Anonymous ID: a072fc Jan. 4, 2020, 2:03 p.m. No.7715395   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Here's the rundown of control:


The baker, C_A aka 'CANNOT THANK' agent.

Forced to be loved, through subliminal manipulation, by the 'thank you baker' girls.

Controls what information gets focus.

Picks most of their own articles, posted under their different masks - 'news spammer, et al.', which contain pictures with his subliminal 'satan' picture.

Creating his own entrainment/containment center:

>think of all the young minds i am leaving an impression upon!

>an impression that tells their better senses that [you] are fucking evil as you… are fucking evil!

>can [you] say "KEK"? :D

>Muh faithful Traitors who would sell america's soul to muh church in a NY second!

And soon after:

>gosh you have those pretty memes and all I have are Q DROPS AND NEWS STORIES…

Agents are disguised as 'concerned anons' to pacify our instincts that something is off.

Enter alljooos = bad spam.

The 'satan' subliminal face has an altered nose, made to look Jewish.

The alljoooos spam is uniquely created to induce rage in those that view his [C_A agent baker] script.

Rage that blinds us to our higher reasoning, by locking us into 'fight or flight' mode.

Then the subliminally poisoned 'baker babes' are viewed, and that rage is sublimated by desire.

The desire to be alone, to be ashamed of talking proudly about what Q and Trump have done for the world.

It's designed to make you silent.



Anonymous ID: a072fc Jan. 4, 2020, 2:04 p.m. No.7715401   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Awareness is the first step~


Information Warfare: Closer than you know

creepbot (Names have been altered as an antidote to their effects. His original name looks like a creep with its finger/dick entering an asshole) [Once you see it, it can't be unseen 🤣]:[m4xFAILr3sdECLOWNfault]*SNIP,=SEXURE😇,eSAFE \_ヾSNIP(ᐖWOMPWOMP😂◞ )[LIMPG4YCLOWNPr0nBANISHB0T]SNIP***,=SEXURE😇,eSAFE \_ヾSNIP(ᐖWOMPWOMP😂◞ )DANsnipNALsnipINGsnipUSis an internal parasite; a psychological rootkit.

He has been a part of the hivemind for so long we think what he says comes from within us, thus, his words aren't assessed by our minds as 'other'.

They're seen to be "our own". This is a sick form of censorship and control.

A key point in advertising is to convince your their message is coming from within, an internal desire that needs to be satiated.

Otherwise the message will be rejected, and rightfully so.

creepbot is the enemies rootkit in our hivemind, and those seemingly random words have grown into beliefs and neuro-networks in our minds.

The constant proximity to a predator/someone insisting they belong in us keeps us in 'fight or flight' mode. It keeps our mind from accessing its facilities of higher reasoning.


They use this rootkit to change how we think, how we feel, how we act. To silence our own original ideas. To censor us from our loved ones and friends. To quiet the Great Awakening.

Filter+ so you free yourself from their entrainment of control. So you may add your unique insights to our understanding[Enter as a Name filter] ^(?!(Anonymous$|Q$|Ron$))[Enter as a Name filter] ([])=,eThey have been posting gore + anal subliminals every hour of every day, for the last three years, and were caught posting CP in the past. I suspect they're still putting CP in their images 🤮.


This common theme of demasculinization through anal spam (by this mask and others) is an agenda to force us into submission.

To accept whatever the clowns want us to think.

We reject their disgusting desires~


Remember well, that the same network resources (IP's) that creepbot posts from, are utilized by those that spam alljoos = bad, and allmasons = bad, and earth = flat.

Why have these three major themes remain unchanged in the past three years?🤔

Why are they all coming from those who seek to keep us censored?🤔


We ask that the mods take care of his posts, delete and ban all that's required to remove this rootkit of censorship from our hivemind

Anonymous ID: a072fc Jan. 4, 2020, 2:04 p.m. No.7715408   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5908 >>5995

It will happen when the weather cools.

