Despite the fact that Soleimani’s death will save American lives, Sen. Cory Booker said on MSNBC it is Trump who is “making the world less of a safe place.” Within an hour of the news of Soleimani’s death on Thursday, Booker appeared on CNN asserting that Trump, “has had really a failure in his Iranian policy.”
Although it was President Obama who shipped $150 billion in cash to Iran, emboldening terrorists like Soleimani, Booker is convinced that under the Trump administration, “Iran has become more influential and more dangerous.”
Democratic presdiential candidate Pete Buttigieg, the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, released a statement bemoaning the “serious questions about how this decision was made.”
From the sound of Buttigieg’s promise to “ask the hard questions” as president, it seems as if he might have bypassed killing Soleimani given the chance, thus allowing the potential deaths of more Americans at Soleimani’s hands.
Additionally, Buttigieg insinuates that Trump’s decision without congressional authority was unlawful. This is false. As David French pointed out on Twitter, because American troops are lawfully in Iraq, the airstrike was duly authorized, justified, and in no need of congressional authorization.
Democratic presidential candidates and Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders also bypassed this opportunity to praise Trump for the successful take-out of the world’s most dangerous terrorist, and instead focused only on ginning up concern that Trump has started World War III in Iran.
In a tweet, Warren wailed, “Now he’s assassinated a senior foreign military official,” as if this was the assignation of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, and not of a terrorist who was actively targeting the United States and has himself authorized an act of war against the United States in supporting the attack on a U.S. embassy.
Sanders opted to ignore the news of the drone strike completely, and to instead talk about his past anti-war protests and to assure his supporters he would prevent the non-existent war in Iran.
Biden says Trump owes Americans a “strategy and plan to keep safe our troops and embassy personnel.” This is odd considering the killing of Soleimani will quite literally save the lives of troops and Americans in the embassies Soleimani had planned attacks on. In comparison, the Obama-Biden administration responded to attacks on a U.S. embassy and the death of a U.S. ambassador by lying about what had happened and arresting a YouTuber who after imprisonment ended up in a homeless shelter for exercising his free speech.
Another 2020 Democrat candidate, Sen. Amy Klobuchar, falsely claimed Trump had acted without congressional authority.