs spoke to co-host Joe Scarborough said that President Donald Trump and the administration have “been trying to destabilize Iran” for years. He added that the decision to kill Soleimani, who was planning attacks on American diplomats and service members in Iraq, “makes no sense.”

Anonymous ID: 800a27 Jan. 3, 2020, 9:12 a.m. No.7702951   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What is Doug Ducey doing in Tel Aviv, Israel?


Watch the Water.

Anonymous ID: a6c92c Jan. 3, 2020, 9:13 a.m. No.7702955   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2997



Sen. Bob Hertzberg (D-Los Angeles), and Assemblywoman Laura Friedman (D-Glendale), authored two new mandatory water rationing bills. Senate Bill 606, and Assembly Bill 1668, were easily passed along party lines, signed into law, and will gradually keep ratcheting indoor water use down over the next 10 years, until it reaches 50 gallons per person per day. Unlike expanded reservoirs that capture additional new water to meet the current and future water needs of a growing population, Californians will adapt to living water poor. The cost of the new regulatory body, and added level of bureaucracy necessary to enforce these rationing laws, will be passed on to taxpayers. Water rates will continue to rise, and the “use less, pay more” scenario will increase. What’s worse is the actual water savings will be insignificant.

Anonymous ID: 88a54d Jan. 3, 2020, 9:13 a.m. No.7702956   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Peace Through Strength


almost killed by GHWB, father of OWO, uttered for the first time exactly 10 years to the day of 9/11 attacks the plan to change the world. Also led to Brady bill, first significant anti gun legislation.

Bush family (CIA) raised groomed and brought us (hope & change) O-bung-hole and his tranny wife.

Reagan a former Hollywood (cabal) pick, loved by the left than pure hatred after becoming political.

Sound a little to familiar to our current POTUS? Loved by the (media, cabal, press) prior to running for office. Think pendulum politics, controlling the outcome of a two party system. runs on a platform of "Peace Through Strength" as does the UN, also look at the shoulder insignia of Solemeani, same graphic as UN logo.

Are you 100% certain you are not being taken for a ride on the pendulum politic train? How did it work for Nazi Germany? what was the result, NATOthe friends allies and enemies we currently engage with.

God wins only in the final chapter, not in the middle of the book, when Satan has free rein on Earth.

Maybe, just maybe, 6 years amassing total power, leads to two years of non sovereignty, global Peace Through Strength campaign of OWO, placing the known enemy Vatican,London, and D.C. at the top of the pyramid?

Just a scenario I can't seem to shake, and answers why the non god like approach to truth and accountability is satisfied with the Q story of revenge and pain.

Anonymous ID: f15696 Jan. 3, 2020, 9:13 a.m. No.7702961   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2966

I hope the missiles came head on, I hope the first one fell just in front of the car so they looked up and saw the other's coming. I really hope he knew….

Anonymous ID: 915b9f Jan. 3, 2020, 9:15 a.m. No.7702973   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2980



The Europeans can do nothing but talk. It's in their programming.


Even if they had a winning trick play in the book, they would talk endlessly about when, or if, to use it, or if perhaps it could be given a different name…


The Brits are right to GTFO. European "opinions" can be pretty safely disregarded because at the end of the day, it's just talk.

Anonymous ID: 17061e Jan. 3, 2020, 9:15 a.m. No.7702978   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3000

The common enemy of all of mankind is satan


"He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters."


"Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring?"


  • Christ


Muslims and Christians do not worship the same God. I will ask for the 10,000th and 1 time: "Why do [they] defend Islam and vilify Christianity?


Muslims and "Christians" will unite and when they do, here's what will happen to those who truly follow Christ:


“I have told you these things so that you will not fall away. They will put you out of the synagogues. In fact, a time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is offering a service to God. They will do these things because they have not known the Father or Me. "

Anonymous ID: c60a46 Jan. 3, 2020, 9:18 a.m. No.7702992   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Here's, if I understand it correctly, the Dem/Pedowood/MSM Fakenews response to the Soleimani operation:


"Even though he's our enemy, Trump is a worse enemy to America. Now Iran is going to attack us because they're dangerous. Iran, please don't kill us."


