Anonymous ID: e96695 Jan. 4, 2020, 7:55 p.m. No.7718984   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8997 >>9009 >>9086 >>9177


MSM Articles on Q and 8chan: ~1535 articles thru December 2019


End of Year Report

There are now over 1500 MSM pieces on Q (mostly articles with a few videos). By far, the greatest number of hit pieces were published in August (440), when 8chan was deplatformed after Cloudflare refused to provide DDoS protection & the situation deteriorated from there. The focus since Aug 5 deplatforming was more on 8chan (and later 8kun) than QResearch until December, when 8chan articles took a complete dive. Good news, because it reflects the fact that 8kun is running well (despite ongoing challenges) and is no longer newsworthy, at least for the moment. Articles on QResearch are also pretty "plain vanilla" (and no news is good news).



  • Article timeline thru December 2019

  • Total number of MSM platforms in descending order

  • BIG 9 Authors by MSM media platform

  • List of 1535 articles by DATE

  • 1535 articles by DATE (also capped):

  • 1535 articles by AUTHOR:

  • 1535 articles by PUB:


Journalists with 6+ articles that oppose Q/8kun

20+ Ben Collins (26), Kyle Mantyla (27), Alex Kaplan (30), Will Sommer (34), Mike Rothschild (36), Jared Holt (37)

10+ Tom Porter (11), Drew Harwell (11), Emily Birnbaum (11), Abby Ohlheiser (11), David Covucci (13), Brandy Zadrozny (14), Kelly Weill (15)

6+ David Gilbert (6), Julia Carrie Wong (6), Luke Barnes (6), Ryan Broderick (6), Cristina Lopez (6), Paris Martineau (6), Ellen Ioanes (6), Daniel Moritz-Rabson (6), Andrew Whalen (6), Adi Robertson (7), Philip Bump (7), Travis View (7), April Glaser (9), E J Dickson (9), Ali Breland (9)


Publications with articles that oppose Q/8kun

50+ WAPO (115), DAILYDOT (69), RWW (67)

30+ NBC (59), DAILYBEAST (50), MEDIA MATTERS (53), THEHILL (41), NYT (47), NEWSWEEK (38), SALON (31), UK-GUARDIAN (31)

20+ BUZZFEED (30), VICE (32), HUFFPO (30), ABC (28), THEVERGE (23), ROLLINGSTONE (21)

16+ CNN (22), SLATE (19), UK-BBC (17), BREITBART (17), VOX (17)

10+ BUSINSDR (15), SPLC (14), NPR (13), NY-MAG (13), MOTHER JONES (12), FOX (12), MASHABLE (12), CBS (12), SEATTLE TIMES (11), WSJ (11), YAHOO (11), POLITICO (11), TIME (10), UK-SUN (10),


NOV 2019 THEMES in rough time order

  • 8chan returns as 8kun (Nov 2)

  • California could have stopped 8chan but it didn't (Nov 4 - hahaha….)

  • 93 days of darkness (Nov 6)

  • Jim sues hotwheels for libel in the Philippines (Nov 11)

  • various reports on political candidates who follow Q (hit pieces of course)

  • 8kun is internet nomad (coz we kept having to change domains)


DEC 2019 themes in rough time order

  • ZERO 8kun posts (all is well, nothing to say)

  • Anthony Comello trial; defense is "Q made me do it"

  • Jesse Watters neutral segment on Q: Q followers happy [Note: Watters didn't get dumped on]

  • Pizzagate arsonist pleads guilty [not really a Q story, but always linked with Q]

  • POTUS retweets Q followers

  • Ice-T tweet flap



Anonymous ID: e96695 Jan. 4, 2020, 7:56 p.m. No.7718997   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9009 >>9086 >>9177


MSM Articles on Q and 8chan: ~1530 articles thru December 2019





1 Q unknown to MSM: (but they wonder if it has to do with "the calm before the storm")

2 Q is a LARP: (MSM mocks Q, tries to make the idea sound silly)

3 Q denounced: (mass attack launched Aug 1 2018; they try to say Q movement is dangerous w/weak evidence)

4 Q attacked: (Weakly associated with fake bomber/synagogue shooter; also, fake science deployed to debunk)

5 Q/8CHAN paired; 8 CHAN deplatformed: (each used to discredit the other after Christchurch; both go down in Aug)

6 8 CHAN replatformed: (attacks continue but it's 'old news'; Watters report helps normalize Q; POTUS retweets Q twats)



MSM articles thru Oct '19

MSM articles thru Aug '19:

Qresearch. all links PAST BREAD:

>>7711603 Will Sommer hit piece accusing armed Q followers of planning a kidnap

>>7712899 Anon dig on Sommer's libelous article

>>7707523, >>7707940 2020 Jared Holt hit piece on Oregon congressional candidate

>>6947314 MSM articles on Q thru June '19

>>6675051, >>6675058 MSM articles on Q thru May '19

>>6055292 Newsweek responds to "BIG 6" reporters attacking Q

>>6027475 MSM articles on Q: 697 thru Mar '19

>>4932436 Discussion of reporting on recent Comet Pizza fire

>>4692767 IPOT goes after anti-Q writers like Will Sommer

>>4678761 Discussion of Will Sommer, Jimmy Comet & Amanda Kleinman

>>4601471 First anti-Q fake news article for 2019….RWW's Jared Holt

>>4592014 238 MSM articles on Q thru Jan '19

>>4386891, >>4388458 Moar on Travis View