That's when they'll make their move

The plans laid long ago, before the founding of America, and older still, will come to fruition.

They're trying to force God's hand.

Watch for these signs:

Three branches will become one.

<Republican Red Wave 2020

An island will drift away.


A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill.

<Bolton cleaning house. Confirmed by Trump tweet of the lightning strike behind AF1 the night Bolton resigned/was finished

The star will gorge itself on clay.

<Make Israel Great Again - Expanding

Idols will speak and move about.


The black flag will fly above the dome.

<Iran's "Red flag of doom" will turn Black~

The belly of the dragon will drip water.

<Dragon = Ch_nA, their economic belly is Hong Kong

Two voices will call out in a silence that all will hear.


A rock will stand on seven hills.


The ravens will starve.


The bear will leave its cave forever.


The rod and the ring will strike.

(Curious this post is 'signed'/ends with a letter~)



Sounds like the vantage point of a 40K ft view, no?

Each line sounds like a reference to a country as a whole, or a major event like Boltons' Resignation.

What does Bolton have to do with this Prophacy?

Why did Trump tweet the AF1 lightning strike that didn't kill, the day after his resignation / job complete?


What would this prophacy tell us, if most these lines each referenced a country and their turning point re: corruption / draining the swamp?

Is this a prophacy, or a Plan?


Look upon the world from 40K ft~

Anonymous ID: a072fc Jan. 4, 2020, 2:10 p.m. No.7715441   🗄️.is 🔗kun


What a weakling 🤣

>Uses botnets to make himself look important

>Appeals to athority intensifies claiming contact with CM

You don't even believe what you're trying to sell 🤣🤣🤣

Anonymous ID: a072fc Jan. 4, 2020, 2:17 p.m. No.7715500   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Information War or IW operations target the unconscious mind. This “witchcraft” works best when we are not aware of images we’ve been exposed to subliminally or even that we are being targeted at all.


Ah, now you know why I post this so often 😇


Social engineers have run rampant on our board, deploying networks of censorship that stretch into your lives and loved ones.


They mold the hivemind to hate Jews, then label anyone who stands up against them as Jews, so that You drag down those who stand up for you; The prisoners guard themselves against Freedom from their evil.

''This has the effect of inducing deep fear responces in the minds of those who see their spam, which locks viewers into 'fight or flight' mode - at which point they either leave the board or stay here locked in fear; Disabling our minds access to higher reasoning.''

=Pure unadulterated censorship=

All justifications otherwise, under their faux moral high ground of 'free speech', are damage control against you figuring out that it's…

=Pure unadulterated censorship=

''Keeping us from engaging in our free speech.''


They do this to Trump.

They do this to Q.

They do this to Americas Military.

They do this to AntiFungalLeafBread.

They do this to (You) who stand up.


Why Jews? The nation of Israel poses a geopolitical threat to Ch_nA and C_rAn. Those whom control the masses want Ch_nA to dominate the world; Communism is their preferred governance of control. They manipulate our breeding habits and beliefs so that WE work to make THEIR goals a reality.


They mention McDonalds because you all see it's logo everyday, during your commute or in ads. They hijack that impression on your mind to remind you of their silent control, to remind you of their 'jews eat babies' narrative, to make you unconsciously believe everyone who eats there are your enemies; Likewise, for you to unconsciously desire baby meat. Corrupting you to their insideous desires and confusing your Identify Fren or Foe instincts. Turning us hostile to each other; To blind us with undirected rage, as they omit themselves from every conversation.

They want a civil war, they want chaos.

They want you stupid enough to love your shadow masters call.


It's never the content they want you thinking about, it's their network of conflations and subliminals that are attached.


Their main subliminal deployed here is an evil face surrounded by skulls, placed at the top - looking down upon you. Implanted in screenshots of news and qposts, in the memes we want to see. Invert the embed, and increase the contrast. You'll find the nose is altered to look Jewish, it's the attachment point between the flood of anti-Jew posts and this subliminal.