An Anon suggested that we compile a list of the TRAITORS and what they said for ALL TO SEE.


I don't know about you but I'm sick of seeing the ENEMY get cheered for from our shores. I'm sick of excuses being made for cold blooded killers that summarily executed or maimed THOUSANDS of our US Armed Forces.


We've got work to do anons. We've got people to redpill. Let's get busy.

Anonymous ID: e902e7 Jan. 3, 2020, 9:18 a.m. No.7702994   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> Damn! Trump is killing off what was going to be Hillary'sForeign policy makers.

and the first one had a name which started with Q.

Q on Trump Tower stocking?

Anonymous ID: 8228c5 Jan. 3, 2020, 9:18 a.m. No.7702997   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Declaring an End to Drought


Defining when drought ends is based on the moderation of drought impacts to water users. A city may define the end of a drought when its reservoir is full or it receives a full supply from the wholesale water agency. A rancher might define the end of a drought after enough precipitation falls to adequately support livestock grazing. Recovery from some drought impacts, such as declines in groundwater storage, can take multiple years.


'Mediterranean climate': California drought ends after more than 7 years, but dry conditions will return


California is completely drought free for the first time since 2011 as a wet winter winds down, scientists said.


Abnormally dry conditions linger in less than 7 percent of California, the U.S. Drought Monitor said on Thursday, as storms have filled reservoirs, built snow pack and improved soil moisture. The state had experienced some form of drought for 376 consecutive weeks, according to the National Drought Mitigation Center.

Anonymous ID: d7b770 Jan. 3, 2020, 9:19 a.m. No.7703001   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3012 >>3031

California Passes Insane New Law Limiting Personal Water Usage With Massive Fines


The news coming out of California gets crazier every week.


Governor Gavin Newsom has signed a law which just went into effect that limits personal water usage. People can even be hit with massive fines if they exceed their limit by doing laundry and taking a shower on the same day.


This was recently discussed on KTLA News and the reporters seemed shocked to learn the details.


The Media Times reports:


The blue-collar governments that Californians are constantly voting on may have finally crossed the line, at least that’s what these KTLA news anchors look like.


A video of the show, titled “KTLA 5 Anchors News Morning Get Redpill,” shows complaints discussing the issue at hand, particularly regarding 55 liters of water per day in California.


“I’m not sure how I feel about it,” anchor Jessica Holmes told her co-workers. “You won’t be allowed to shower and do a laundry load on the same day.”


While that may sound crazy, what California Attorney Richard Lee unravels is hypothetical figures.


“Doing a laundry load requires about 40 to 50 liters of water. Showering for about eight minutes uses about 17 liters of water. Well, there is a limit to daily water use, 55 gallons per day. So that means if you are showering and doing a laundry load, you can’t do both without breaking the law…


How they will implement the water budget has not been determined, but they will be subject to monthly reporting requirements and will be fined $ 1000 a day when completed. If they exceed the budget in a dry year, the fine is $ 10,000 each day they spend.

Anonymous ID: 3abd5c Jan. 3, 2020, 9:19 a.m. No.7703006   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Naaa, it's the lack of intelligence that shallow people use that is showing when they try shit like that.

My millennial step-daughter does the same shit, even though she knows what it is being conveyed.

Kinda like a safe-space for them.

Anonymous ID: ce2f4e Jan. 3, 2020, 9:21 a.m. No.7703024   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Belarus temporarily suspends export of petroleum products

Here we go!

Anonymous ID: d7b770 Jan. 3, 2020, 9:21 a.m. No.7703027   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3099

“Erratic, Unstable President”: Biden Releases Attack Ad Against Trump After Killing of Iran Terrorist Leader Soleimani


Leading Democratic President former Vice President Joe Biden launched an attack ad aganst President Donald Trump Friday in the wake of Trump authorizing the killing of Iran Quds Force leader Major General Qassem Soleimani in a drone strike as he arrived at Baghdad airport Thursday night U.S. time. Biden’s attack ad follows a statement he issued Thursday night in which he said Trump had just “tossed a stick of dynamite into a tinderbox.”


