My musical depth spans the entire planet, and probably some of the cosmos, and I would practically need my own board to unpack it all
With all do respect, I stopped caring after my post last bread.
It will all come out either way.
Good one kek
Somebody turned me onto a series of videos a few nights back, and although they are long, they were pretty informative of things to come.
By long I mean 4 videos that are around 4 hours total, or something like that.
It goes together with the Project Looking Glass stuff.
Want it?
Aaron Spectre/Drumcorps
The dude is a one man band
Progressive Hard Rock/Synth/Breakbeat fusion
It works good that way as it is just one dude talking.
I was impressed and it takes a lot for me to be.
I dont know where you're at in this kinda research so FYI, its twilight zone shit.
Its the 4 videos with Andrew D Basiago
Kinda looks like a brain too
Good question