All the talk and labels of jews, remind us of this evil face, remind us of skulls and death.

Their bakers collect all their embeded pictures so we consume their poison. It's what we see every day, so we internalize this evil, and it starts looking down upon you in your own mind.. Which implies we look up to it, and thus their church of satan is created. You're censored far beyond your posts here, your higher ambitions are turned away from God. Your body takes over your inner sight, your made to love swallowing their shit, and you're encouraged to maintain the system as it is.

They blend rage with suicide, to censor our conversations and insights. So we don't expose what they want to hide..


These are the censors I'm proud to fight against, for you, my Frens.


Anonymous ID: a072fc Jan. 4, 2020, 2:29 p.m. No.7715611   🗄️.is 🔗kun


In case anyone finds the math/4D/acceleration fag convo interesting, know that it has happened every weekend here, talking about the exact same points, for three years.

It's a clown herring to suggest you're stupid.

They're doing it, because they're afraid of your intellegence.

Stay Frosty o7

Anonymous ID: a072fc Jan. 4, 2020, 2:40 p.m. No.7715727   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5740 >>6009 >>6054


All these pictures ending with






Have been spammed to stale, and are embedded with nasty SUBLIMINALS.


If you're not filtering, you're helping the clowns produce useful idiots~ The blur-on-image is indispensable to us generating insights. ) * ( ) ( ( ( ( /( ( ` )\ ) ( /( ( )\ ) ( )\ ) )\ )()) )))( (()/( )()) ( )\ (()/( ( )\ (()/( ((/ )(()\ (()()\ /()) (()\ )(() /()))\ (((()( /()) )_ (() (()(()())| (() (() ()) (() )\ _ )())_ ((/ |/ _ \ | \/ || | \ \ / / | _ )| _ \| __|()()| \ | (| (_) || |\/| || | \ V / | _ \| /| | / _ \ | |) | _|_/ || |||| |_| |/||\||// _\ |_/ Because the Battlefield is your Limbic System; Banish Abuse.

Regex Filters:

/ Filters any name other than [left empty], Q, and Ron(CodeMonkey) /[Enter as a Name filter] ^(?!(Anonymous$|Q$|Ron$))/ Filters just the clowns rootkit + rape subliminal deployment tool, AKA cr[e]epbot /[Enter as a Name filter] ([])=,e/ Filters any combination of upper and lower case letters eg. re: milts' spam /[Enter as a Comment filter] [Cc][Aa][Nn][Aa][Aa][Nn][Ii][Tt][Ee][Enter as a Comment filter] \b[Dd]aniel[Enter as a Comment filter] [Ff][Ii][Nn][Kk][Ee][Ll][Enter as a Comment filter] [Rr][Aa][Bb][Bb][Ii][Enter as a Comment filter] [Kk][Ee][Kk][Enter as a Comment filter] [Cc][Ll][Oo][Ww][Nn] [Bb][Oo]


Theme | Custom CSS Basics:

/ Decrease RED TEXT size and recolour to Hot Pink for teh lulz. /span.heading { color: #ff00f0; / Hot Pink / font-size: 4pt; / Real small, default is 11pt /}/ Add a blur and opacity change to images that fades-to-normal when moused over /.post-image { opacity: .5; / Can be between .01 - 1 / filter: blur(1.5px); / Can be 0 - 10+ / transition: all 233ms;}.post-image:hover { opacity: 1; / Can be between .01 - 1 / filter: blur(.5px); / Can be 0 - 10+ / transition: all 89ms;}

Stay Frosty, ''Stay Centered.''

Write when Insight Strikes

Anonymous ID: a072fc Jan. 4, 2020, 2:45 p.m. No.7715774   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Reposting for clarity:


It will happen when the weather cools.

That's when they'll make their move

The plans laid long ago, before the founding of America, and older still, will come to fruition.

They're trying to force God's hand.

Watch for these signs:

Three branches will become one.

<Republican Red Wave 2020

An island will drift away.


A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill.

