Anonymous ID: 108c15 Jan. 5, 2020, 10:27 p.m. No.7729836   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9899


no this whole thing is something of a mess, but almost certain that no q followers were planning to kidnap a kid using firearms (what sommer reported)

can't get into right now coz i'm baking

listened to a whole hour on this issue

sounds completely bogus

look it up in

i've got a dig there, there are others

Anonymous ID: 108c15 Jan. 5, 2020, 10:41 p.m. No.7729895   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9912

#9892 #450

>>7729854 Carpe Donktum to Gervais: "Wink twice if you are in Peril"

>>7729764 How & why did the former CEO of Nissan just get smuggled out of Japan?

>>7729749 Rep. Ratcliffe on possibly representing Trump in Senate impeachment trial (vid)

>>7729708 Karen Christianson retweets Hotwheels condemning Jim W for "giving Q a platform"

>>7729692 @nbc Golden Globe monologue twat mp4; >>7729699 audio only

>>7729688, >>7729718, >>7729737 Gervais: "…Listening to Anthology by Bread. Yeah, that's right. Bred. Fuck you. And Happy New Year."

>>7729660, >>7729669, >>7729692 Tom Fitton update vid: "Trump: No More Benghazis!"

>>7729656 Gervais Golden Globe monologue (transcript)

baker change

>>7729532 Eyes in the Sky

>>7729580 Ricky's previous intro's For the Keks!

>>7729466 Call to diggz, Durham misspelled in docs

>>7729423, >>7729609 HWood anon post last year/czech the watch

Anonymous ID: 108c15 Jan. 5, 2020, 11:10 p.m. No.7730029   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0081 >>0136 >>0147 >>0153

>>7729698, >>7729514

here's what i was looking for earlier.


The Cynthia Abcug case & how MSM seeks to implicate Q

While updating anti-Q articles ( >>7718984 pb), I ran across this revived story about Cynthia Abcug, a Q follower who has been in litigation with the state over the custody of her disabled son. She was just arrested in Kalispell MT (see bottom story).

>>7711603 Will Sommer just did a hit piece which uses a suspicious affadavit by Abcug's minor daughter as evidence that Abcug was planning an armed raid to get her son back together with Q followers.


>Two anons did follow up diggs (not notabled, but need more EYES ON):

>>7712899 Anon refers to this piece, which contains a video by Jim White of Kalispell MT, who is in touch with Cyndie.

Good news— The judge lowered the bail from $250K to $50K so all she needs is $5K today to get out of jail and can operate at liberty until Jan. 15th unless something changes. She is fighting extradition and wants to remain in Kalispell to get her documentation together and fight the charges. Jim guaranteed he would have the $5K to her today so the bail bondsman can process it….Jim hopes to have Cyndie on the show tomorrow, New Year’s Day. Update as of 3:45 pm Dec. 31. [report starts ~15mins into 56min podcast; Cindie calls in from jail at ~35mins.]


>>7712988 The real story of Cynthia Abcug, her taken by child services illegally started in June 2019. Child protector services in the latest Qanon attack is using this as a way to paint people crazy and taking their children (June 2019):

The "child welfare" bureaucracy has struck again, this time targeting a seven-year-old disabled child and removing him from his mother's care-and evidence suggests it was done by deceptive means…..


>A new article has just appeared:

Parker woman arrested in Montana for conspiracy to commit kidnapping

Suspect allegedly planned a 'raid' to get child back



PARKER, Colo. — A 50-year-old Parker woman was arrested Monday in Montana for conspiracy to commit second-degree kidnapping, Denver7 news partner KPAX-TV reported. Following a tip from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, police arrested Cynthia Abcug in Kalispell, Montana, according to the report. An FBI agent assisted local police in the arrest. A heavily-redacted affidavit obtained by Denver7 Saturday alleges Abcug was planning to kidnap her child, who she apparently lost custody of. The child was not with the suspect when police made the arrest, KPAX-TV reported…Parker police issued a warrant for Abcug’s arrest on October 3, first reported by the Daily Beast, after one of Abcug’s children told authorities that their mother is a QAnon believer, and Abcug and others were planning a “raid” to get the suspect’s child back, the document states.


serious stuff, MOAR DIGGING NEEDED

Anonymous ID: 108c15 Jan. 5, 2020, 11:11 p.m. No.7730033   🗄️.is đź”—kun

#9888 posted in #9892

>>7726332, >>7726336, >>7726388, >>7726394 Eyes in the Sky

>>7726895 Epstein bedsheet pics

>>7726801 Charlie Kirk twat George Lopez just publicly said he would kill the President of the United States for 40 million dollars

>>7726711 Potus Presser “They’re allowed to kill our people? They’re allowed to torture & maim our people? They’re allowed to use roadside bombs & blow up our people? And we’re not allowed to touch their cultural sites? It doesn’t work that way."

>>7726512 Potus threatens Iraq with sanctions if they expel US troops.

>>7726509 Watchdog Group Tells 5 States of Millions of Extra Voter Registrations

>>7726394 Only Congress has the power to declare war. Congress has abdicated its duty for a long time now, POTUS is now forcing them to resume that duty and responsibility.

