Last bread filled at :43:08. Why are you posting in this one before then? Fill the last bread, then post in the new bread. Only shills, attentionfags and newfags do this, shitting the bread is not the only rule around here.
Thanks clam.
You new? Nope, not at all. I know it and you know it, subversive cuck. Let’s take a look at your post after the one I’m replying to. >>7738141
There is the wanna be glownigger you are. You faghots did the cartoon page, posted individual ones all last bread to low IQ slide and distract away from the faggotry bakery. Must have been the labour party part that got your ass. Maybe not, idgaf, glad to trigger you though. You shills, faggot bakers and traitors alike stop nothing. Hell, not a one of you faggot are even in the USA.
No, that’s proof communists shouldn’t be let into the military.
Try some reading comprehension. Are you judging? And what version of the Bible is that from? KSV for slow learners?
Shit post with automated replies. Look at the replies, timing and post numbers. Purely organic that the replies would be …..23, …..24, …..25 all for this photo, kek.
Paid per post baker. Money worth it? Knowing you are a controlled puppet? If so, more power to ya. Have an extra for the you, it’s my money anyway
Kek. Awe. All triggered and such. I had to unfiltered your little stub just to see your infantile response. The tears taste well.
Iran has been dong it for 40 years. Fuck off proxy faggot.
>I have a better understanding of foreign policy
No niggee, you don’t. And your arrogate for saying so has already fucked you in the ass.
*No nigger, you don’t..
> Im a proxy faggot
And thank you for admitting who is here. Damn sure isn’t who your fellow shills say are here.
Bake my bread bitch.
Can’t help the uneducated. Keep trying. Start with reading both, then figure it out. Context is your friend.