<Bolton cleaning house. Confirmed by Trump tweet of the lightning strike behind AF1 the night Bolton resigned/was finished

The star will gorge itself on clay.

<Make Israel Great Again - Expanding

Idols will speak and move about.


The black flag will fly above the dome.

<Iran's "Red flag of doom" will turn Black~

The belly of the dragon will drip water.

<Dragon = Ch_nA, their economic belly is Hong Kong

Two voices will call out in a silence that all will hear.


A rock will stand on seven hills.


The ravens will starve.


The bear will leave its cave forever.


The rod and the ring will strike.

(Curious this post is 'signed'/ends with a letter~)



Sounds like the vantage point of a 40K ft view, no?

Each line sounds like a reference to a country as a whole, or a major event like Boltons' Resignation.

What does Bolton have to do with this Prophacy?

Why did Trump tweet the AF1 lightning strike that didn't kill, the day after his resignation / job complete?


What would this prophacy tell us, if most these lines each referenced a country and their turning point re: corruption / draining the swamp?

Is this a prophacy, or a Plan?


Look upon the world from 40K ft~

Anonymous ID: a072fc Jan. 4, 2020, 3:03 p.m. No.7715940   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5947 >>5949 >>5956 >>5987


….targeted 52 Iranian sites (representing the 52 American hostages taken by Iran many years ago), some at a very high level & important to Iran & the Iranian culture, and those targets, and Iran itself, WILL BE HIT VERY FAST AND VERY HARD. The USA wants no more threats!


=Notice the shilling against jooos just picked up? That's C_rAn bracing for impact~=

Anonymous ID: a072fc Jan. 4, 2020, 3:06 p.m. No.7715978   🗄️.is 🔗kun

''C_rAn has just started a new narrative. After several nights trying to lay the seeds that their general isn't dead, they're now doublig down on the oldest propaganda yet. That Israel is to blame [look at them, never look at C_rAn!]''

''C_rAn has just started a new narrative. After several nights trying to lay the seeds that their general isn't dead, they're now doublig down on the oldest propaganda yet. That Israel is to blame [look at them, never look at C_rAn!]''

''C_rAn has just started a new narrative. After several nights trying to lay the seeds that their general isn't dead, they're now doublig down on the oldest propaganda yet. That Israel is to blame [look at them, never look at C_rAn!]''

''C_rAn has just started a new narrative. After several nights trying to lay the seeds that their general isn't dead, they're now doublig down on the oldest propaganda yet. That Israel is to blame [look at them, never look at C_rAn!]''

''C_rAn has just started a new narrative. After several nights trying to lay the seeds that their general isn't dead, they're now doublig down on the oldest propaganda yet. That Israel is to blame [look at them, never look at C_rAn!]''

Anonymous ID: a072fc Jan. 4, 2020, 3:17 p.m. No.7716075   🗄️.is 🔗kun

C_rAn is scared of being exposed for the ones who started the war.

Their general, favorite of their supreme leader, was killed after he planned to strike US targets.

Now they're throwing him under the bus, and claiming he was MOS, all to save their own hide, and have the justification of "we're only defending our country" so their own people don't finish them off.


Public opinion about this war is critical to their success [at lying].

Watch the shilling on here intensify~


C_rAn is scared of being exposed for the ones who started the war.

Their general, favorite of their supreme leader, was killed after he planned to strike US targets.

Now they're throwing him under the bus, and claiming he was MOS, all to save their own hide, and have the justification of "we're only defending our country" so their own people don't finish them off.


Public opinion about this war is critical to their success [at lying].

Watch the shilling on here intensify~


C_rAn is scared of being exposed for the ones who started the war.

Their general, favorite of their supreme leader, was killed after he planned to strike US targets.

Now they're throwing him under the bus, and claiming he was MOS, all to save their own hide, and have the justification of "we're only defending our country" so their own people don't finish them off.


Public opinion about this war is critical to their success [at lying].

Watch the shilling on here intensify~