>>7726360, >>7726408, >>7726621 Durham Probes Early, Suspicious Contacts Between Obama State Dept And Papadopoulos

>>7726256, >>7726287, >>7726309 Cryin Chuckie gonna lead Congress to assert it's authority


link correction from pb

Anonymous ID: 108c15 Jan. 5, 2020, 11:23 p.m. No.7730081   🗄️.is đź”—kun



>>7729979 Gov't needs another 24 hrs for sentencing guidelines for Gen'l. Flynn case

>>7729972 Obama DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson debunks Democrats' claim that Congress needed to approve Soleimani (vid)

>>7729945 Biden on striking Iran if they were to attack our assets (1996)

>>7729854 Carpe Donktum to Gervais: "Wink twice if you are in Peril"

>>7729764 How & why did the former CEO of Nissan just get smuggled out of Japan?

>>7729749 Rep. Ratcliffe on possibly representing Trump in Senate impeachment trial (vid)

>>7729708 Karen Christianson retweets Hotwheels condemning Jim W for "giving Q a platform"

>>7730029 The Cynthia Abcug case & how the MSM seeks to implicate Q

>>7729692 @nbc Golden Globe monologue twat mp4; >>7729699 audio only

>>7729688, >>7729718, >>7729737 Gervais: "…Listening to Anthology by Bread. Yeah, that's right. Bred. Fuck you. And Happy New Year."

>>7729660, >>7729669 Tom Fitton update vid: "Trump: No More Benghazis!"

>>7729656 Gervais Golden Globe monologue (transcript)

baker change

>>7729532 Eyes in the Sky

>>7729580 Ricky's previous intro's For the Keks!

>>7729466 Call to diggz, Durham misspelled in docs

>>7729423, >>7729609 HWood anon post last year/czech the watch


anons, added the Abcug post (mine) self-notable–plz lemme know if anyone objects

Anonymous ID: 108c15 Jan. 5, 2020, 11:35 p.m. No.7730136   🗄️.is đź”—kun


>>7730098 Western Australia cyclone may bring rain to fire-affected areas

>>7729979 Gov't needs another 24 hrs for sentencing guidelines for Gen'l Flynn case

>>7729972 Obama DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson debunks Democrats' claim that Congress needed to approve Soleimani (vid)

>>7729945 Biden on striking Iran if they were to attack our assets (1996)

>>7729854 Carpe Donktum to Gervais: "Wink twice if you are in Peril"

>>7729764 How & why did the former CEO of Nissan just get smuggled out of Japan?

>>7729749 Rep. Ratcliffe on possibly representing Trump in Senate impeachment trial (vid)

>>7729708 Karen Christianson retweets Hotwheels condemning Jim W for "giving Q a platform"

>>7730029 The Cynthia Abcug case & how the MSM seeks to implicate Q

>>7729692 @nbc Golden Globe monologue twat mp4; >>7729699 audio only

>>7729688, >>7729718, >>7729737 Gervais: "…Listening to Anthology by Bread. Yeah, that's right. Bred. Fuck you. And Happy New Year."

>>7729660, >>7729669 Tom Fitton update vid: "Trump: No More Benghazis!"

>>7729656 Gervais Golden Globe monologue (transcript)

baker change

>>7729532, >>7729940 Eyes in the Sky

>>7729580 Ricky's previous intro's For the Keks!

>>7729466 Call to diggz, Durham misspelled in docs

>>7729423, >>7729609 HWood anon post last year/czech the watch

Anonymous ID: 108c15 Jan. 5, 2020, 11:39 p.m. No.7730147   🗄️.is đź”—kun


>>7730098 Western Australia cyclone may bring rain to fire-affected areas

>>7729979 Gov't needs another 24 hrs for sentencing guidelines for Gen'l Flynn case

>>7729972 Obama DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson debunks Democrats' claim that Congress needed to approve Soleimani (vid)

>>7729945 Biden on striking Iran if they were to attack our assets (1996)

>>7729854 Carpe Donktum to Gervais: "Wink twice if you are in Peril"

>>7729764 How & why did the former CEO of Nissan just get smuggled out of Japan?

>>7729749 Rep. Ratcliffe on possibly representing Trump in Senate impeachment trial (vid)

>>7729708 Karen Christianson retweets Hotwheels condemning Jim W for "giving Q a platform"

>>7730029 The Cynthia Abcug case & how the MSM seeks to implicate Q

>>7729692 @nbc Golden Globe monologue twat mp4; >>7729699 audio only

>>7729688, >>7729718, >>7729737 Gervais: "…Listening to Anthology by Bread. Yeah, that's right. Bred. Fuck you. And Happy New Year."

>>7729660, >>7729669 Tom Fitton update vid: "Trump: No More Benghazis!"

>>7729656 Gervais Golden Globe monologue (transcript)

baker change

>>7729532, >>7729940, >>7730139 Eyes in the Sky

>>7729580 Ricky's previous intro's For the Keks!

>>7729466 Call to diggz, Durham misspelled in docs

>>7729423, >>7729609 HWood anon post last year/czech the watch