Biden followed with an ad Friday that says Trump is an “erratic, unstable president”.


“Our world has been set on edge by an erratic, unstable, and dangerously incompetent commander in chief. The stakes could not be higher. Every day that Donald Trump directs American national security is a dangerous day for the United States and the world.”

Anonymous ID: 915b9f Jan. 3, 2020, 9:22 a.m. No.7703033   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3057

Dr. Phil cult pedo art confirmed.

Anonymous ID: 4a8a58 Jan. 3, 2020, 9:22 a.m. No.7703036   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Brits had the Old Pretender & the Young Pretender, back in the 18th century. As a youth, I never dreamed that I myself would see an entire series of pretenders to the throne, right here in America. Poppy, Klintoon, W, Zero, Cankles, & Pelosi. Honorable mention to Newsom, Schiff, Schumer, Nadler, and let's not forget an entire gang of intel traitors & a bazillion others, inserted into the body politic & social & religious. Pretenders, every stinking one of them. Pretending to be servants of those they despise and lust to destroy. Hint…those pretenders from long ago lost, and now these putrid ones have been found out….a pretender by definition just can't cut it legitimately….all over but the cryin' and final thrashing about.

Anonymous ID: 71814b Jan. 3, 2020, 9:22 a.m. No.7703037   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7702944 chekked double dubs

>Your small and shallow….piss off, pissant.

It would be "You're small and shallow…"


"YOU ARE small and shallow…"

pick youR attack, I don't give a fuck.

You'Re just showing you. just. caNt. lurn!

Fucking retarded.

Anonymous ID: f63303 Jan. 3, 2020, 9:23 a.m. No.7703041   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Check out GEOTUS pinned twat! FREEDOM marker right after greasing a terrorist, Same day as Q “typo” and RT calling Cryin’ Chuck a traitor. What you are about to learn…

Anonymous ID: d7b770 Jan. 3, 2020, 9:23 a.m. No.7703042   🗄️.is 🔗kun

'World War III' Trends as Hawks Rejoice at Trump Decision to Assassinate Iranian Military Leader


"Hawks are celebrating Soleimani's assassination not because they believe it weakened Iran…But because they believe we have passed an irreversible point of escalation."


As peace advocates voiced alarm at the very real prospect of all-out conflict with Iran following the assassination Thursday night of that country's top military leader on orders from U.S. President Donald Trump, war hawks who have had their crosshairs trained on Iran for years enthusiastically celebrated Trump's decision—and even suggested the president should go further by targeting the nation's oil refineries.


"Trump's Iran policy has been seeking to incite war with Iran since he reneged on the nuclear deal in May 2018."

—Sina Toossi, National Iranian American Council


"To the Iranian government: If you want to stay in the oil business leave America and our allies alone and stop being the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world," tweeted Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), a longtime supporter of regime change in Iran.


Republican Sens. Marco Rubio (Fla.), Tom Cotton (Ark.), Jim Risch (R.-Idaho), and Ben Sasse (Neb.) joined the chorus of applause, hailing Trump for taking "decisive action."


Trita Parsi, executive vice president at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, tweeted in response to the torrent of praise that "hawks are celebrating [Qassem] Soleimani's assassination not because they believe it weakened Iran. Or the IRGC. Or that Iran will lose in Iraq. But because they believe we have passed an irreversible point of escalation."


"From here, war is unavoidable, they believe," Parsi added. "And celebrate."


The likely unlawful U.S. assassination of Soleimani—and the jingoistic applause it provoked—led many to express fears of a global conflict, briefly catapulting "World War III" to the top of Twitter's trending list. Trump, for his part, simply tweeted an image of an American flag following the strike:

Anonymous ID: 8228c5 Jan. 3, 2020, 9:24 a.m. No.7703054   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Flashback: Israel Wanted to Kill Al-Quds Leader Soleimani But Obama Tipped Off Iran


Back in 2015 Israel was reportedly on the verge of killing Qassem Soleimani, the commander of the Iranian Quds Force but the Obama administration warned Iran of the imminent attack.


