I was wondering if anyone was putting all these together
random 5 graphic posts, no dialog from poster. they've been turning up in breads for the last week or so.
Someone has put them all together now. I'm not sure if there's a coded message in them or it's designed to be autist mind fuck bait.
what do we win for a successful decode?
hey AI algorithm Anon, why did you choose this board to test on? just curious that's all
>I just put information into the board and read the responses that are generated (not direct responses) and see how it correlates.
Would i be correct in assuming then, that the information injected can have an influence on the outcome of the board's current discussion?
>What language does AI "speak"…
This has me intrigued now. If I was to guess, (and i mean a non-educated, ill informed guess) AI would speak whatever it was programmed to 'speak' in until a point was reached where it would have developed it's own more efficient language if it was a self learning AI
You would be a very interesting person in RL.
No.3 truth is freedom graphic had me wondering why there was a muslim woman with headscarf in the background