Anonymous ID: 239469 Jan. 5, 2020, 10:08 p.m. No.7729749   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9765 >>9895 >>0081 >>0136 >>0147

Rep. Ratcliffe on possibly representing Trump in Senate impeachment trial

133,261 views•Jan 5, 2020

Fox News


Opens with Ilhan Omar twat comments, dissing POTUS about Soleimani


Maria: Waiting on articles of impeachment from the house and now pushback from Dems for the killing of Soleimani.


Ratcliffe: Says not surprising, criticizes Rep Omar for "some people did something" vs being outraged at the U.S. killing a terrorist, saying it's the assassinating of a foreign leader. Ratliffe says this is not a foreign leader, reminds Omar the Obama administration designated Soleimani as a terrorist.


Maria: Can Nancy add the take down of a terrorist as an article of impeachment?


Ratcliffe: She can because she has the votes. American people see through this, all political. NP, AS, Nadler were saying can't wait another day. Schumar down the hall saying we can't have a senate trial without more evidence and more testimony because he knew it would be dead on arrival.


Ratcliffe: Re articles of impeachment NP has several options but despite professing urgency after almost 3 weeks the Dems have done nothing. NP looking for Mitch McConnel to give her a way out and he's not gonna do it.


Statement from Kevin McCarthy: POTUS prob gonna hire an attorney, might use the WH, but recommends getting help from someone in the house, those who've been working through this. Recommends John Ratcliffe.


'''Maria: Will you be representing the President?


Ratcliffe: Not even sure decisions made about a team being assembled or that there's even gonna be a trial. Have had conversations about being a resource in whatever way allowed. The impeachment was unconstitutional, an assault on due process, an assault on separation of powers. Anything I can do to defend constitution and limit the damage Dems have done, I'm prepared and willing to do that.'''


'''Maria: What if she sends the articles over in the next few weeks?


Ratcliffe: Just listened to Graham talk about how it should proceed. Schumar calling rules unfair and absurd but he was one of the 100 to 0 who voted those same rules in, the same ones the Dems agreed to in Clinton impeachment. LG oulined: transmit articles, opening statements and presentations by the house managers and POTUS defense team, senators would ask questions of each side and senators would then decide if any need for additional testimony or evidence. Dems had every opportunity to call any witness they wanted. Jonathan Tarley, a constitutional scholar and democrat, was exactly right; this was the thinnest, fastest, weakest, impeachment in U.S. history and to proceed along the lines they did was an abuse of Congress.'''


Maria: Based on IG report we know wrongdoing, possibly criminal wrongdoing. Will anyone be held accountable?


Ratcliffe: I think there will be, justice delayed is NOT justice denied. John Durham couldn't act until Micheal Horowitz issued his report. When he issued it, there were damning findings in that report, re tampering with evidence wrongfully against candidate Trump and then POTUS. Durham came out that day it was released, saying he agreed with a lot of the findings of fact, but disagreed with whether there was a proper predicate to begin this. 3 months before Crossfire Hurricane began, an embassy official reached out to Papadopoulos. Evidence shows that Durham spoke to an embassy official, that shows he is looking at people outside law enforcement in the Obama Admin., like intelligence community/Brennan. I believe Durham report will help share the truth, show prev Dem admin paid for Russian disinformation to frame this POTUS before he even got into office.


Maria: Pretty extraordinary for 2 1/2 years Brennan was all over tv saying POTUS committed treason. We know Durham now looking at communications of Brennan ~ whether the direction came from Brennan to put these spies up to it.


Ratcliffe: Prev admin officials said they went and met with Papadopoulis simply out of curiosity. Only Republicans ~ Trey Gowdy and I were able to see all classified docs during the FISA abuse that show Comey and Brennan gave inconsistent testimony before Congress. Comey said Brennan was pushing the Russian Dossier, Brennan said Comey was pushing it. They both testified under oath to Congress and to investigators to that fact. They both can't be telling the truth. Justice delayed is not justice denied.

Anonymous ID: 239469 Jan. 5, 2020, 10:42 p.m. No.7729899   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'm watching his last video posted 5 days ago atm, cuz that sounds like twatter rumor not fact. Sp far he's talking about writing a book and is quoting bible verses at around 7 min into 17 (16:55).


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