Israel’s Haaretz News reported:


The report says Israel was “on the verge” of assassinating Soleimani three years ago, near Damascus, but the United States warned the Iranian leadership of the plan, revealing that Israel was closely tracking the Iranian general.


The incident, the report said, “sparked a sharp disagreement between the Israeli and American security and intelligence apparatuses regarding the issue.”


Fast forward to 2020–


On Thursday the United States killed General Qassim Soleimani, a top commander of Iran’s al-Quds Force, in an airstrike at Baghdad’s International Airport. The strike also killed Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the deputy commander of Iran-backed militias known as the Popular Mobilization Forces. Seven people were reportedly killed in the airstrike.

Anonymous ID: c40de3 Jan. 3, 2020, 9:25 a.m. No.7703058   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'm getting tire of shedding blood for Israel too..


Maybe, NK and Iran and Syra/ISIS were created by Israel and the International Jews + US Jews


Who controls the weapon manufacturers?

Who controls the media that amps up the fear?

Who controls the pharma?


Same people. They may not ALL be Jews, but the Jews run the show.

Anonymous ID: c60a46 Jan. 3, 2020, 9:26 a.m. No.7703069   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yep - It's right there. Will any FakeNews MSM ask about it? No, they're terrified.


Plus, read the rest of the tweets. President Trump ORDERS the entrenched bureaucrats to stop spending money and they go around his orders because they're ADDICTED to spending taxpayer money.


I PERSONALLY saw this rush to bankrupt the American Taxpayer and I was drummed out of Federal Service for trying to stop it.

Anonymous ID: 9df0a8 Jan. 3, 2020, 9:26 a.m. No.7703072   🗄️.is 🔗kun



On Jan 31st plans must be submitted for the

new SGMA water law. Once digested this will

seem like a drop in the bucket.

Watch The Water indeed.


Plenty of sauce out there: below is a primer

Anonymous ID: 847c32 Jan. 3, 2020, 9:27 a.m. No.7703078   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sen. Mitch McConnell dropping truth bombs on the Senate Floor right now. Anons can go to later today and view the entire speech.

Anonymous ID: 8bf5b8 Jan. 3, 2020, 9:28 a.m. No.7703079   🗄️.is 🔗kun

i already know

i can tell you 1000x

the code is all bullshit

and people wont believe me

because it isn't fake

it is real

but it means nothing

but people dont believe that

cause it is obviously real

Anonymous ID: 701a5b Jan. 3, 2020, 9:28 a.m. No.7703085   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3106 >>3126



DJT Redux

Anonymous ID: c60a46 Jan. 3, 2020, 9:28 a.m. No.7703086   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I've committed Adultery many times, which is a Sin, and I never needed a 'pride group' to help me come to terms with it.


I asked God for forgiveness and I don't Sin anymore.

Anonymous ID: 915e61 Jan. 3, 2020, 9:29 a.m. No.7703087   🗄️.is 🔗kun



They cannot train enough exorcists to keep up with the demand for them due to the sheer number of possessions in these times. It's gotten so bad that the Catholics are teaching protestants and evangelicals how to perform the Latin Rite (which is the most effective).

Anonymous ID: acf5d2 Jan. 3, 2020, 9:29 a.m. No.7703092   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Also this: "and nade s million excuses"

>nade = made ? And then there is the "s"?


>was supposed to be "made a" million mistakes



National Security

>they made

they made million$$ off of our national security

they made million$$ by selling what damages our national security

selling our secrets

Anonymous ID: 4a8a58 Jan. 3, 2020, 9:30 a.m. No.7703099   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7703027 Creepy, sleazy, low IQ Joe melts down in the presence of real leadership. He & Pelosi & the rest of them are protesting waaaaaaay too much….something about this kill really gets them where they live. Life is good.


