Anonymous ID: e47a3f Jan. 6, 2020, 10:11 a.m. No.7732506   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7730030 (pb)

I just threw up a little bit. How undeniably explicit.

Guess most people of the era got caught up in lilting melodies or catchy hooks without thinking deeper.

Another - The Beatles; "She was just seventeen, if you know what I mean . . . . how many people have rocked along to that without considering the context???

Lingo changes through different eras, what was once cool is now daggy - in the seventies the term term "Child/(chile)" was synonymous with lady/(girlfriend).

Although not pedo aspect but in a similar vein, I've always laughed at the number of times I've seen a vid of "Hallelujah" (Leonard Cohen) being sung at a funeral or solemn event - everyone being caught up in the mastery of the tune without realising the lustful story being delivered.