Anonymous ID: 493c10 Jan. 9, 2020, 1:04 p.m. No.7764508   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The guy was a mechanical/optical genius.

Created optical microscope beyond the refraction index limit, using special florescence methods and microscope technology he invented.

Used XRay Plasma tubes to generate pulsed modulation frequencies tuned to the natural frequency of the micro-organisms he was targeting.

Each organism has it's own frequency, and therefore an oscillatory rate that could be tuned to destroy it.

This he called the MOR, Mortal Oscillatory Rate.

This is all from memory.

Completely legit. Researched it for several weeks several years back.

The medical establishment (big Pharma) scuttled the technology after he had started to cure folks of cancer. There were initially 20 or so doctors on board.

To me, this is actually one of the greatest travesties of the past century, as the implication is that MANY MILLIONS, probably Hundreds(!), have died needlessly.

Used to think some things were evil, but this took the cake for me. More killed than all wars, conflict, guns, etc. in past century BY FAR.

Anonymous ID: 493c10 Jan. 9, 2020, 1:12 p.m. No.7764571   🗄️.is 🔗kun


And a bodybag background left side.

Did see one image last night with many bodies layed out, as had been watching for the same thing.

Believe the plane was loaded with scientist types leaving country.

Iran probably killed them out of spite, but who knows, they could have just been trigger happy and stoopid.

It's going to result in the overthrow of their regime and FREEDOM for the people.

Anonymous ID: 493c10 Jan. 9, 2020, 1:36 p.m. No.7764734   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Dr. Raymond Rife: Cured Cancer in 1934, Then He was Killed


Many people are trying to find the cure for cancer, yet until now it is still unknown. To the fact that cancer industry is making revenue of more than one hundred billion dollars a year but so disappointing to know that the actual cure is still undiscovered. However, there was a scientist who cured cancer in 1934 but unfortunately he was been killed.