PS Joe: DJT is the man you wanted to be, then gave up when you saw it was too much for a loser like yourself. So you hate him as only a second rater can hate, when just his presence—the fact that he is standing there breathing, drives you into paroxysms of envy and resentment. Because his mere existence puts the lie to everything you stand for and everything you have done, and everything spewing out of your mouth.

Anonymous ID: c40de3 Jan. 3, 2020, 9:30 a.m. No.7703101   🗄️.is 🔗kun


And here in we are told who is the workers of evil.


48 Then answered the Jews, and said unto him, Say we not well that thou art a Samaritan, and hast a devil?


49 Jesus answered, I have not a devil; but I honour my Father, and ye do dishonour me.


By the way, Jesus was a black samaritan, that's how he knew the story about the good samarian helping the guy, Jesus was the guy the good samarian helped out.

Anonymous ID: b78d23 Jan. 3, 2020, 9:34 a.m. No.7703130   🗄️.is 🔗kun

UK says Iran general Qassem Soleimani killed by Trump-ordered airstrike was 'aggressive threat'


“All countries in the region and beyond should seek to ratchet down the tensions to avoid deepening conflict, which can only bring further misery to the region, 17 years on from the disastrous invasion of Iraq.”

Anonymous ID: 43ed4c Jan. 3, 2020, 9:35 a.m. No.7703136   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3165


>>7702460, >>7702500, >>7702607, >>7702650, >>7702758, >>7702804 Eyes in the Sky!

>>7702940, >>7702958, >>7702959, >>7702952, >>7703075, >>7703096, >>7703106 New Potus Nothing new in these emails/rogue Q and other misspellings

>>7702745 POTUS retweet @Liz_Wheeler, Soleimani killed 603 American servicemembers and moar!

>>7702692 Over 207 Lawmakers (Including 2 Democrats) Sign Amicus Brief Asking Supreme Court To Reconsider “Roe Vs. Wade”…Here’s The List

>>7702624, >>7702659, >>7702723 "Soleimani was in violation the United Nations travel ban, actively planning, plotting…the operation was defensive." -Behnam Ben Taleblu on CBSN

>>7702657 Central Bank of Iceland completes merger with regulator

>>7702647, >>7702364, >>7702398 lb, Soleimani tied to Benghazi attacks

>>7702545, >>7702554 U.S. Not Eyeing Immediate Oil Release in Response to Iran Crisis

>>7702514 @mortezaanoei twat shows Trump in coffin!

>>7702485 Potus RT Posobiec twat, 2012 Libya attacks!

>>7702428 Happy B'day Parscale!


Anonymous ID: b78d23 Jan. 3, 2020, 9:36 a.m. No.7703137   🗄️.is 🔗kun

UK says Iran general Qassem Soleimani killed by Trump-ordered airstrike was 'aggressive threat'


“All countries in the region and beyond should seek to ratchet down the tensions to avoid deepening conflict, which can only bring further misery to the region, 17 years on from the disastrous invasion of Iraq.”


*adding image

Anonymous ID: 4f62dc Jan. 3, 2020, 9:38 a.m. No.7703158   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Chucky is finally reading his own parties demise – you are right dumas (sex slave sitting behind him) the American people will have a voice.










[m4xr3sdEfault]*******,=,e \_ヾ(ᐖ◞ ) ID: e9e55f Jan. 3, 2020, 9:39 a.m. No.7703173   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Anonymous ID: c7f997 Jan. 3, 2020, 9:41 a.m. No.7703183   🗄️.is 🔗kun



This just happened before our eyes. And now he posted the corrected version.


Obviously he posted the flag earlier today. Think about the tough tweets yesterday "bigger than watergate". It´s about to get real.

Anonymous ID: e902e7 Jan. 3, 2020, 9:41 a.m. No.7703184   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>has now switched to Schumer crying about being in gang of 8 but not consulted!

does he know how insane he sounds by highlighting the fact the Trump doesn't consult them before doing stuff like this?


is he too stupid to know what the public reads between the lines that Trump doesn't trust them?


he must be reading his script to be this dense.