Anonymous ID: 88a54d Jan. 3, 2020, 9:13 a.m. No.7702956   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Peace Through Strength


almost killed by GHWB, father of OWO, uttered for the first time exactly 10 years to the day of 9/11 attacks the plan to change the world. Also led to Brady bill, first significant anti gun legislation.

Bush family (CIA) raised groomed and brought us (hope & change) O-bung-hole and his tranny wife.

Reagan a former Hollywood (cabal) pick, loved by the left than pure hatred after becoming political.

Sound a little to familiar to our current POTUS? Loved by the (media, cabal, press) prior to running for office. Think pendulum politics, controlling the outcome of a two party system. runs on a platform of "Peace Through Strength" as does the UN, also look at the shoulder insignia of Solemeani, same graphic as UN logo.

Are you 100% certain you are not being taken for a ride on the pendulum politic train? How did it work for Nazi Germany? what was the result, NATOthe friends allies and enemies we currently engage with.

God wins only in the final chapter, not in the middle of the book, when Satan has free rein on Earth.

Maybe, just maybe, 6 years amassing total power, leads to two years of non sovereignty, global Peace Through Strength campaign of OWO, placing the known enemy Vatican,London, and D.C. at the top of the pyramid?

Just a scenario I can't seem to shake, and answers why the non god like approach to truth and accountability is satisfied with the Q story of revenge and pain.